Same sex marriage is going to get voted down in Australia
Same sex marriage is going to get voted down in Australia
you won
we aussies don't put up with that poofta crap
Can you please explain how letting them get married would affect your life?
They haven't banned homosexuals. So gays will keep being gay my friend.
I was actually surprised when I first heard it was illegal over there. I just look at any country that hasn’t made it completely legal as some third world backwards shithole now tb h.
the guy running the yes campaign is like a irish 457 visa hire
he comes to australia to tell us what our values should be pffft
Tell me op would you prefers
>Loads of gays
>Loads of Muslims
good. keep the poz at bay.
throw the homosexuals to the snakes and other venomous critters.
Do your best Aussies
loads of gay muslims
doubt it
the only place that still hates gays is queensland. as big as it is its not big enough
Western Sydney, bogans + lebs + wogs
The Australian reported today, I think these might be a survey and not early results, but:
>44% in-favor of ssm
>46% opposed
>10% uncommitted
We're looking good. I'm still expecting a ssm win though. For years though we heard every fag with a megaphone run up and down the street yelling "75% of Australians agree so let's just do it"
I'm just really glad I can call them out on that, and I'm also hoping people don't go full short-term memory and actually remember when political parties were trying to indoctrinate us. This stuff is important for red-pilling people.
>I haven't realised that Chinese and Muslims are protected from Cultural Marxist influence due to being a minority and seriously hate gays more than the average European
make sure they have the fine details, they might be over sampling 90% female labor supporters
marriage is a religious institution with legal backing
forcing the church to do something they don't want to is really cunty on the part of yes voters
Save the gay muslim babies from the rabid alt-right dingoes.
1 yes = 1 prayer
Every tax payer must feel pretty bad for treating gays so badly after so many generations. It is only fair to give more rights and resources that gays totally need. Heterosexual couples have monopolised benefits received to raise families for far too long.
It can only be fair that gays are allowed generous access to IVF and gene therapy to raise their own traditional gay Muslim family. How else are they supposed to fuck their furry dingo baby?
churchs wouldn't be forced to marry gay couples
ministers are allowed to turn down requests to marry
Is it not just to get same legal rights?
I agree you can't force the church to do something, it's Thier club as such
Muzzos will overwhelmingly vote no, doubt many chinks will vote at all desu, they isolate themselves from the rest of society
WRONG ANSWER. Gays won't try to change the country. They such wants to fuck and suck without hassle.
Muslims hate gays but hey will ban your beer, your meet and get butt mad if you try to be Australian. How dare you
>Muslim out
>Homos in
They assured the British public the same thing too. They lied.
its literally in the proposed legislation
And they LITERALLY won't do it m8
you're a fucking idiot
they wouldn't just scrap this section of the marriage act without the religious sect of the liberal party literally going into fucking meltdown
>Muslims who won't breed
Objectively the best kind of Muslim
In the last 48hrs the Sportsbet odds went from. 4:1 to 3:1
What a great argument you just presented. Thank you so much for taking the time on changing my mind and presenting me with a new perspective on life. And good for you for having faith in our political class, because they have a fantastic track record when it comes to not concealing their intentions and running an open and transparent government.
Same sex marriage was also voted down in California. They just made it legal anyway and decided that the voters were simply...wrong.
within 18 months this will also happen in AUS
click the "refresh" button before posting next time
>Malcom Turnbull didn't knife a conservative leader
>Malcom Turnbull didn't say that the liberals are not longer a conservative party
>Malcom Turnbull will look after the conservatives within the party
>Malcom Turnbull can singlehandedly do anything he wants just because he's the leader of the party
do you understand anything about the australian political system? about how legislation is amended?
You are an idot more homos less kids and suddnely muslims take over so i would just say kill both they are not worthy of a life
it's a shame this meme left /biz/
Any gay > any bogan any day.
wtf i derive my morality from sjw cuck faggots from other countries
you know if we followed your cuck logic we'd have to acknowledge that islam was the truth? there's plenty of muslims who think it, doesn't make it so, doesn't mean i have to change my morals and laws to agree
fuck off you dumbcunt
Probably, Bill Shorten will just do it anyway if he wins in 2019
I want to stay as a backwards shithole, I want to regress no more progress
Mate. Guess what? I'm neither here nor there on there on that issue.
My issue is with the promotion of homosexuality in society. We still don't know what causes homosexuality, whether it's physiological or cultural. But what we do is that when promote homosexuality you get more homosexuals.
Now it's not correct to say homosexuals are pedophiles, but it is correct to say that most pedophiles are homosexuals and young boys are the primary victims.
This denotes that there is a link between sub-groups and that if you increase the number of homosexuals in your society you will see an increase in pedophilia too.
They don't deserve the legal rights that were in place to benefit couples in exchange for them being likely to have children and continue the race.
>Being this polarised is the hallmark of the loony left
What about that gay Aussie couple who adopted a Russian(?) toddler to abuse and film for their cp network?
You're still bargaining with me on why I should have faith in a party that knifed a democratically elected prime minister. Turnbull, well Turnbull isn't leader of anything... it's basically "The Alex Hawke" group have the numbers within the party apparatus itself, and I don't trust them to follow through with anything they say.
yeah but a bogan called him a cunt once and he still has nightmares about it. People are fucking sooks now days
k and pedos will probably always exist also that doesn't mean we don't destroy them the moment they are outed.
