Why won't (((they))) allow research on detransitions?
Why won't (((they))) allow research on detransitions?
How about having no transitions in the first place
There's tons of things they don't allow research on.
In fact I would say science is more about
"Gathering evidence to prove a predefined conclusion"
Than it is the search for truth
The tranny thing is way broader in scope than people realize. They gender swap the actors on TV so we don't see they are all around us. All races and classes. Maybe even your "friends". The Truman Show and They Live was about them. If you are smart, they have been around you since the beginning.
Proper spoopy!
he probably started researching psedo-pussy dilations and it made (((them))) nervous about the potential implications (w.r.t. goyim, knowing, etc.)
Because if they did, it'd reveal the number of trannies who regret transitioning (it's a lot) and that would completely undermine the narrative that it's normal
All you need to tell people about is dilation.
>reading some really good thread about trannies and suicide rates
>some smart guy starts posting screenshots on people that regret transistioning
>OH great some idiot is gore posting now
>nope its dilation
>die inside
what the hell man.
Because (((they))) know it will blow the whole paper thin charade wide open and make normal people wise up. They'll never make trannies accepted though. It's an in-built reflex to be disgusted by them. Even the mad lefties find them revolting though they'd never admit it even under Jack Bauer style torture.
there is literally a pill you can take that corrects all feelings of gender dysphoria
it is a simple mental illness
Actually we don't need to dilate after a few months as long as we are having sex regularly. Which as a trans person it can be difficult to find someone willing which in it of itself is problematic. Mtf transgender should NOT be denied sex for trabsphobic reason and most agree it should be considered a crime because those who do are perpetuating the closing up of the vagina causing grief and terror.
Lets reasearch wether after you cut your dick of if you have a vagina or a medical wound that is trying to heal
If you flashed your spilled apple pie in your crotch at me i wouldnt even kick it nevermind fuck it.
>hey ive got a giant wound between my legs its dripping pus and blood and trying to heal but i have a wig on so that makes it a vag. wanna fuck it?
>what you dont want to touch my rancid, infected wounds? What a transphobe.
Oh so when a cis woman gets "wet" (lube produced by white blood cells) it's fine but suddenly THE SAME WHITE BLOOD CELLS produced by a transwoman in the form of pus grosses you out?
Seriously break your social conditioning, idiot.
Sweat is also made up of urine, should I pee on you?
Agreed. They regularly have to do this or their "vagina" grows shut. The body considers your body mangled and tries to heal itself. Who would have thought?
the goyim cant know
an abhorrent post by an abhorrent larpglag
Stop using 'cis' It is a chemistry term that does not apply to people. You make yourself look stupid when you say that shit.
Which one guy
Got that picture of the research on circumcision's negative effects being blocked?
You deserve death
he's talking about pimozide. It showed very promising effects in a case study but it has never been looked at in more wide spread use and never will be
please don't butcher immunology like you've butchered your genitals
Shit bait is shit.
Posting this so you can marvel your eyes
Bwahahaha just kys because you're already dead xD
Bamboozled af
>Which as a trans person it can be difficult to find someone willing which in it of itself is problematic
All you virgin anons take heed of this. You can slay easy liberal puss by telling roasties you're kind of obscure minority and how hard it is for your people to find sex; it's very problematic. Give them enough tears and they might just blow you. Whether you decide to fess up is up to you.
Kill yourself you disgusting abominatiom
Because then, we may find out the cause, and be able to treat it. I'm sure everyone noticed we went straight from 'it's a mental illness' to 'let's chop off penises' and use it as another political platform to divide the population.
It's obvious. Nothing can be allowed to challenge "The Narrative"
It's the same with every red pill ever. They have to hide it from public view.
>crime stats between races
>sexual proclivity of homosexuals
>mating strategies of modern females
I just don't understand why they want trannys to be a thing? Are they trying to hide the fact that they've poisoned us all with all kinds of shit in our food and water?
Real vaginas don't "close up" and you wonder why no one wants to go near it no matter how girly you think you look. The only option is to kill yourself when you realize your delusion will never be true and you cannot even become a man again. You will only ever be a disgusting freak guilty of crimes against nature and God.
can anyone answer or even speculate for me? Is this just a way to degrade masculinity? to make us weak?
"Fake Peer Review Leads to Massive Retractions"
"A new gold standard of peer review is needed"
To further degrade and weaken the white race and most importantly their one true enemy: the white male
fascinating. this implies that the companies pushing the transfad know what they are doing is wrong.
Archives please?
>Mtf transgender should NOT be denied sex for trabsphobic reason and most agree it should be considered a crime because those who do are perpetuating the closing up of the vagina causing grief and terror
A bunch of activists, medical professionals and politicians have staked everything on the "pro-transition" narrative, if it turned out to be ineffective, they would have to take responsibility for all the confused, stunted, mutilated kids and adults.
Like I just wonder if they realize that something that they did is the cause of this and they know that if the general populace found out that shit would hit the fan so they push this trans crap so that no one can actually question why there are so many now
There's worse and more blatant shit. Like 9/11.
What about transaverse or transdisgusted reasons? No law can force me to fuck an ugly surgical pseudogina. My dick will refuse.
We should start our own science work
I'm willing to do it if you'll fund me
We should fund billboards telling people to raise boys into masculine men because the future depends on it
Who wants to have sex with a gaping wound you created?
You think we could create a fictional guide on how to give yourself a sex change and distribute it to the deranged tranny freaks and see if anyone them try it?
I think we could create a non-fictional deportation system for all neo-vagina retards and force them to take part in the removal.
You will need, a scalpel (a sharp knife will do), some tweezers, some string, a soldering iron, and some paper towels and a large bucket of ice.
First, place your penis in the bucket of ice for 30 minutes to ensure complete numbness
next, locate the superficial dorsal veins of the penis and make an incision beside them, careful not to cut them. Slowly separate the skin aware from the underlying tissue then mobilize the veins.
Next thread some string under the veins and tie it off, constricting the blood flow.
Next place another string around the vein anterior to the first. Make an incision in the vein, the strings will stop any bleeding.
Now take the soldering iron and press it against the ends of cut ends of the veins, cauterizing them
Master's/PhD thesis you don't have as much control over. But once you get your professorship, or even just a postdoctoral research position, there is an expectation of independence, and the greater issue will not be "will my host institution allow it", so much as it is "will the journal publish it" and "can I get grant funding to research this."
Research about detransitioning trans people may give reason to the uninitiated not to transition in the first place.