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Merkel press conference
Other urls found in this thread:
>Merkel wants upper limit for refugees
>SPD opposing it
Sup Forums will still hate Merkel because Putin brainwashed them to.
>Merkel wants upper limit for refugees
Are you fucking nuts? She's proposing an upper limit to a problem she created. Shitskins driving trucks though Xmas markets and raping everything in a skirt and some things in pants.
Fucking kraut logic if I've ever seen it
who cares
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Public opinion created conditions where politicians had no choice.
All you can do is regurgitate Russian propaganda. Go wrestle some kangaroos you irrelevant piece of shit prison colony.
White faggots. Migrant living in germany, NOTHING WILL CHANGE. I still fuck white girls here. Go take hormones and come drink my cum.
That flag is banned here gtfo
or we wet works at Sup Forums will have you removed.
Nigger you have to look in the mirror.
I live in the country that is perhaps the most butthurt about Russia in the world and even we see the wrong in what you are and have been doing. It doesn't only affect you, it also affects other EU states, who are getting blackd and khand like never before. The truth can be verified by just going outside or reading the newspapers here or in Germany. You can't brush your terror attacks and 50% shitskin new generation under the rug.
Your madness needs to stop, and by stop I mean grind to a halt now and be reversed, not sugarcoated in the name of "stability".
That's a nice interracial animal crossing pic you've got there, faggot.
Give me your GF, white cunt, i need to enrich your genpool.
Nigger, look, NOW the German Social Democrat party wants MORE MORE MORE refugees. This is NOW after all that's happened.
Do you understand the difference between what you're talking about and what reality is??
Live in the real world please you stupid niggers.
Why should Sup Forums stop hating Merkel, you dumb fuck? It's not like her changing her mind on something, even if it's a key issue, would in any way absolve her. She still fucked the country long and hard.
Imagine being such a pathetic faggot that you have to LARP as a shit skin on Sup Forums lmao
and there we have the drawing skills of a German everyone.
All I know is Schulz spoke out against refugees and Merkel still refuses to back down on it.
The only realistic alternative is infinitely worse than Merkel. It has always been worse.
Merkel navigated this disaster in the best way possible without granting all power to people who STILL WANT UNLIMITED REFUGEES!
But that's a lie you imbecile.
>Merkel navigated this disaster in the best way possible
In what sense did she navigate it "the best way possible"? She was a primary escalating factor, opposing not only her actual political opposition but even her own camp, in essence the entire country. She behaved like an autocrat.
pls keep insult him. you can save the world
how can Germans vote this old skank?
The primary escalating factor was liberal propaganda and skyrocketing support for taking in refugees.
If Merkel had sent water cannons to the borders and applied tough measures she would have destroyed the center right for a generation and lose on every issue including refugees!
You are too stupid to analyze politics realistically or too young.
Why do you keep voting for her
H...hey guys, can one of you make Aus/pol/ threads? I would but I have been permanently banned from making threads
The realistic alternative is much worse. She is right-wing in Germany.
We don't vote for our chancellor.
>press the switch off button on the router.
>Disconnect your router from the internet cable provided by your ISP.
>Wait 10 mins and then reconnect.
>Start the router again.
>Try it, you might get unb&.
Thank you for using pajeet customer services(PCS). Happy to help you sir.
>right-wing in Germany
Yay! Rocks hard!
it doesn't need a skirt to be raped or a vagina for that matter
dey raping errybody up in here
"Headcanon" and "analysis" are two very different things, but have fun with your Merkel fan fiction. Fact is, she took a more "progressive" stance on refugees than even our mainstream liberals were demanding/expecting, all the while acting as a de facto autocrat. Your attempt at reading some 4-dimensional-chess nonsense into what was ultimately nothing but a series of irrational "feels" decisions that have fucked the country for generations to come doesn't and shouldn't make anyone *not* despise that awful cunt.
How SPD doing lads?
is it a total victory???
>All you can do is regurgitate Russian propaganda.
