Is most of the British media run by Jews too?

We often hear about US media, but honestly British media is even more confusing and manipulating.Are they owned by Jews too?

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We both know the solution.



Murdoch is an honorary Jew
So yes

There's a lot of jewry in London so probably.

RT sux, it endlessly shills for socialist shitholes and/or sand negroes

Short answer; Yes.

Long answer; Also yes.

Are Jews just really good at entertainment? There has been some quality kino made by the Juden.

Yes. They are the OG-Zionistpuppet.

I don't understand how that's a thing. Who the fuck, aside from oldies, watches TV?

TV will die with the boomers.

Britain has been already owned by Jews while America still belonged to the Natives


NHK (the national broadcaster) tries to hit you for some TV fee in Japan. It's complete bullshit. Not only are the government funded they also have paid advertising then they want to hit people on top of that.

Most nips tell them to fuck off when they come door knocking. I just gaijin smashed and pretended I didn't know what they were asking about.

Haven't you figured out yet they are the same ?

Most British media isn't so bad, not like America at least. There are a lot of jews in the BBC though. All this diversity shit started being pushed through while Danny Cohen was Director of TV.

Nobody, but even here you have to pay for public TV, so we can all get (((objective))) news.

The Eternal Anglo is just as bad as Der Juden anyway

The national broadcaster here is 100% government funded. No license/fee bullshit and no paid advertising. The "world" channel is split govt funding and paid advertising but still no fees.

Internet is also run by jews

Well, it's called BBC after all.

>You know, British Broadcasting Communism.... right?!

>that image

At this point Game of Thrones is more accurate than actual history TV shows. What the fuck

>British media
>US media
>implying any other kind of media than (((media))) exists

>unironically believing that the BBC is pro-Israel



The liberal kike media like the ((((BBC)))) is by definition jewish, duh.

In zog'd countries (everything that is under the US feet, almost the entire world) finance, education, media, military and so on one way or the other to a certain extent are all run by Jews. But not in the way you think, there isn't a jew sitting behind the scenes everywhere and instructing everyone what to do, the system is very complicated. Open your fucking eyes. You have to be a complete newfag to even ask something like this, lurk more.

Watching the Emmy awards all I saw were rich privileged Liberals giving each other awards,and telling how (((talented))) they are and better then goyims

The distinction in criticism is noticeable. They will take Israel on for mistreatment of the Palestinians etc which is easy and no one cares about, but never speak of how the jew is so openly over represented in positions of power and influence.

Our media is where the American media got the ideas to subvert the government.