Are the mods of this board unaware of the rules?
Are the mods of this board unaware of the rules?
no, they're just realistic.
nice gets btw
How is saying I hate niggers racist in any way?
>facts are racist
I don't believe so but the threads where OP posts an article and "HAHAHAHAHAHHAA", for example, clearly should be moved to /trash/ or straight up deleted
the mods of this board are unaware of
anything having to do with reality, much
less "rules", so get used to it
Rolling stones
Freckly faced Catherine pls.
What is being slid?
those rules were written for a different Sup Forums.
sure why not
It brings traffic to the site. traffic=ads=moneys for chinkmoot
Iduots following the rules is why Sup Forums is so shit in the first place. The only rules heavily enforced back then were no kids, use proper grammer, and no illegal shit. Now we have dipshit kids all over the place.
10-12, 37-39, or 00 please
>Sup Forums
>kill niggers lol
>Sup Forums
Black people, aka niggers (exercising free speech), are an inferior race (race as supported by anthropologists and medicine) shown in their inferior societal capacities. This is a problem. We should therefore seek a solution to this problem.
I say we force breed niggers with Indians. We can caucasianfy the nigger without wasting white blood.
Our tests in Trinidad and Tobago have show that the nigger/indian mix can show levels of development higher than black Africa and India and compete with the development of such countries like Serbia.
Sup Forums is a containment board. They allow us freedoms here because it keeps us off their 'good' boards.
this is bullshit
that rule only exists so the mods can ban shit that makes them butthurt
This, mods are niggers.