Is religion in the west dying because the right is composed of religious cuck?
Is religion in the west dying because the right is composed of religious cuck?
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West always thrived while it was religous. Europe colonized whole world when it was Christian and Soveit union which was atheist state got rekt in cold war by 90% Christian US.
Colonisation wouldn't have happended if Europe would had remained pagan? Explain Iceland. Not everything that was made during Christian days was a result of Christianity. Christianity has not worked anywhere else outside Europe, so it's pretty certain that what made Europe great was the blood, not the religion.
Converting Africans to Christianity was one of the biggest mistakes humanity ever made. When you convert them to your religion, how can you even discriminate against them?
It's not dying, it's evolving. Many people are waking up to the extreme complexity of the universe and are turning to science. Little do they know that to a perfect being (God) our science is as simplistic and archaic as ancient religions.
Religion will die. It's a joke, and will be remembered as one.
>Is religion in the west dying because the right is composed of religious cuck?
Absolutely yes.
>be me, fedora-fag
>be regular reader of /nsg/ and more recently /sig/ threads
>decide to get back into religion, be a part of the local community and all that
>go to church
>see hastily put together cross + musical instruments
>Where the fuck is the stained glass?.jpg
>45+ minutes of singing followed by 30+ minutes of cucking for the jews
>Oh well they're probably not all like that
Become a Catholic priest and work your way up to Bishop if you want a non-retarded theological education.
>next sunday, different church.
>walk in and see and even shittier cross and even more instruments
>get ready for more singing!.gif
>45+ minutes of singing + 30 minutes of cucking for homeless.
>Europe colonized whole world when it was Christian
Actually it was Jews who were at the founding of vast international colonization companies like the VOC in the Netherlands. Somehow "stepping on other people to get their wealth" sounds so Jewish to me I don't know why more people don't discuss it more.
The conversion of the savages was a big driving force for colonization, I'm sure pagans could have colonized but it wouldn't have been so extreme. Pagan Vikings landed in the Americas but they just explored and then fucked off, they had no drive to colonize and convert.
no, it's because religion itself, especially the mainstream ones are obsolete and useless nowadays, not to mention they contain some dangerous and harmful elements that literally make people hate and want to murder each other. religion is poison that divides society and makes us more hostile towards each other
Shit economies make people hate each other. You should know this.
Conversion was a big step in treating the ''savages'' as equal to Europeans. Pagan vikings succesfully colonized Iceland, tried doing it to Greenland but the crops failed. They probably didn't have enough men to colonize the Americas, and the Indians probably harassed them which is why they died/left.
Colonization was anyways a huge mistake. In many cases it costed more than it brought money.
saudi arabia is quite a rich country yet they hate shia muslims with a burning passion mostly because they are of other islam sect.
The current church obsession with the Jews and Israel baffles me, as a protestant Christian, I feel like I'm the only one not under the kike spell.
It just makes no sense. Theologically, even Muslims have a greater reverence for Christ than Jews do. They consider him one of the greatest prophets and teachers, only rejecting his divinity. Whereas Jews, who follow Talmudic teachings, consider him a bastard son of a prostitute and blaspheme him relentlessly in their works. Yet, Protestant Christians hate Muslims and suck Jew ass on a consistent basis. They donate money to Israel and Jewish interests, meanwhile Christians aren't even allowed to become Israeli citizens and if you touch their food it becomes dirty and non-kosher. It doesn't make any sense to me. It's simply one more facet of the Jewish mind control over the uneducated Protestant goyim.
Thanks. Had a sneaking suspicion that the problem is just protestantism.
Depends. North Americans did colonization correctly - take everything over and replace the population. Australians did well too. Can't say the same for other efforts.
I've seen Catholic churches in Murica. It leads me to believe that the problem is the people themselves.
lol if you think northern europeans are smart enough to be anything but hut-dwelling snowniggers. just stop.
Nihilism makes us strong and smart and creative and caring and united and open and will never devolve or fail at doing any of that stuff. Before you can tip your fedora you'll be conquering space with The Scienceā¢ It's just like John Lennon's song Imagine
No it is dying because christians keep acting like retarded niggers
Just look at the rapture bullshit two days ago, that is the kind of shit that is killing christianity, people aren't as stupid as they were years ago
Things like denying science, claiming the earth to be fucking flat, thinking that the earth is 3 thousand years old, shit like that is what is killing religion in the west.
The chinks give no fucks about religion nor do they give any fucks about themselves.
Have a better one