"All Mexican immigrants are murderers and rapists."

>"All Mexican immigrants are murderers and rapists."

How can you support this monster?

Other urls found in this thread:


He didn't say all you spastic he said "some are good people."

He never said that.

You shills are getting desperate lmao

He wasn't wrong.

He wasn't wrong. He knows a lot of Mexicans are barbarians.


he never said that you stupid fuck

if you can take think out of contex and cut phrases we can say :

opera are for faggot who live in the street

with the news it become :
op faggot live

You fucking nazi. Stop trying to downplay his words. He said "All Mexicans, Niggers and Arabs are murderers and rapists".

Donate to his patreon

He didn't say that. The jews in media claims he said that. Good thing that's the only story they have lied about.

I'd love Trump if he had actually said that

>How can you support this monster?

I agree. Trump should just build a gas chamber for all you communist faggots, niggers and Jews.



It's pretty easy to when he literally doesn't say your fake news quotes

Cos mexicans are niggers

No retard, he said "Some of you spics are alright, don't be on my side of the border this term"

Refer to lawlessness at the US border.

>They are sending criminals
They are. Mexico does this. It was documented far before trump brought the topic up.
>They are sending rapists
The statistics on the sexual abuse of women crossing the border speak for themselves and were well documented before trump said this. By far left media...

>And the rest I assume are good people
He's right. I assume the rest are probably good people seeking a better life.

However the solution to the problems these people face is fixing their own country and not pouring into ours by the tens of millions, driving down wages, getting free healthcare. (they made the hospital in my town go bankrupt because the hospital can't turn them away and when they are done they just leave without paying) Or getting financial benefits like welfare.

>You monsters

Get fucked.

Please archive

Be honest OP, do you really think he said that? Holy shit, is this the reason minorities irrationally hate trump?

You lie with your fake quote. There goes your credibility. Fail. Shill.

Things he never said