Tell Soros I said "get fucked"
I have tried that several times as well as several other alternatives, it's blocked me permanently ever since I spammed Sup Forums with BBC
We don't vote for the chancellor we vote for the parliament in which a coalition emerges which is able to put up a chancellor.
Anyways the ones voting CDU were Women over 40.
and well: CSU, Bavaria minus Munich is alright thanks to them so they keep on electing them.
Like 20% goes into Opposition with AFD, and Die Linke
Reading the_schulz as the first election results came in was orgasmic.
Of course it is a total victory, b-because we, like, didn't want him for chancellor anyway!!!
That hasn't worked since the 90's pajeet. Especially in countries like Australia and New Zealand. They need to map ips to people in order to charge them with thought crimes.
>MFW im sure now that Germany will be destroyed in my lifetime
Grandpa i wish you were here to witness this with me...
you need to flush your cashe also for cookies,otherwise Sup Forums will know
most people in the first world are stuck with static IPs managed by the ISP, ban evading is a little harder than that these days
>spammed Sup Forums with BBC
well maybe you know... you're the problem here...
also reported for ban evasion.
No one cares what brainwashed roo fuckers say. Not even him.
I haven't spammed Sup Forums with that shit since 3 years ago lol, that's what i'm saying...
So u b sayin' dat I should factory reset my phone n shit?
Germany is just africa tier.
Kek. You totally deserve it.
I thinks he's talking about browser cache and cookies.
You're just proving that you're an idiot who can't read polling data and connect it to events.
Doesn't work, I have had 3 new laptops since then.
Women don't belong in politics with their fucking muh feels bullshit
Old farts keep voting for her.
The people in whos town the CDU is conservative keep voting for her.
Their biggest voting base is and will always stay the 40-60+ bracket, the ones who got the Country into this shit in the first place.
Stupid Kike bitch is going to have a re-election to get the AFD out.
What kind of accent did that Thomas Sparrow guy have?
How often do you think about going on a shitskin killing spree hans?
meant for
Does she have a big majority or will an alliance damper her dumb politics now?
have the same problem
free to shit post again - thanks ranjit
With SPD wanting to go into opposition Merkel and CDU will have to form some kind of spastic coalition with FDP and the Greens, which is such a stupid constellation it may not even come to this, so there's even the possibility of re-elections.
Petry is such a spineless cunt. She's not even taking a seat in parliament.
Merkel: „Trotzdem halte ich die Grundentscheidungen, die getroffen wurden, und für die ich natürlich in ganz besonderer Weise verantwortlich bin ... für richtig“
literally "dindu nuffin" imagn my shock. CDU needs to remove her, she is too ideologically shackled to her shit decisions to renounce them
She is, but not as part of the AfD fraction.
You can thank the AfD and CSU for that, she was adamantly opposed to it and paid a heavy price for it (not as heavy as the people who get raped and murdered, of course).
Merkel is a fucking traitor.
I remember reading of an incident where they pulled a cyclist off his bike and sodomized him with some vegetable (think it was an eggplant)
You deserve it tbqh, and the best part is most mobile networks in Australia are banned too, also reported for ban evasion
Merkel also said multikulti failed in 2013 and we know how that turned out.
>She is, but not as part of the AfD fraction
What party is going to take her? For one seat, the Jews would have daggers out. She also left her husband and shouldn't have been pregnant during campaign. Broke up her family and cucked her husband for a younger guy she met. Useless hooker. Women in politics, what a disaster.
>the potential benefits are staggering
>a shitty movie
You can sit in the Bundestag without being part of a fraction. I think she realized she wouldn't hold an important position in the AfD, because the more right-leaning camp within AfD gained influence and she belongs to the more "moderate" camp. Weidel and others already demand that Petry leaves the AfD for good and I think it may actually be possible. I assume she is looking to start over, maybe with yet another new party like Lucke did.. Either way, she is harming the party and I don't think her motivation is that AfD are suddenly too right-wing for her tastes but rather that she felt her career had no future in the AfD.