What's next for Type-Moon?

What's next for Type-Moon?

Another Fate with another King Arthur copy.

Another garbage Fate spin-off with more seibah clones.

TurkeyHandle Anime

Hopefully another Carnival Phantasm.

Fateshit because we can't have good things

Why won't they just give the fans what they want already.

They want more Fate, more Saber, more Grail Wars!

What's next? Yellow Saber?

What's your opinion on the Tsukihime Manga Sup Forums?

Literally better than the game's version of Arc's route.

It's pretty gud.

oblivion hopefully

pretty good, but i prefer the visual novel.

McFate/Stay Night Extra Happy Meal Edition


Super Saiyan Saber

More best girl hopefully

More Tamamo

Just about everyone (including Nasu) agrees that it's a better version of Arc's route.

Tsukihime remake in early 2020s, consider everything before then just a way to pass the time.