I accidentally a whole political movement.
I accidentally a whole political movement
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>she couldnt just leave everything alone
What happend? Who's this sloot?
Zoe Quinn
She fucked a bunch of gaming journalists for good reviews and started gamergate which made a bunch of NEETS get pissed and politically active.. this was the basis for Trump fans online which started the meme wars.
If you think the "alt-right" is some kind of cohesive political movement then you've been sucking way too much MSM cock.
alt right doesnt exist. its a jew name so they can target anyone who doesnt suck leftist cock.
She caused gamergate by fucking 5 video game journalists for good reviews.
Anons think gamergate is what got people onto Sup Forums and into politics.
In reality it was jewkeesian and the sjw media.
ZQ was the semen trail connecting both.
this, I had no idea about the (((alt-right))) until I heard it from HRC during the election, before that moment I had honestly never heard of it
Accidently what? Reread before you post.
Fuck off
And don't come back.
A whole political movement.
God, she is so cute.
The meme war was the only reason trump won, and this bitch started it.
Looks like a tranny desu
Sup Forums can't accept the notion of fundamentals driving politics.
Always has to be one bogeyman or specific idea. Yesterday cultural marxism, today Zoe Quinn.
Checked. She accidentally a whole political movement. The rest of us get it.
Really? I find her really appealing, down for anything, daddy issues kind of look.
looks like ZQ got breast implants
I got into politics because due to the liberal dick being constantly forced down my throat at least
Amateur game developer who got good reviews on her game from reviewers that had sex with her. This was not disclosed, and when found out a lot of venom was in the air. She was rightfully scared from personal attacks on her, and mistakenly sought refuge with the SJWs and feminists. From there on she has been Anita 2.0, a feminist scourge on video games, and even was accepted to speak against cyber terrorism in online chats and video games at the United Nations. Recently she has been making less money from donations from betas, and has been trying to stir things up again and regain lost popularity.
On Sup Forums people consider her the Gavrilo Princip (serbian rebel who started WWI) of the alt-right, as her martyrdom for the SJW cause brought retarded SJW logic to people who were unaware of it. Internet feminism no longer seemed common sense to people, it was revealed to be very vile and aggressive, and a counter movement started, later evolving to the meme campaign to support Trump by sabotaging all opposition with jokes online.
>What happend?
>Be grill
>sell bagina for +1's
>just like my mother and grandmother
>become hated
but why?
Hillary might have been president if games journalists had just apologized for chain banging a purple-haired she-twink.
Facts make you mad shillbot?
Who do you think you're fooling? You'd have to have an iq of 80 for that to work and niggers are already sold out to the commies for gibs.
That's because you have no standards, you're probably a loser.
She honestly has really bad genes, I could list 20 girls in my dorm, off the top of my head, that put this girl to shame. It's quite sad.
>Hillary might have been president
Her husband sought refuge in a chubby kike.
In front of the ENTIRE world.
She was the click of the week. For one week. In 1998.
post the 'reviews' she fucked people for. because last time i counted it was like a couple of mentions in 2 articles about video games. and everyone was talking about depression because robin williams had died so that was why depression quest was being talked about.
I know Hillary never had a chance against Trump, but I like rubbing liberals' noses in it, since they still can't accept that people actually voted for Trump.
>post the 'reviews' she fucked people for
there aren't any.
Now, there are over 9000 reviews she 'thought' she was fucking for.
10000 years ago the first woman saw the first man killing dinosaurs, and inventing vegetables, and cooking dinner.
And, she thought to herself "I can't do any of that shit. I guess I'd better learn how to fuck!"
And, she never did.
A whole political movement, dingus. Take your own advice and read.
Briana Wu is the tranny, this is just some skank
Stop Brazil
They're literal mouth-breathers kek
time for some Zoe Quinn sexy pics.
It's sad most on Sup Forums doesn't realize just what launched so much of Sup Forums into serious right-wing leaning.
When you accidentally open pandora's box and fill the youth with terrible purpose
This is literally the reason I got interested in politics, and supported Trump through the primaries and election.
I don't know if you can blame her for the entire alt-right movement but she certainly was responsible for my awakening.
>A whole political movement, dingus
I accidentally your mother.
She still doesn't know what a 'political movement' is.
She did know how to spend the fuck out of a Lane Bryant gift certificate, though.
Polyester, ftw.
And, that bitch sure does know how to 'accidentally' a pot roast, with potatoes and carrots.
I'm still eating the leftovers.
Lurk more, newcunt
Surely being educated by white supremacist schools, white supremacist teachers and white supremacists parents didn't have anything to do with your eventual turn to the hard-right.
/roll eyes
That bait was so bad you don't even get a (You). Look at you, you even used the most obvious bait flag on the board. Are you even trying anymore, Canada?
