Are there any books that explain why the various colored races are such crap people?
Are there any books that explain why the various colored races are such crap people?
Genetics Textbooks
Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond
Yes. And the consensus is white oppression. If whites did not exsist than minorities would have already solved cancer and colonized mars.
white identity racial consciousness in the 21st century
>geological differences caused technological differences amongst the peoples
>these two things contributed to genetic differences over the tens of thousands of years
is there any real controversy over this?
Race Differences in Intelligence by Richard Lynn
I'd argue that not all races are shit people. Any race that more or less independently created there own civilization is capable of being decent. So pretty much everyone other than africans, abo aussies, native americans, and arabs, could be decent members of a country.
"Gas the Blacks, Race War Now" by Richard Dawkins is a great book
If your skin colour the same colour as your shit then you should be flushed down the toilet
Africans and abos aside, you sir are a retard.
Nice try foo bee ay.
Do you want us to show you racist books?
There are not races. Everyone is equal.
Charles Darwin wrote a pretty good one.
Look what you made me do.
The passing of the Great Race, by Madison Grant
Do you think I was being too open or too selective?
too open, pre Islamic Arabia was pretty cultured bruh, and north and south America had some pretty impressive achievements going on for a completely isolated culture before plague and invasion hit
Higher the autism rates, higher the probabilities of random bursts in societal advancements.
Pre islamic arabians were closer to whites genetically and didnt mix with africans. Islams spread the word tactics and bring all people of the book together equality bullshit fucked up the regions gene pool cause they spread to somalia and sudan in like 760AD. Native americans were mongolians and lived similarly they were semi-cultured barbarians.
Maybe. I was going to try and make a distinction between the natives from north and south america but wasnt sure it would be necessary. Obviously there were Mayans and Aztecs and Incas, but they were all restricted to central and south america; to my knowledge the natives of north america did not create any sort of major civilization. The had there own culture and art, but they didnt develop anything advanced like the Chinese or Mayans for that matter.
Also I cant think of a single noteworthy thing created by an Arab or a great example of Arab civilization that wasn't someone elses that was conquered and Arab-ized after islamisation. If you got an example please share.
you make good examples but it was mostly plains Indians that were nomadic and Hunter gatherers, in the south west United States there was the pueblos culture and in the Midwest there was the mississippian culture who is famous for monks mound and in the great lakes areas and new England there were sedentary cultures and society, and in Mexico there was also the olmec and the toltec who predated the Mayans and Aztecs and in South America there was the mapuche and many more natives with actual civilizations. but if you enter the great plains or parts of Canada you get nomads and if you go too far north you get Eskimo. but north America was pretty civilized before everything was colonized but the native American stereotype is the typical plains Indian on a horse in a teepee, so they got the short end of the stick there
I wont deny the Arabian comments but you clearly lack any knowledge of precolomubian north America beyond the stereotypical Indian with a bow, a horse, a teepee and a headdress
Go look up almost anything written by C.H. Stigand or Peter Hathaway Capstick.
They aren't racists per se (certainly not in the militant "let's get rid of the darkies" sort of way), but recorded a large number of anecdotes and observations about Africa. Stigand, in particular, wrote at length about the challenges of running an expeditionary administration in colonial Africa.
I've worked many contracts in Africa, and used Africans (usually Ugandans) on military contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan quite a bit and can confirm: there is something very different about those niggers.
A common exchange was:
A: "You're getting a new guy tomorrow."
B: "Is he good?"
A: "Yeah, he's pretty squared away."
B: "No, like is he white-guy good?"
A: "Hmm... No, I don't think so, but he can at least wake up on time. Still doesn't understand how the front sight-post works, though."
And, it wouldn't be weird AT ALL for one of the two people conversing to actually be a black American guy -- but still adhere to the definition of "white guy good" as being a crystal clear communication of intent and totally absent malice or racism.
Niggerland is SPECIALLY fucked up, even more than their genetic IQ traits would suggest.
Good points. I def wasnt thinking of the south west pueblo cultures. Ill tray and read up on them. Tbh I am pretty ignorant of Native history in the US. Mind me asking where you are state wise? I live in the north east and we dont spend much time learning about them in school or have many towns named after tribes or anything.
I dont have in depth knowledge of native culture, im just aware of the migration patterns.
How can we oppress them if we're all equal and we only make up 6.5% of the world population?
im from california, we aren't taught about natives in school either beyond the libtard approved narrative of noble savage earth children. Most people are pretty ignorant about natives though, they all just get romanticized anyway, I think thats what really drove me to learn about them.
On the Origin of Species
this makes me sad, everyone just assumes dirty Asians with arrows, it's a really good example of history being written by the winners. There was a lot going on here at one point, but it's no big deal, most people don't know about them
Look my brown people street.
So clean, so comfy, miss that much eurocucks?
>history being written by the winners.
This is true. I dont actually know alot about arab culture either. I do know the islamic golden age ended in around the time the mongols invaded and about a century later they were under ottomon rule until ww1. Im kinda racist so I see everything from a eugenics standpoint though and im starting to think its giving me racial tunnel vision.
So racemixing is the key?
dumb terrone
When I said "why" I didn't mean what characteristics they have that are inferior, I meant what caused them to have those characteristics. I agree that just observing a person of any of the colored races for a few seconds is enough to determine that they are inferior.
This one. At my school library it's hidden in a second library only accessible through a tunnel in the fourth subbasement of the main library - as if it were radioactive or some shit.