>we still don't know what causes the gay
Imprinting, vaccines, and subliminal messaging.
if they are born gay or pedo we can find out before they are born and abort them
I've been here for fucking years and I have never read or heard of this lol
>not getting called a cunt at least once a day
Bloody unAustralian
Will you ausfags hurry up and get it over with? When the fuck is the vote?
it was prophesied long ago by monty pyton
living in australia there is rules
rule 1 no pooftas
rule 2 no pooftas
They aren't born gay or pedo they get made into it by external stimuli
So what then? You kill a white gay for being gay....means less whites. Stop them having kids by other means...less whites.
I'm sure there the same proportion of Muslims gays as there is white gays. They don't condone gays so that means by your logic there are less Muslims anyway. We should encourage white homos to bread free
it's postal. They sent out letters and you vote and send it back. It's a pretty big cluster fuck because people are stupid and don't update their details. It's causing major butt hurt nation wide. We find out November 15th what the result is
It's a postal survey to get around the Law (they couldn't get a vote past the Senate lmao) and it's happening as we speak. I've voted 'no' to these god damn faggots.
The results will be announced in like 2 months.
>fancy women
>suddenly lots of gay propaganda
>suddenly I'm taking three cocks in my ass at once and married a man
Nice try Mohammed
The attorney general reports that over 60 laws related to 25 individual acts of Parliament will need to be changed if ssm goes ahead.
The yes camp like to pretend it wont effect the heterosexual community. Bullshit.
A fucking potato.
It converts mostly kids. About half of gays were homosexually molested.
Just let's gays be. You have worse problems then gays. Can you please provide evidence that the number of homosexuals increase after a year vote? The only increase will be the number of actual gays saying they are gay becasue it's ok to. Gays behind closed doors are still gays.
> Northern Territory
> White
I don't care if poofs exist. I care about a minority trying to force changes in law to suit them. I don't even think gays are the ones behind this push. It's fucking cultural marxism trying to destroy the family even more. Like it isn't already fucked up enough
>Almost like a mental affliction
Really makes you think
I really just don't like poofters.
Stop trying to imitate Christians and make the government let you in the Church.
really not that many laws desu, plus, we need the work
also, dont be a cunt
>mfw i just realised Shorten said if he wins he'll legisllate it but it'll come down to the indepedents whether it gets through or not and there's a good chance they'll vote no once the votes come out and demonstrate that their electorates voted no
its happening lads
For fuck sake you stupid potato nigger
It not fucking illegal to be a faggot.
It is illegal for faggots to get MARRIED.
Considering there are a lot of Gay conservatives out there who exclusively talk about protecting the family... we all know who's behind this push....
You'd think people would be cynical of the fact that almost within five years of one another every western country is having this exact same debate
>really makes me think...
totally unrelated but I found this gem the other day
>I care about a minority trying to force changes in law to suit them.
This. They already have civil unions and marriage literally means nothing these days. This is all a drain on tax payers if anything.
I keep laughing at how bad the yes campaign keeps fucking up
>woman fired for saying okay to vote no
>yes vote badge wearing guy head butts Abbot
>spam everyone with sms's
No matter what the result is reported, the losing side will scream and shout the vote was fixed for the winning side.
Amen Bruce
Can anyone explain homosexual marriage to me? Why would they want to be a part of a religion that defines their way of life as a sin - and why would any priest want to willfully marry someone to an eternity in hell?
>Russian Hackers
I think Aussies are redpilling themselves
They told us everyone supported SSM, now its not everyone
They told us theres no reason to deny them SSM, now there's reasons but they're ALL wrong because "Human Rights ;)"
They're playing a bad game, they're playing Hilary Clinton tier where they don't engage except to morally shame you, like they're righteous and your opinion isn't worth addressing
They'll blame it on the "extremists on both sides hijacking the debate" when those who voted no mostly had no intention of voting yes. You either believe in it or not.
I'm going to be amazed if Australia doesn't cuck, respect if it actually happens.
This isn't about gays getting married, it's about destroying the institution of marriage.
That would net you 26/1 odds win
why would any doctor want to defy the Hippocratic oath and bring harm to their patient and harm them
>Why bother making heroin illegal? People will still use it.
It's still degenerate and needs to be removed.
Let them get married then lol what's the problem
Why does disliking/being disgusted faggots referred to as homophobia? I mean i know a guy who has arachnophobia and his reaction to spiders is far different to how the normal person feels towards degenerates. I mean wouldn't homohatred be a more accurate word?
100% this!
It's a matter of principals & traditions.
Once they had their own little clubs & saunas, now they want fucken tranny toilets in schools & shit. Fuck em.
It was only made legal in America by our "council of elders" bullshit Supreme Court. Hopefully Trump appoints the right judges to overturn degeneracy rulings, but depending on the courts is itself a degenerate system of governance.
Ultimately a 'NO' vote means "The 'YES' people were terrible, terrible people and ought to be severely beaten with sticks, but that isn't legal yet so we'll vote 'NO' to spite them"
next time your get called homophobic start beating the shit out of a poof with your boot
Of course that means les pople but it also means les fags and goatfukers so its a win situation. Degenracy should not be promoted ffs it should be deletedt from its existance!
Gay marriage rights means being able to buy a fancy wedding cake without having the bogans down the street call you faggot when you're having your weekly orgy at the mosque.
Neither party will have a majority in the senate for a long time and good fucking riddance
Can gays in Aus get a civil union?