Is this what it looks like when a boomer gets redpilled?
Sportsball Fan Breaks Sports Addiction With One Neat Trick
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Yes this is their gamergate or their boomergate.
Have we started the fire?
Bet the nfl are fucking pissed off at them now, imagine how much money theyre going to lose
love the butthurt......
why are right wingers so easily triggered?
the nfl has been pushing a political agenda down their throats their entire life. now that they've finally become aware of that they are now in a position to reject the "truths" once presented to them as the establishment propaganda it is.
trump tweeting about the nfl got a bunch of politically apathetic boomers and normies to talk about politics in a bar and with their families. places that never hear political discussions with people that never talk about politics. brilliant maneuver on trumps part.
Just imagine this scene in the future, amidst smoke and rubble, screams of bankers dying in the distance, you hear the voice of the eternal boomer:
>"What I care about is THIS COUNTRY. What I care about is FREEDOM. And it's all about those stars and stripes. Now c'mon baby, light..."
4d chess
Pro sport is full of trannies pumped up on hormones. It's one of many jokes on the "profane", that they spend lots of money watching them play. They are mean.
Woke sportscucks. So much win.
Thanks President Trump.
As a brit who cares very little about sport of any kind I can't imagine how much money they will lose... please tell me? Is it really that big of a deal?
i have no idea, tb h i assume more than a little, considering boomers are their main audience
its not, they will lose 50 dollars next week and then people will continue to watch and their money will be just fine
Why do I get the feeling what he really wants to say is:
>free speech is what the country stands for
>but dont dare to express it
>le brainwashed flag worshippers.
What you are going trough in school is not necessarily healthy. One could say: It is propaganda Id bet the Norks have the same morning routine.... but muhhh PREFFEEEEEEETTOM
we need to remind them that this is what was fought for in WW2
that in WW2 people died so commies would have the right to burn the flag. and people died to make sure those commies would be gassed.
no who's side are you on? the side of the communist zionists who fought for the right to shit all over america or the people who fought to ensure those people were gassed?
obviously leave the nazis out, just remind them that #takeaknee is what WW2 was about.
Haha. This guy went full Schlomo at the end
That's a big meme.
this is exactly what we need more of.
Encourage this.
this shit will work
I know it's probably a hard concept for you Hans, seeing as you're taught in school to hate your country and even your beloved Mother Merkel is disgusted by your own flag
as soon as he brought up jesus and religion i was done.
>muh people that weren't me died to respect that flag!
No, retard, they died so that communists could infect their children, and those children would grow up to loathe their parents and BURN the flag.
"Muh veterans" died killing the people who wanted to stop this degeneracy. And for that, I have no sympathy. Rest in piss, faggots. You sure got those Germans, didn't you? Run along now, you're granddaughter is getting married to a nigger today and your grandson just announced he's transgender at the family reunion and is getting his penis cut off. Mazel tov!
shut up you fuck, you people will riot without your football teams even doing anything wrong
Yes, it is a BIG deal. The NFL is worth Billions, maybe a Trillion. Especially to the Jewmedia. Trump has hurt the 48% of the 1% bad here and without even referring to the JQ. Truly 64 D chess.
What an old faggot. Hope we fell in the fire
(you) (you) (you)
Did he melt the Steelers stuff with jet fuel?
>you know, the opportunity for serious political change came about, but the people on my side were Christians lmao
You're exactly like the churches, splitting and disavowing and eventually being consigned to the wastebasket of history based on the smallest differences. At least we know your country deserves it's fate. I just feel sorry for you.
64 you say?
Is Koopa /our guy/?
Who cares. Boomers are gona boomer
>His great uncles bones are on the bottom of Pearl Harbor
No, they are they because of FDR's oil embargo.
Fucking kek. Dehumanize youself and face to bloodshed
Do you have free speech in Germany? Can you freely say "Hitler was a great leader" or "Islamic immigrants rape German women?" Does the German press lie about problems with immigrants?
"German police raided the homes of 36 people accused of posting “hateful” content on social media. The content in question includes allegedly racist posts and threats."
