I think we can actually hurt the NFL

So I think the only way we can truly send a message to the NFL is to go after their sponsors. I've made a mock up website over the last couple hours, that I plan to list all NFL sponsors on, while characterizing the NFL as "anti-American". My goal is to be appealing to normies, since most of us are redpilled anyways. Please feel free to give me any ideas, tips, criticism, legal advice etc.. I'll use the site to throw heavy redpills out, once there is a large enough following. It would also be hilarious if any big name sponsors were to actually pull out of te NFL.

Also please help compile a list of NFL sponsors.


Site is in very early stages, far from finished.

Other urls found in this thread:


We /NHL/ now

making a picture that can be shared for this link against those sponsors on normie book would make it easier to reach people. Boomers would eat that shit up.

>1. Get the site public
>2. Get it mentioned on Cnn, foxnews, etc....
>3. Wait
>4. then deface with anit american stuff it and say it was hacked by antifa BLM.
>5. put anti jewish stuff on it
>6. if we pit the black against the jew...we win. USE GOATSE

Great advice. Definitely going to have some easily shareable infographics on there.

I support this. Boycott the NFL.

NFL is a no-go on my tv from now on.

I will not support their ratings. Can't wait till all the nigs can't go to university cuz theres no more athletic scholarships.


the old stormfront site had a HUGE list of anti-white, pro-jewish companies...

Or quit watching the shit.

Where the fuck do they recover half a billion? Merchandise?


And why the fuck do you burguers watch this "sport" in the first place?

What's this?

Is this some of those african tribal matches?

When weren't you

Who knows? I don't. I prefer Baseball, as a team sport, though I don't really keep up with any sport.

You're going to give up the NFL
and you're going to give up weed
and you're going to exercise


Tax payer subsidies.

4 dimensional solitaire.

I want to like baseball but it sucks so God damn much to watch on TV

Made some updates on the site, added an infographic to the "anti-American list".

I'm going to do two of those things. Just picked this up for free on Craigslist. I'm pretty amped up about it. It's a hell of a Steele

you do realize NFL has many other sources of income besides ad revenue?

The appeal of selling ads at a discount price vs what it would cost for a certain time slot for an advertiser and at an awesome time during a highly watched football game is made to make sure they can secure family friendly advertisers. The reason this is done is to make sure they always have the ability negate the majority of money spent on broadcasting, which if isn't the most expensive expenditure is def. close to it and and definitely their more important aspect for their business model. I won't even go into ticket sales that is a drop in the bucket, just from merch. and licensing they are making tens of billions, it's not even funny how many retards probably as dumb as you are willing to pay 3 figures for a mobile NFL advertisement that cost less than 10 dollars to make and requires no extra marketing to sell besides the 500m they are "loosing" broadcasting, netting them billions in return, not to mention I doubt that chart include non broadcast based ads, I am willing to bet from the ones in the arena from games alone they easily break even and make profits...

jfl @ you cuck, you seem like a retard who is going to "boycott" them not realizing the boycott is only hype and think you will make a difference.

What in Allah's glorious name is "Pepyaka"? Why does it load so much javascript shit? You should implement HSTS, it's literally one line in nginx:
add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains";

rugby league m8

yanks want football violence and they want to compete globally


I think you need to state somewhere in your site's mission that you recognize the right to free speech that the players have but for them to use their job and the media coverage it receives as a political platform is inappropriate. At that point it begins to reflect the views of the NFL itself, and it is their responsibility to make it clear that the views of their players and employees do not reflect the views of the corporation.

However, that is not what the NFL has done. If any of us here tried to use our place of employment as a political platform for us to get attention then we would be disciplined or fired. The NFL is making it clear that they support what the players are doing and that they are wiling to give them the platform and the coverage to voice their protests.

I think it also needs to be nowed that many if not all of these players are hypocrites who only protest on live TV where they get the most attention and do not actually do anything in their personal lives to support the real issue that Colin Kaepernick originally brought up. Furthermore, Sunday's display of defiance was exactly that, childish defiance. President Trump said not to do it, so they threw tantrums and did it. That is actually a disgrace to the original issue and struggles of the players who were making an honest protest and not just throwing a fit because someone told them No.

Just a few thoughts, Sup Forumsro. It's very important to outline the real problem so there aren't any mixed messages.

