Political compass thread

Political compass thread

post your results

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the only reason i'm not further right and more balanced between authoritarian and libertarian is because of the stupidity of the questions.

Political triangle is more accurate.


inglehart spectrum is best spectrum
nolan is professed while inglehart is observed
would be like a mental patient telling his doctor what kind of disease he had


does pol hate me now?


I don't quite get it tho... shouldn't national socialism be on the left side of this compass instead of the right?


It's different in some countries for bullshit reasons

Nah, its center top. So not right, not left, just authoritarian

Well, most of the liberals are going crazy. I guess that's what made me move more to the authoritarian side.


Its not like we were expecting much from a german in the first place.


Here's mine (updated)

That should actually be around the lower-middle part of the purple square

i guess it is something then ?

Here, I fixed it


better yet

I'm just joking my real one is up above

Arright then. Commie.

Uhh uhhhhhh roads

Actually I wasn't joking I changed my mind I really am a CowBoyist



Interesting 3D compass you've got there

Please find in the attached picture a refutal of your claim
Hippie almost-person

It's much better and has better questions
>tfw monarchist
fuck off nigger

>can't see the difference between a small state and a crown
Maybe you should go back to your English language classes, Abdul

True, true

But cowboyists aren't hippies take that back you fucking poopyhead



>calls people whom he disagrees with commies
Stop being immature

>trump is as authoritarian as a man who killed millions of people to stay in power, silenced freedom of speech, etc.

Okay liberal


>Hitler not in natsoc
You know he was a socialist ?

>>calls people whom he disagrees with commies
There's also hippies, and statists like this cuck , you illiterate sandnigger
There's still hope for you

Your from Argentina shut your mouth, you can talk back to people when you actually successfully invade an island of sheep you cuck

Communism is the abolition of the state, of private production, and private profit. You're labeling nationalism as communism.

He wasn't a socialist, there is no private ownership of the means of production or profit in socialism. He was a left-wing populist/fascist.

also, Hitler does belong in the "national socialism" slot, it's completely incorrect to put him in the center of the left/right axis.

>There's also hippies, and statists like this cuck

>Far Right economically, Centre big state
>Calls me a mohammed
>thinks its an argument


What a horrible excuse for a bump...

Was deep in the green 2 years ago

>Communism is the abolition of the state
Just to be replaced by a larger state in the hope that it'll go away
>oi guise there is too much state
>lets fix it by establishing a larger state
I called you Abdul, not Mohammed. Was that a Freudian slip?
The way to personhood is long and wavy my friend, but you'll eventually get down here

And people wonder why the right is laughing stock. You guys are just autistic donkey fuckers. Don't ever call yourself right or something in that direction.


>Was that a Freudian slip?
>If i use useless i seem smart
No, they are both musrats

I never said he wasn't left wing or vehemently anti-capitalist. That doesn't make him a socialist though. Germans could own businesses under Hitler, therefore it was not socialism. Nationalists and fascists don't define "capitalism" as the existence of private profit, they define it as the legalization of exploitation.

Socialist definition of capitalism = A society where you can own production or make profit
Nationalist definition of capitalism = A society where you can privately make profit at the expense of the nation
Libertarian definition of capitalism = A society without regulation or restriction of private profit

He was a capitalist by the socialist definition, but that's a shitty definition and socialists are retarded. He was neither capitalist nor socialist.



How do you get that second quiz I've seen it everywhere
this is what I got on that one

>tfw wanna gas the gypsies and the jews but I am somehow commie for wanting healthcare and education

Here we are. 8 values seems to be the better metric though.

>all these submissive cuckservatives

>We are socialists
>Other notable natsocs e.g. gobbles call themselves socialists
>Not real socialism

>>If i use useless i seem smart
What did Abdul mean by this?
A wild socialist moor appeared!


Too late Abdul, it's time to go back

Nazbol L O C A T E D

Also give that stolen phone back and stop posting from there


Socialism is the abolition of profit and private ownership of the means of production. The NSDAP didn't do that nor did they attempt to. A German could start a business with the approval of the state, therefore it was not socialism. You can't start a business in socialism.

If an anarcho-capitalist calls themselves a green socialist, does that make them a green socialist?

Bol? I am not fucking bol. The bolsheviks were dumb farmers and factory workers who have fallen for jewish lies.

There should be a "mixed" of "neutral" option to choose.



How does this translate to political figures?

>with the approval of the (((state)))
The devil's in the details, Jamal


I know that feel bro see

It's called "being an apathetic commie"

>fuck having races and cultures n shit
ancaps and egoists are no different from commies

I was joking

Somebody post it, you know which one.

Not when the state is white supremacist, populist and ultra-nationalism.
But you can't understand this, as an argentinian

I would literally remove every gommie from the face of this planet if i could.
t. traditionalist centrist and transhumanist


DELete this you fucking degenerate

i am a fucking libertarian?!?!?!

Thanks a lot you killed this thread with your stupid fucking hentai

Mein spics


fix'd for accuracy


on Spekr i'm much much closer to the right, my spek was like -96;-90.
but i like the result anyway, rate me


Get on my level faggots

r8 my country

>nearly fascism

i wish


>jail time
you get an A in my book. what game/sim is that?

I'm the most right-wing person I know and I'm basically a centrist... ok.