Don't forget the part where they died to ensure Jewish global supremacy in finance, media and academics, thereby destroying their own descendants.
But those damn ebil Germans, amirite?
as if the country im in has anything to do with the video op posted.
>has morals
>burns perfectly wearable clothes he could have just given to charity
A victim of his own consumption and excess
Fucking mong
The real power of the NFL and football in general is as a containment area for aggressive males who could cause political trouble.
They Jews are shitting in their pants. They don NOT want sportzball fans getting political, they want them in their playpen with their ball.
>sets light to a $400 jacket
Only a boomer could do this.
yeah he woke up out of it didn't he though you stoop
One by one they all fall down. They were burning 49's shit last season and now if some other faggot sporstballer wants to get smart then their shit will go up in flames too.
The Super Bowl is consistently the most watched televised event of the year, every year. The reason it's so big is because of all the eyes to be advertised to.
If there were some way to affect advertising revenue, it would be downstream from getting people to stop watching altogether. My reason for this is that I think Coke, McDonald's, etc. are simply not going to choose to take a moral stand on this issue as they did with YouTube.
laugh all you like, but 4d chess is real.
Don't know anything about US football but enjoyed this lol. Liked and shared.
Football is responsible for billions of dollars of revenue flow due to it being a major source of advertising income. A modern American football game is just a financial instrument with the purpose of selling ad time. If viewership decreases the ad time and therefore the games become less valuable.
Sir you are correct.
If we can peel them away from the jail cell that is normie tribalistic thought...we can get them fighting for their own existence again.
The issue isn’t that it’s offensive. We technically break the US Cose by wearing the flag as apparel and carrying it flat on the football stadium. The issue is that politics have been pushed into something that seldom had politics in it. People are sick of it. Ratings are plummeting at record levels. The NFL is expected to lose $200 million and jobs will be lost if these protests continue.
Why do you have your knickers in a wad? Looks like "free speech" to me. Isn't that what you support?
A humble merchant passing by. So, in USA the marxists have taken over: academia, entertainment AND sports?
Yes. The fire rises. Fan the flames!
>yeah he woke up out of it didn't he
Sure he did while he was preaching about Jesus and love whilst buring shit he could have just given to a charity
he's a bit of a mong 2bh
>giving some useless NEETs clothes is more important than making a statement that will be seen by possibly millions of people
Only a nigger buys jock worship trinkets. Hilarious to see his emotional investment.
Only faggots watch the NFL.
I have a feeling Tucker Carlson is going to provide some nails for its coffin tonight. It's not going to be pretty.
Bread and circuses
Weren't the founding fathers of the USA against shit like flag worshipping?
Yes...and they are mostly jews.
Finally our 180+ IQ sports fans are free from the brain drain of sports. They can go on to create and invent and philosophize as they were meant to
How could one say Hitler was a great leader, you are allowed to spill almost any nonsense by law in Germany but why should I shout out lies? You talk the truth or you tell lies. And to say Hitler was a great leader is on many levels not true.
Only hounding wont be tolerated and that is a good thing.
This is brilliant. People have finally decided to stand up for their country. Those over paid cunts in the NFL need to learn they can't disrespect the USA.
If someone refused to stand for the national anthem in GAA game we would fuck them up.
Disrespecting your own country is disgusting and it's about time people call out these elitist cunts.
The NFL is the highest earning league in the world. Their audience is made up of 98% Americans and probably 75% conservative Americans. Most robaboy won't stop watching, but I do imagine most will sort of do a merchandise boycott.
Ironically. They will probabaly be a surge in Villanueva jerseys (the only Steeler to stand), but he won't see a dime of it.
Doesn't mean he's not an old whiny boomer.
>muh flag
Also the only good thing about the OP's video was this video featuring a qt leaf was in related
This. Found out last week our open director position at work would not be going to the white guy that has been here for 9 years, the asain lady who has been here for 7 and has an advanced degree in our field of work, or the hispanic guy who has been here for 8 years. The position is going to a person with less than 5 years experience from outside our company, I'm convinved its because both the new director and VP that hired him are both Jewish.