Football violence is pussy, and stay mad you can't play hockey, are you even white?

rugby is a white sport and you dont wear armour and skate around on ice like a fag

who the fuck else plays hockey apart from canada anyway?

Check out "the anti American list" part of the site.

So in the end the (((media))) takes 20 billion from a subsidized industry and runs

Let's archive that. archive.fo/2FCHL

Read it. Still don't think it's clear enough.
inb4 your site gets shut down for promoting hate speech.

It may get shut down. I'm definitely going to take your advice and revise it. I really appreciative the suggestion.

how? by current ranking?

Reminder one of the best teams in rugby is south africa and while the majority of the team may be white the country they hail from is def. black and under black control, as well a large percentage of historically high performance band teams come from majority non white countries... if you mean physically that is just a laugh blacks have long dominated whites in physical contests, maybe you mean the stupidity of it all, actually spending your life in an occupation that requires being physical with burly men all day and drinkings away concussions?

Reminder Africa loves soccer, and while the average pay for the top 10 PLAYERS in rugby is less than the average pay for players in the TOP 10 TEAMS as well as equal to or slightly lower than pay for bench warmers in ALL AMERICAN MAJOR SPORTS INCLUDING AMERICAN HOCK JFL... with the average pay for an ordinary rugby players in first world countries being lower than the AVERAGE PAY OF ALL PLAYERS INCLUDING BENCH WARMERS in the top 25 tier 1 soccer teams... the prospect of playing one of the roughest most physically damaging sports with one of the lowest pays IF NOT THE LOWEST among major professional sports is literally fucking retarded.

I played rugby. I like rugby, rugby is fun, but pursuing professionally unless extremely godly gifted is mental retardation. So congratulations for "dominating" of the most dangerous and low paid major sports.

In the spot of any poor African kid gifted with physical talent my money is on trying to become an american hockey bench warmer in the middle of sub-saharan africa before ever playing pro rugby.

Trayvon Martin Month will be a spectacular, resounding success.


I hope you didn't use GoDaddy to host it.


League is full of niggers, and even the rest of England aren't interested, let alone America

Look at these spoiled rotten dindus pretending to be social activists

Meme Colin Kapernick back into the NFL. That alone will destroy the fanbase they take for granted.

>he dindu nuffin

what a waste of gets with such useless posts

Is there a company you suggest I move the domain to?

Here is how you destroy the NFL in just a few years

Time to bring them to their knees

the whole kneeling for the flag thing needs to be made into a psyop. like if you get on your knees for the flag youll get on your knees to suck dick. they need to be made to look like pussies for doing this somehow

Yeah. One that doesn't refuse service to White Nationalists.

I cut cable and illegally stream games, so I don't have to give it up but the point is they aren't getting any of my money, and honestly if the league imploded and went away it wouldn't matter to me anyway.

you seem like you're "in the know"

...is this jewish bait? i see wix.com which is headquarted in tel aviv, but then again i know israhell has a decent tech sector so it may have been easier to use wix.

Just stop watching. Dont buy any merch.

Dont pull that retarded left bullshit of starting a letter writing campaign and blahblah

And meme that this is what Trump really wanted, too force all these players to bow down for him, and it worked. Reverse psychology to fuck with them

Trump literally brought them to heal in under a year

The trick is you dont really watch it the whole time. You just leave it on and do other stuff at the same time. Nobody actually watches the whole regular season games.

You really have nothing better to do?

Go post this on the_donald too, people can bitch all they want, but they have a long reach/ton of viewers as well.

Watch rugby. With the same tackles but way less whimpy youtube.com/watch?v=G9B1liryS0g

fuck off, kike

could just be one talented mofo

say it takes u hours to build a site n this dude did it in the time it takes to fry an egg....

people do interesting things when they have free time. its their time to do what they want. Asking if they have something better to do is a retarded thing to come at anyone with... theres always something better to do, everywhere, always... whatever response you would get from OP you'll just rear end him with some dumb shit you dont even do.

Make it clear to all normies and press that THEIR OWN DAMN RULES require both teams to be on the field, standing respectfully. Pic related.

so........you watch the sport becuase of how high someone gets paid not how entertained you are?

and SA is the best team? lawl no

You’re a dumbass who doesn’t understand the impact this has on the NFL’s brand image, permanently.