*Blocks your path*
>daddy issues
Yes, indeed,indeed...
>(((Andrew Gorenstein)))
>Kikes outkiked by their own purple-haired golems
You can't make this shit up.
Are you illiterate you dumb cunt?
daamn she's a big girl
for jew
She fake boobs and fit now
Female version of Richard Spencer.
i just wanted to play video games
Post nudes
She sucked so many cocks that Trump got elected
This sums it up pretty well
>daamn she's a big girl
roomy through the hips, an sheeit.
>ovendodger becomes coalburner
>film at 11
Jewbroads sure do love them some nigger dick.
>fat, stubby sausage proportions
>hapless pudgy mongoloid face
>badly-applied makeup
>hair dyed some shade of 255
>random bits of shrapnel from the culture war
>retarded eight dollar "alternative" garb from Hot Topic
>gaudy jewelry that means nothing, plastic
>prominent dirt stains on clothing that's supposed to be vibrant
>obnoxious pose
If she was holding a cheeseburger we could have had the most American woman image ever created
I don't think she got fake boobs, I think she's just going all in with the padded bra meme.
Well they're wrong.
The election, and the media and social media's complete liberal bias pushed people on the right to seek out truth memers.
Naturally that lead to Sup Forums
> posting her with clothes.
For you
see >be a feminist
>spend donated money from men on fake tits
>She sucked so many cocks that Trump got elected
>when you suck so much goy cock that you accidentally get the antichrist elected
Tee Hee!
Just walk away in a circle, and she'll get tired quickly
>inventing vegetables
Sup Forums has Sarah Silverman Syndrome or SS. Just case it looks nice wrapped up doesn't mean it'll hold together when it's open.
Didn't she scam an erotic photographer and also claim to have killed someone?
>tfw remember the shekelshoah threads
>tfw those threads probably caused Sup Forums harbor
good times.
Moar like
> *Blocks everyone's path*
Yes, she did.
The woman photographer posted about this on her FB when she saw Zoe trying to ruin someone else's reputation again.
>be hans
>be more offended by vegetables than killing dinosaurs
You poor dumb bastard.
T>he never accidentally the whole fleshlight
The whole fleshlight?
I thought it was only 1.
That was such a disappointment...
>The whole fleshlight?
The hole fleshlight.
Plus, interest.
Why are gaymergate Sup Forumsirgins so delusional? Trump won because of 20 thousand racist hicks in Wisconsin and Michigan. Your cringy pepe memes had nothing to do with it.
Accidentally, no less.
Zoe Quinn is strong and would beat the shit out of yall racist neckbeards
Can speak to this. It happened to me, it happened to my friend, I can only assume it happened to more people. Hell, she basically CREATED 8ch
She just got fat chick boobs
Like you've fucked anyone hotter.
Fuck off.
It's so funny how cultural Marxism has been allowed to creep into absolutely every institution, but vidya was the last straw.
Speak for yourself, which you are, so good.
Lots of us didn't need to get triggered by an attention-seeking chick to realize the political truth.
fat is not muscle
I guess people always dealt with shit in the real world because they knew they could close the door to their house and enjoy something completely detached. But then when the real world bullshit started seeping in, the refuge was compromised and the autism was unleashed.
>being a newfag
Lurk more, židove
More like millions of self respecting intelligent once-liberal/democrat, working-class Huwhites were pushed to the right because millions of cringy leftists didnt know when to back the fuck off and exposed themselves for the disease-minded, self-hating, culture-destroying cancer they were.
I'm not saying the majority of people here had this happen. I'm just saying that it happened
It was essentially the last refuge hobby which didn't involve physical labor.
They took over TV, books, movies, magazines and most of the internet and the news but vidya was the last safe haven for the white men that they hated.
Now that it's contaminated, they've all either gone full cuck or are now in training for the Judgment Day.
Does it matter how people ended up here though? Surely if people wake up and see the truth it doesn't really matter how? This neckbeard elitist "i knew the truth already huuu" doesn't help anything.
This, most people were living in ignorant bliss. They fucked up by moving into an entertainment industry bigger than hollywood the way they did.
Implying that states in the blue wall cant vote Republican,
Sadly they never realized that all those articles describing how violent videogames helped young men express their inner rage in a safe manner were actually right and now you have a lot of self harming individuals that will commit random crimes that they will blame on everything else but in themselves.
Patient fucking Zero
She is nasty. She did nude photo shoots and 100% not worth looking up.
I find this very offensive, as I was one of the racist hicks who turned PA red.
we live in niggerlandia. school is basically white guilt and a holding pen for violent retards. groups like NWA have been around for twenty years. forced diversity is everywhere in the culture. white people are the only socially acceptable racial target left. what planet do you live on? fuck off orc