I wish the fans would rush the field and beat the team on live tv.
Then drive flagpoles through their body so they can look at the flag as they bleed out.
And It's time to take your country back
Day of the red-pilled boomer when?
The interesting thing is, sport is followed and an interest showed. Entirely because it's an escape from the mundane worries of life, politics, survival, etc. Bring those worries in sport has lost it's point.
"Where they burn sports paraphernalia, in the end they will also burn human beings." - Heinrich Heine
Fuck off you Jesus hating communist. Once in awhile I feel bad for Sweden, and then a poster like you comes along to remind me of why your country is turning into a hellhole. Muh paganism, muh kike religion, fuck off kingdom of swedistan. Everywhere strong white Christians go, conservatism follows.
>Poland, strong Christians, no migrant problems.
>Sweden, weak Christians, problems.
>American heartland, strong Christians, no problems.
>American cities, weak Christians, problems.
>The real power of the NFL and football in general is as a containment area for aggressive males who could cause political trouble.
>They Jews are shitting in their pants. They don NOT want sportzball fans getting political, they want them in their playpen with their ball.
From the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Protocol 13: Distractions
> WE FURTHER DISTRACT THEM WITH AMUSEMENTS, GAMES, PASTIMES, PASSIONS, PEOPLE'S PALACES . . . SOON WE SHALL BEGIN THROUGH THE PRESS TO PROPOSE COMPETITIONS IN ART, IN SPORT IN ALL KINDS: these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them. Growing more and more unaccustomed to reflect and form any opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same tone as we because we alone shall be offering them new directions for thought
Hes the kinda guy that would shoot you and then say sorry but you broke into the wrong house sonny.
Your kind wouldn't know abything about getting your asses kicked and then getting saved by your Daddy now would you... . . .
so at the very very end?
*US Code
Fuck me and these typos.
I really don't get why white Americans watch this shit to begin with. What connection can you possibly feel to a team full of niggers?
I get that it's a tradition going back to the days when whites still played sports in the US, and local athletes were celberates as All American heroes, but that culture died out in the 80s.
dare i say it, are boomers finally... /ourguys/?
Meme that the players should go on strike. Taking a knee isn't enough, they need a picket line.
The nigger will be fired. Problem solved.
The fire rises......
For you.
They have to react to the bank bailouts, not just a sportsball happening
I kek'd at his conflicting brain moment where he confused himself by saying 'to defend your right to say whatever you want to say' and 'you do not disrespect the flag'
Yes, your country is relevant because it's full of cucks like you (for now anyway).
if you dont go to the games or buy merch the only thing left is to cancel tv service...those fuckers get paid just by you having access to their programming. a lot of games yesterday wouldn't show crowd shots...i wonder why.
I hope hockey makes a comeback...true contact sport
it doesn't matter what you get.
its fake tribalism and you either help in destroying it or get the fuck out of the way
>Boomers getting redpilled
wew lad
with Kek anything is possible.
You fucking retard, national unity and patriotism is the only thing that can defend against the globalists. Proudly wave your flag, sing your anthem and put your fellow countrymen first.
Here's the thing Hans; they're free to kneel during the anthem, but fans are free to turn off the tv and not buy the merch. Free speech is not consequence free; never was.
I want out of this hellhole, do you americans mind if i come over and stay there?
I need some jesus in my life, too bad the swedish church has gone to shit.
Oh man. NFL is kill. These are normies that I actually know, so I blotted out their names. It's not like the guy who posted this has a thousand friends who he doesn't know, either. These are friends, family, folks he went to high school with, etc.
he forgot to burn his measure tape as well
>grown ups being sports fans
I spent my Sunday morning in Church and my afternoon studying organic chemistry. Thanks BLM for helping me see you all for the niggers you are.
>always the kraut
fuck off
We didn't start the fire, the worlds been burning since the worlds been turning.
You're like a self-hating parody of yourself you cuck. Except you're real.