Is Catalunya a meme or not?
I am puzzled, Sup Forums... It is easy for me to conceive of Scottish independence, possibly because of the many movies. But what about Catalunya? Is their claim decent and do they have a good rationale or are they meme-tier?
Meme or not ?
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i think theres a lot of commies, pretty sure they were one of the last areas to surrender during the spanish civil war
>banana republic flag
You bet it's a meme.
Most of Sup Forums are beta males, so they can't understand that it takes guts to fight for your freedom against a corrupt government that doesen't even allow you to vote and decide about your future, my advise is to be wise and ignore the shitposting.
Think about the situation and decide for yourself what would you prefer if you were a catalan in that situation.
B-b-but aren't all independence movement fuelled by petty nationalism and xenophobia?
How can Catalunya be termed "communist"?
A bunch of commies trying to divide and subvert the Spanish government
Okay, but don't drown me with propaganda.
You say everyone should be given the right to secede, etc.
I am kinda okay with that since I am slightly libertarian. Nevertheless, I wonder: what is the limit? Let's assume there is a country that works in a certain way... How is it possible to allow people to get in and out of the project every time the sun rises? Some stability is needed, at some stage.
There's no independence without shedding blood, and independentists are too pussy to risk their lives since they care more about the shekels
Socialist legislatures in Spain: 6 out of 13
Leftist legislatures in Catalonia: 2 out of 11
In this case it's more if an historical issue, but the real detonator has been the incompetence of our current government.
Catalonia is rich and makes more money than the rest of Spain. Plus they have a strong cultural identity so yeah it is conceivable.
Just look at how many support ERC, CUP and podemos has right now, you dumb jew
I want them to be independent so I can add their flag to my collection.
Same goes for Scotland, Corsica, Kurdistan, Transnistria, etc.
Except Bretagne. Fuck these obnoxious cunts.
Catalonian independence when?
>independence support skyrockets everytime Catalonia is governed by leftists
hmm it really makes you think
Maybe that's a reaction to leftism
Not a result of it
We have our own language so we desetve our own nation
Simple as that
I have read your pic.
I call this bullshit.
All of that is true, but history ALONE is not a sufficient reason to change something. You have to offer better arguments... Otherwise this would mean Israel is warranted in its claim
>Independentists protestors are literally manlets, betas, hook noses cuckholds, hippies with rastas & tattooes. The women are literally SJW feminazis.
>Not commies
Have you any self awareness?
yes pls
high-quality flag
>implying spaniards are willing/able to go to war and win without onkel Adolf
good luck this time without germany to bail your ass out, fudgepackers.
President(((Rajoy Brey))), literal closeted faggot, is scared shitless of the whole situation because of the foreign press and the EU.
Otherwise he would have taken serious steps a loooong time ago. He's hoping it will all die down if he just keeps choking it judicially and he won't look like a complete failure, but once again spaniards lacky any sort of common sense whatsoever, and the reactionary policies are only fueling the separatists.
There's literally no way that this can end good for Spain. Spain expects Catalonia to run back with its tail between its legs, say "sorry we'll never do it again" and beg for some chicken feed.
>implying that's ever gonna happen
>implying this issue will die down without violence
>implying your fudgepacker president has the guts for that
By now Spain is trying whatever they can without looking like total cunts, they're trying to get the streets all riled up so they can point at the separatists and say that they're dividing society and then strike back. But again, total lack of common sense, because separatists aren't taking the bait, and instead spanish nationalists are the ones looking like dumbasses and noone is getting the idea that separatists are violent.
Spain has fucked up everything they could possibly fuck up. They've literally fucked up their fuckup.
Never change, Spain.
Like, say, Israel
I'm against it. I hate all those little nations. Fuck Catalonia, fuck Scotland, fuck Ireland. United Spain conquered America. Why divide such a glorious nation and create a new country that is mostly known for faggot artists.
The Generalitat (the catalan parliment) has been asking for improvements since arround 2004, because in Catalonia we pay more taxes to the central government than money we recive, and other comunities like Extremadura or Andalucia are reciving a shitload of our money and sometimes this gets unfair.
To put an example, some years ago my son needed to buy a laptop for school and the public administration ofered a basic one for 150€, but for example in extremadura, one of the comunities with more deficit in the nation got that for free.
This is the kind of shit that made catalans get mad little by little.
Are you going to use caganers against our army?
Spain doesn't want Catalan freedom and Catalonia doesn't want a war against Spain.
