What's his master plan?

No seriously. Is there an actual thought out strategy behind Kim and North Korea's actions or are they actual lunatics?

I can't tell with all the propaganda on both sides

Other urls found in this thread:


just more aid from china

>actual lunatics
it's all about his grand-pappy.
>pic related

Appear strong to his people, and build up weapons and tech that can prevent SK and the US from wanting to invade.

He's not crazy, no matter what they say; the words are more for their own internal appearances than an external guarantee.

Trump isn't stupid either -- he wants to make them do something stupid now and to get it over with before they have enough ICBMs to make it not worth the bother.

> Threaten nuclear attack

> Negotiate deal. Get shekels for promises of future good behavior.

> Rinse and repeat.

China will not allow him to be toppled because they don't want US troops on their borders.

Google 'Russia escalate to de-escalate'. Basically his plan is forced reunification. Always has been. The Kim dynasty has always been focused on invading the south.

NK develops and demonstrates weapons in order to sell them to other countries or groups.

It's like this: The North can and always could take Seoul by conventional means, at least since the late 1970s. Problem was, was they couldn't hold it. The South Koreans would retreat and regroup and hold ground long enough for American heavy reinforcements to arrive, all the while South Korean and American airpower is blowing the ever living fuck out of the North. So the North has always been expected to take Seoul in the first week, and then slowly be pushed back in the course of the next 2-3 weeks, and then collapse completely as their supply system falls to pieces. The North knows this, so they don't attack.

What changes everything is nukes. Now the North can attack, take Seoul and immediately dig in, call a cease-fire and demand a return to armistice. If ROK & US forces refuse the armistice, they can threaten to nuke the US and Japan. So the choice for the US is "Do we lose Los Angeles and San Diego for the sake of toppling North Korea, or do we take the armistice that's been offered and save millions of lives?". Any dispassionate rational actor would take the armistice.

So the nukes aren't for taking ground, they're for holding ground. Take ground with conventional force and then expand your nuclear umbrella over it. That's the "de-escalation" strategy. The only counter for it is to convince your enemy that you are an emotional, irrational actor that would rather your cities burn than give up your principles.

bump for based effortpost

I guess another option would be a surprise first strike against launch platforms to in the hope of destroying the North's intercontinental strike capability. No way to protect Japan effectively though, and South Korea would still get fucked up. There's also the possibility of China actually honoring the "Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty", though it's kind of doubtful. Shitty options all around.

Were I Trump I'd be laying the diplomatic groundwork for a post-war scenario. Talking with China about a reunified Korea, disposition of US forces there and the eventual withdrawal thereof. Getting them to agree to keep lines of communication with KJU open, to give him an avenue of escape into exile, and to basically play 'good cop' to the US's 'bad cop'. Also talking with G8 nations about pre-positioning humanitarian aid shipments.

War is really the least bad option whatever specific form it takes. May as well prepare for it in an attempt to make it as fast as possible and to reduce overall suffering and death as much as can be.

As an aside I'd really recommend anyone interested in understanding North Korea to watch this presentation:


I could never understand why North Korean leadership did the things they've done, but this guy B.R. Myers framed it in a way that starts to make sense. The North Koreans want reunification bad. They aren't building nukes to defend themselves or secure the regime. They're building nukes for reunification.

He will never attack first. He knows this.

He will continuously flex his arm.

The issue was.... IF A WAR DID START... He could definitely kill some people.... Like a monkey with a gun.

World's biggest "I'm not touching you" match

you're just a retard who doesn't understand geopolitics. see what happened to all the other regimes in the axis of evil, hint: they got overthrown by the US. nuclear weapons are the only deterrent that actually works and kim jong un and his generals know that very well. they're just acting in the most rational way to achieve their goal (self-preservation of their regime), as machiavellian as it might sound

ICBMs makes it possible for North Korea to seize territory by conventional force. They can seize Seoul and then threaten the US with nuclear strikes if they don't accept an armistice and immediately remove all forces from the peninsula.

>they're just acting in the most rational way to achieve their goal (self-preservation of their regime)

Wrong. They already had self-preservation. Had it since the first war. No one had any intention of fucking with them since they could pound the fuck out of Seoul at any time. Why in the fuck would anyone invade the North if they weren't trying to get nukes? Tens of thousands of dead Americans in exchange for what? North Korea getting nuclear weapons is not and never was about self-preservation. Literally nobody would give a single sloppy fuck about North Korea if they didn't have a nuclear program. It has always been about forced reunification. Always.

The North cannot take the South because the US would come to the aid of the south before the conquest could be completed. The only way to prevent this is to deter the US from intervening. The only way to deter the US is with nuclear weapons.

The Norks found out long ago they could extort folks like BJ Clinton by saber rattling so they continually do this sort of thing. This time they failed to realize there is a new sherif in town.

Nothing, he just wants him and his regime to survive.

in exchange of having an US-friendly state straight next to the chinese border, and also without north korea china wouldn't have its favorite buffer state when it comes to negotiation with the US

NK will be an ally

and they can take as much time as they want because invading north korea would be too costly

They're defending their nation against US imperialists who station 30,000 soldiers in south Korea and incessantly threaten the DPRK with invasion and trying to provoke anti-WPK anti-system civil war within the DPRK. The US should remove its negro soldiers from sacred Korean soil and leave President Moon and Supreme Leader Kim to resolve their own issues.

The plan is to set up us the bomb

keep shooting rockets, get glassed, i think thats it.

>leader who knows some of the world biggest secrets goes all in at this exact time in history


>Master ICBMs
>Master H-Bomb
>Make many such bombs
>Anyone who interferes with the reunification of korea will get a nuke, says rocketman
>Invade SK
>Nobody helps
>Korea reunified

Its that easy. He'll definitely make an attempt in his lifetime.

This makes me think

He's following his grandfathers plan to the letter.

Kim Il-Sung still runs the country, from the grave.

NK all turn into Hulk and go fuck up the USA

hes just crazy and hes beginning to lose his last remaining ally china, not impossible for him to come unhinged and attack first

This might help to understand what's going on there.

This. Preferably military aid for him to take South Korea.

To do such, he is trying to provoke Trump into a military engagement.