Has anyone else noticed that news organisations are deliberately saying "far right" a lot more often...

Has anyone else noticed that news organisations are deliberately saying "far right" a lot more often? Every time the talk about nazis or swastikas they deliberately make a point of describing them as far right when there's no need to, then they deliberately go out of their way to mention "far right party" when talking about populist parties, again even when it's unnecessary or even wrong.

How do normies not see that there is an agenda to manufacture mental links and associations. The bbc has been talking about the AFD in the German election recently and is so obvious what they're doing.

yes, it is identity politics. it is simple:
good = me = left
evil = other = right
not that that would have any invariant meaning at all
people are not seeing this because of innate herd mentality, probably very correlated with agreeableness

in my country you can't even openly say that you're right-wing, if you do you get instant labeled as a bigot, racist, fascist, etc

you might think that I'm exaggerating but I'm not. being called "right-wing" is a pejorative here.

and i'm not event talking about "far-right" or "extreme-right", openly saying that you're "right-leaning" will warrant you losing friends, losing jobs opportunities, networking, etc

You have a TV license user?


It is that way here too desu


Yeah, they've been doing this for a while now. Anything that isn't ultra-cucked is literally white racist nazi supremacist Hitler. All they're doing is they're wearing out those words

The BBC does this and then has the fucking gall to call themselves impartial. I fucking hate them

noticed about 2 years ago the british media started referring to "britons" when the correct term would have been "british citizens" since "britons" is an ethnic group and "citizens" are those with a passport. all of a sudden, across all platforms asians, africans etc. were being lumped together as "britons". defintely orchestrated

>Has anyone else noticed that news organisations are deliberately saying "far right" a lot more often?

Are you 12? The BBC have been doing this for 30 years. According to them, jeremy corbyn is in the middlethe, the tories are the nasty party, anyone to the right of them are simply far right nazis. Its been this say since as far as I can remember.

The CBC is fucking notorious for it.


>National socialist
>Far right

More fake news

>losing jobs opportunities
Isn't it illegal?

The media is trying to bait people into a civil war, but failing miserably because neither side want to fight and Antifa is funded to promote this agenda but they are so pussified that it's not even worth putting yourself in prison fighting them

they find some shitty excuses or mobbing


>The bbc has been talking about the AFD in the German election recently and is so obvious what they're doing.

NPR was describing the AfD as "far-right" too, and I had similar thoughts as you about it at the time.

All these major news organizations get directives about what to say from intelligence agencies.

Yes, Farmer Joe worrying about real-world problems in his country should be slyly evoke parallels with LITERALLY HITLER. Let's ignore his concerns and just call him a Nazi instead. That's the democratic way of handling it. Old harmless Joe is FAR off the political spectrum.

It's such a joke. Nobody who thinks for themselves can possibly take it seriously. My only hope is that when the West inevitably crashes, these journalists and politicians will be strung up on street lamps. They more than deserve it for their sociopathic behavior that they unleashed on society by being given the positions of influence they have by the banks at the expense of everyone else.

No. What the fuck is the BBC going to do about it?

propaganda 101

I think most of it has to do with people thinking they are neither and left wing means you support fags and right means you want to kill them so people will say they lean left

>The left control the media
>The bbc is full of commies

what's the matter Sup Forums, ashamed of your view?


Over here they call it "extreme right" to make it sound even more radical

This. When Milo a gay fucking Jew is considered "far right" that means the "real far right" has been elevated in status. Not the other way around.

Welcome to the world of media! About the 90% of the newpapers are under libtards influence

What's matter, comrades? Your life is shit and you are a prick?

This is from Spain's El Pais coverage of the german elections.

>every party has their name, AfD is "ultra derecha" aka ultra right.

The coverage in Portugal was quite the disgusting spetacle. They totally replaced AfD with "extreme right".

Example: Merkel with 30%, extreme right 12%

This is normal and all channels do this.