Independence isn't happening anytime soon.
Spain will continue their oppression until all politicians who ever cared for independence are in prison with charges of sedition and/or rebellion , anyone who even speaks about it suffers a similar fate and Catalonia is administrated directly by the central government.
But at least it's fun to watch it unfold.
And the more oppression, the more likely people actually decide to take up arms and paint the streets red with Spaintard blood.
Well, they were literally peeing in the Guardia Civil boots 2 days ago in Barcelona. It wouldn't surprise me if they started flinging feces like the niggers they are.
Taxes are paid per individual. If people earn more, they pay more, be it catalan or andalusian
Implying that citizens of the Crown of Aragon didn't do this
western mediterranean jews who think they are special, they only want more autonomy aka money, fun fact, the metro area of barcelona is least independentist of the region, while the average jaume of the inner is full on it
Study it's history asshole. They were the ones who drove out the arabs from getting into France and spreading. They were independent people with their own way of life.
Whatever, Catalonia is better under Spanish rule. Same as your country btw
>paint the streets red with Spaintard blood.
It's time to make Spain, a fascist, militaristic technocracy. Catalans will be singing Cara al Sol once again.
They could've paid you that computer if they didn't waste the money in the 3%, 6% and useless embassies all around the world
Oh shit, all this time I thought they were talking about Basque independence but it's Catalunya.
Spain has sent so many police to Barcelona that they're lacking police forces all over the country.
Just yesterday politicians in Zaragoza having some sort of gay assembly were surrounded by spanish nationalists who wouldn't even let them leave the place for several hours. There were 16 policemen present to control a crowd of about 500. No more policement available. They had to ask the local city cops to help them out.
Meanwhile, Spain is paying 300k euros/day x2 to house all those policemen aboard chartered family cruise ships.
Also apparently they couldn't get any other ship than this one with tweety the bird on it. Think it couldn't get more pathetic than that? Aware of what a laughing stock they are, they try to cover up the cartoon images, unaware that they're only drawing attention to the fact that everyone now can see that they're aware of how ridiculous this looks.
Vasques already gave up, their terrorist organization officially disbanded.
Metro area = immigrants (moors, niggers and spics mostly) that don't have any national pride nor education.
They are people that betrayed their nations for higher living standarts and since they are dumb as a brick they can't be aware of the real situation.
Nice memeflag to hide your identity, globalist scum.
>because in Catalonia we pay more taxes to the central government than money we recive
There are other comunidades that do that, including Madrid itself, who pays twice more than Catalonia.
Andalucia and Extremadura getting so much money is bullshit though.
>Think it couldn't get more pathetic than that?
Well, you could be a first generation catalan pushing for independence despiste your fathers being from Andalucia.
it would be fun to have those inner shitty villages BTFO of catalonia, and stop wasting money on them, fuck those farmers, peasants, etc
It's supposed to be a transitorial flag. The Catalan flag is one of the oldest of Europe it is literally the flag from whitch the spanish one got made. I'doubt it would be tainted with a star in a catalan republic.
Nice guys Spanish nationalists protected the gays.
Separatism is treason. What is the Spanish government supposed to do? Of course they send Police. You are lucky they haven't sent the army so far.
>Separatism is treason. What is the Spanish government supposed to do? Of course they send Police. You are lucky they haven't sent the army so far.
i bet they will fine them, the last president of catalonia, just got sentenced to pay 5M for 2014 referendum
you're not even spanish, shut up
Inheriting Dutch and English as enemies, stupid wars against Europeans, losing East Asian colonies to the Dutch (yes suposedly a kingdom under Spanish rule) and steal land and trade deals to the Crown of Castille, taking representation thanks to Phllip IV and (((Count-Duke))) of Olivares and crashing Iberian economy
Thanks for your history insight, (((friend))).
Yeah that's why I was confused. I went there on holiday some years ago and there were still military checkpoints all over the place.
Will you still be mocking Spain, when you see Tanks en Barcelona?
They won't, like the good antifas they are
I wish we had military checkpoints in Cataluña, we almost never see the army in here. It's no wonder Catalans think they are their own country, Spain never shows them signs that they are not, they have let them delude themselves.
I want military training exercises and army parades in Barcelona, every year.
The German armed forces stand ready to support the their Spanish allies in crushing any sort of uprising in Catalonia.
>You're not even spanish.
Well fuck that is the point.