This is not the be all, end all of the NFL but it is the beginning of the downward spiral. Concussions, player safety, increasingly greedly rich (((owners))), increasingly greedy entitled players, players can commit crimes with impunity, and now flag kneeling. The (((NFL))) has a brand image problem and will be associated with shit, just like McDonalds has and cannot recover from... regardless of current economic success.


But hes right
The NFL is fucking shit, it's good people are tuning out and the longer they keep this shit up the deeper their ship will sink.
Not to mention you're putting all you're effort into something that really doesn't matter, it's the equivalent of feminists getting mad at urinals. Pick your battles

in england the only time you bend the knee is to propose to a woman or you are in the presence of the queen

kinda funny yanks thinking its a mark of rebellion

bending the knee can mean submit,or show allegiance depending on the context,id bow to the queen

great idea, thanks a lot OP for doing something unlike 99.9% of polacks

anyway, keep the redpills low. no denying the holocaust or controversial shit like that or you will end up helping the NFL

focus solely on the NFL and nothing else

This might actually work.

Oh god, this!!

dont scare off the normie base!

this is a legit plan

the cheerleader part would deffo work
or even funnier,force the NFL to hire trannys and fat ones for equality lel

This man was constantly harassed, critized and mocked for exercising his first amendment rights at every turn. Naturally, because he was a white Christian who was a leader on and off the field. Currently brainstorming meme ideas to spread this food for thought. Ideas would be appreciated!

Also, now the representation of black players is 70% and the white audience is 80%. We know the black players hate white people, how do you think this is going to end? Retard.

But yes, you’re right, ONE BOYCOTT will not end the NFL. It’s the succession of boycotts both formal/informal, concussions and the awful brand image they will have that will finally do them in. Faggot.

>rationalizing something bad as good

Also let’s call the product what it is. An injury lottery. Whoevers team has least injuries to impact players wins.

The top and logo looks like shit
Make it better faggot


Why doesnt the NFL hire tranny cheerleaders? Lets make them hire a bunch of fat, ugly, trannies that complain that most cheerleaders perpetuate a false sense of barbie-like beauty?

I bet not many people know what goatse is anymore :'(

or totse =[

i used to be a member of totse but then i disappeared for a while, came back, site was taken offline and Sup Forums was all there was

rev up the tumblr cuck and antifa accounts on reddit and start memeing this goys!

even if someone calls us shills on those cuck boards what can they say?

if on a feminism board you say cheerleaders who are pretty are sexualizing women and yadda yadda what can they say? desu it is sexualizing lol but in this case lets just wreck the NFL by making THEM bend the knee to hiring trannys.

Because this worked the last million times it was tried.

Throw in something about how there is racial discrimination against blacks at the QB position. Only white QBs become successful and popular. Imply the NFL is the new plantation

Nothing works overnight retard. And yes, judging by the last 5 years (25% decrease in men 18-34) we are actually making progress.

So kys, NEET faggot.

Brilliant. Get your left-wing sock puppet accounts out and start meming that the NFL are bigots for not having at least 50 transgender cheerleaders.

Call for boycotts for the NFL until they have at least 50 tranny cheerleaders and 5 tranny head coaches

By hitting them from both the left and the right with boycotts they will be destroyed

This same strategy can be employed with any other target we choose to hit. Make them choose who they will pander to and then hit them from the other side with protests

#NML #NotMyLeague

"Fans" are dead.

Football doesn't need traditionally stale, pale, male fans to survive anymore.

simple response from a fucking idiot who turns an international sport played my many individuals of different racial backgrounds and nationalities into an apparently "white sport", sorry dumb ass but you don't get to selectively get to pick and choose what is morally acceptable being such a reprehensible person, also I said ONE of the best, learn to fucking read any one who knows a lick of rugby history knows that south africa is a heavy hitter

jfl @ you, it's a sport that consists of knocking the shit out of other men, all the bullshit you just mentioned doesn't account for even a 10th of the decreased viewership, people who tune in hoping to see human beings in a team they don't like be physically hurt and embarrassed don't give a flying fuck about any of that crap, and this kneeling bullshit isn't even making as much of an impact as the shit you just listed. It's all just an excuse, the product isn't worth the price and no one is talking about the football games with the NCAA taking over with more games, and harder hits in the age of the internet... and cheaper buy ins.... keep thinking you are making a difference, if the NFL were to tank it wouldn't be from this, and it won't tank because it's main competition is driven by NFL hopefuls...