Also nice memflag globalist scum, go suck Rothschild's dick dumb fuck.
Does he unironically think he has any chance to become President with the last name Zuckerberg?
Oy Vey!
barcelona, like if it was new york, seriously i mean who the fuck did ever care about barcelona before the olympics? it's true, never give cash to the peasant, or it will become a selfentitled pricky prince-wannabe.
there's a term where I live for this kind of people, it's "enriched-peasants"
you're always spaniards, no matter what, even with that spare change and shitty industries/services in catalona. you can cheat americans, but everybody in europe knows the truth. get down to earth, rednecks
nice ads in """""catalan""""" supporting the independence movement
jesus fuck are people still LARPing about some tanks and whatnot? holy crap nu-Sup Forums really is incapable of any kind of debate, instead we get some 12 year old kiddies autistically screeching
Spain could have applied article 155 (which suspends the autonomous government) a long time ago, but they don't want to because they're scared shitless of how that will look in the foreign media.
grow up you cocksucker. The real world doesn't work like your ridiculous tankie fantasies.
Funy how memeflags are the only ones in this thread giving shit arguments and blogposting.
As it's been said , people who can't even leave their houses are not expected to understand what it takes to fight for one's freedom and their right to decide, keep sucking gov's dick.
>holy crap nu-Sup Forums really is incapable of any kind of debate
What sort of debating is mocking the police force which has already seized any dreams of voting the 1-0 because they are using a Ferry with some cartoons drawn on the side?
>grow up you cocksucker. The real world doesn't work like your ridiculous tankie fantasies.
Getting told to grow up by a manchild communists who's under the spell of the magic utopia of the Marxist belief, is truly an astonishing experience.
The police force hasn't done absolutely ANYTHING, they're just sitting their in their kiddie ship and won't be let out until sunday when all they will do is bar people from going to vote or maybe taking away the urns. Which will look bad enough with no need for people getting beaten up for fucking VOTING.
>blablabla communist Marxist blablabla
see but it's ok if you have to make shit up because you don't have any arguments, memeflag.
>they're scared shitless of how that will look in the foreign media
lol, no one would give a shit.
Most people in Germany say Catalan independence is stupid because we should (((evolve beyond nationalism))) and focus on (((European Union Identity))).
They just don't do it, because they don't have to. If they have to it to protect the unity of Spain, they'll do it.
>expected to understand what it takes to fight for one's freedom
Where is the armed revolt Jordi?
All I see is you crying like a bitch demanding special snowflake privileges.
Where is the popular uprising?
>The police force hasn't done absolutely ANYTHING
That's because they are not supposed to do anything to keep the order and safety of the citizens, that's why they are literally called ''Guardia Civil''.
What are you expecting, the police force to start shooting some hippies? We are civilised people, unlike the perroflautas breaking, peeing and filling with garbage the cars of our police men. On top of stealing weapons from the police officers too.
You guys don't even respect your own police force. I've seen independentists throwing rocks and bottles to the Mossos.
>Where is the popular uprising?
dudeee, they are hitin casseroles at 10pm every night!
yeah basically catalans are greedy manlets being manipulated by soros-like puppet masters.
>That's because they are not supposed to do anything
great use of the police force HAHAHAHAHAHA
>What are you expecting, the police force to start shooting some hippies
you were larping about tanks and whatnot five minutes ago you cuntface
Venezuelans are willing to sacrifice their lives to fight against Maduro. I can't imagine catalans willing to do the same.
Daily reminder that we're are among the oldest nations in Europe, the oldest ethnicity and have the oldest flag. Every other place are memes compared to us.
I meant they are not meant to do anything to put the citizens at risk.
>you were larping about tanks and whatnot five minutes ago you cuntface
I am not larping, if you guys take up the arms then the state will send those who are trained to kll, not those who are trained to keep the civil order. That's a reality, you don't seem to want to accept.
It's like you get you are going to get an independence by force, without a bloodshed. Either you do it legally, or you take up the arms.
I live in a small village in Cataluña, and I have become aware that the independents plan on voting the 1-0 in a the local school. This is an illegal act, and I believe the local policemen not only are aware of it, but they support it.
I think I am going to call the Guardia Civil and let them know what's going on.
>I am not larping, if you guys take up the arms then the state will send those who are trained to kll, not those who are trained to keep the civil order.
literally LARPing. None of that shit's going to happen and you know it. It's exactly what the spanish government wants, an excuse to use force to repress the catalans.
>Either you do it legally, or you take up the arms.
We're going to do it "illegally" and Spain won't do jack shit to stop us because you are the king of the C U C K S.
You are up for a harsh wake up call, son.
>It's exactly what the catalan government wants, an excuse to cry how oppresed they are.
Tanks in Barcelona only help the independentist.
Is this real autism?
Do you think police is going to show up just because you told them "goym they going to voteeee!!"?
Of course I believe they'll show up, they already have everywhere else.
What is a Manolo doing in a small catalan village? Wtf disgusting shitskins get out.
I hope the Catalans sperge so much that the legion gets called.
We got us a captain obvious over here. Well, at least unlike the memeflag you get how this works.
But please, delight me on how Spain is going to counter this. Catalonia has beaten you faggots with 1714D chess.
If you repress the referendum, Spain looks bad, and Catalonia plays the victim. Which ends up playing in favor of catalan independence.
If you don't repress the referendum, people will mostly vote for independence, and you've done such good ground work that turnout will be high enought that Catalonia can say it's valid. In that regard Spain, again, fucked up by not mobilizing people to vote against indep., but just telling them not to vote because HURR ILLEGAL REFERENDUM.
CHECKMATE cuntface
Way more legit than Scottish independence. They still speak their own language.
>If you repress the referendum, Spain looks bad, and Catalonia plays the victim.
Then what?
I am here, owning business and actually doing something for the economy. Having sex with cute Catalan girls, instead of being a loser commie who refuses to work or study.
The independents in this village are all hippies, perroflautas and feminazis.
>more support for catalan independence and referendum
>Spain under even more pressure to allow a referendum
>eventually the foreign press gets so focused on this issue that Spain goes into full damage control and ends up allowing the referendum
>by this time catalans are so sick and tired they massively vote for independence
Scots never spoke their own language. Unless you call Scots a language which it's not. Celtic was never spoken in the Lowlands since the Anglo-Saxon era. The Highlands are not really Scotland culturally.
>Memeflag larp
I dont't even know why I take the bait.
I hope so too, nothing would make me smile as much as too see our army men in Cataluña.
>Spain under even more pressure to allow a referendum
Why who?
And this is what's going through the independists' minds
Bahahaha literally shitskin arguments.
Fuck off subhuman gibmigrant.
And who is going to pressure us? Taiwan?
>eventually the foreign press gets so focused on this issue that Spain goes into full damage control and ends up allowing the referendum
Dude, nobody wants this to happen, as it might destabilize the EU, which the press loves.
Only if Podemos gets to run the government, Catalan independence might happen. Good luck with that lol
kys marieta
>by this time catalans are so sick and tired they massively vote for independence
this is so true, and the funny thing is the independentists would have lost the referendum if the government had allowed it to happen in the first place, but instead they keep throwing gasoline to the fire ayy
>Owning 2 businesses is a gibmigrant argument
Foreign press, retard. Everyone knows the media are extremely influential, that's why the governments have most of their respective media fully in their pocket. But the one thing they can't control is the foreign press. And the national press gets so little respect that anything published by foreign media immediately overrides any made up cock and bull story the spanish media may try to push.
That's why the biggest fear for spain is for this whole thing to get out of control to the point where it draws the attention of foreign press.
Explain to me then why Spain hasn't applied article 155 then. Or why they're not arresting everyone involved in the referendum.
Catalonian independence is a meme. They're Spaniards
They don't want to escalate more than they have to.
We do it slowly to savour your salty tears when your hopes and dreams are utterly crushed, pixapins
>Dude, nobody wants this to happen, as it might destabilize the EU, which the press loves.
No, what would destabilize the EU would be Spain severely damaging its international image, and the economic consequences of that. At some point just allowing the referendum and catalan independence will be better than completely fucking up your shit. Let me remind you that Spain's economy depends bigly on foreign tourists. Damaging spain's image will damage tourism, and that will be felt by the markets. Which in turn will destabilize the spanish economy, and by extension spain.
It really isn't rocket science. The market wants the best way out. If at some point the best way out is to let catalans go rather than repressing them, then Spain who is a HUGE cuck to the markets will yield. ffs (((Rajoy Brey)))'s only argument to defend his government are the supposed economic improvements. Imagine if that all went down the shitter because of Spain losing credibility. He'd be finished.
Sure, but the risk of losing the referendum is much higher than just preventing it. No one likes separatists stop hoping that foreign countries will support you in any way.