That being said retards like you spouted the same shit almost exactly a year ago yelling the views were going down because of the anthem kneeling then and look, nothing happened, the idiots who truly stopped watching "because of this" were people on the fence of thinking of stopping anyway or a extremely small majority of buttrage aspies who make impulsive decisions and will come back to watch within a month, there is literally data on this same shit from a year ago to back it up and if you don't believe me google "why is NFL losing money" and you can see articles from almost exactly a year ago touting the same bullshit of "losing millions of viewers from kneeling"

jfl @ you

Definitely my plan. My goal is to shut the opposition down, not make them look like the better people.

be quiet nigger

The logo was quickly put together, in currently working on a similar but way better version.

Will do some research, good on you mate. Love doing some damage to the system and bringing up the people. I am from Canada and respect Brazil. These niggers all born there, trained there, made money there. Shoot them all. School shootings must become NFL shootings. They deserve to do die.

Attempting to sell football as unAmerican is just a really retarded idea.

>rationalizing something bad as good
>lots of bad things happening but “trust me it doesn’t matter”

You’re a fucking dumbass. 20% ratings hit in two years cannot EVER spell anything good. kys and quit rationalizing it as “all okay”

not even gonna read this shit

smells like leaf shitposter hiding underneath a coward flag

the NFL is not american football

the company is unamerican the sport is not.

It is all blacks, and they hate America. At least in Canada hockey is all White and do not kneel. You faggot. Eggball is not American, you let blacks invade and look. Do not let the rest of your country fall.

you can also hurt facebook, twitter and generally any site that allows content to be uploaded to it simply by abusing EU's own laws if they actually passed that ridiculous law that allows internet companies to be sued for a fuck ton of money simply because of hate speech on their sites.

>We know the black players hate white people, how do you think this is going to end? Retard.

I literally have no idea what this even means, strong bringing in opinions rooted in no facts what so ever into an argument to make a nonexistant point

all NFL players are delusional low inhib alphas, they don't give a fuck about white ppl, they just want to stay rich and are kneeling for social reasons like a celebrity volunteering while posing for the fucking camera, seriously they are just doing it because they can and retards are getting riled up MUH FLAG MUH VETERANS....

you retards are so fucking buttmad it's easy to tell who the dumbasses who think boycotting the NFL means anything because all you talk about how TEH NFL WILL FAIL IT WILL HABBEN, listen fucker I get it you wish you could somhow fuck with these guys who make you have angry feels and make more money in a decade than your entire family will make in their lives and have wet dreams of TEH EN EF EL going out of business so they don't have paychecks but get it thru your thick skull you are part of the LARGE MINORITY of GROUP THINK RETARDS who think attacking ONE OF THE BIGGEST COMMERCIAL ENTITIES in the world is the correct way to impact change on a SMALL PERCENTAGE of their employees who are backed fully by the company

JFL you don't realize you all are a nest of dirty Mongolian rats trying to kill a few chinamen by attacking the entire fucking wall of china


Start memeing about brain damage, guys.

again a tl dr post

dont even bother with this leaf failed troll

American football is insanely expensive and only survives because it is subsidized in schools. Without white tax payer money the sport is dead. People here need to come to grips that football is no longer “our” sport. It is turning into an urban sport like the NBA. Also the quicker people realoze sports is a bread and circus the better.


don't do jew thing that will be too obvious. do antifa. that is more believable.


How big would McDonalds be today if smart people didn’t stop eating there years ago? Their brand is receding globally and will die out. It doesn’t happen with OMFG BOYCOTT you dumb fucking faggot. It’s a slow process of decay.


>increased revenue

seems pretty fucking good to me retard
Roger Goodell said seven years ago that he’d like the NFL to reach $25 billion in annual revenue by 2027. The league is roughly on track to get there.

Daniel Kaplan of SportsBusiness Journal reports that the NFL expects to generate $14 billion in 2017. That’s a $6 billion increase from 2010, when the NFL racked up $8 billion.


maybe learn how business work and shit before mouthing off on the internet?

we cant make it mainstream yet. dont post link to the thread post the link to the website.

MAKE THEM THINK it is one of them posting it hehehehe

So why are they “roughly” on track? Lmao. The NFL should be a sure thing. Even with all their spin they can’t even inspire confidence as if they’re going to hit their goals.

nice we need some more OC bois

>So I think the only way we can truly send a message to the NFL is to go after their sponsors.

You mean the boomers?