Due to leftist policies
>democrat-run cities/vote farms are lowering the average standing of the country
>blame le ebil cabidalism
flawless logic
That reminds me i was on lebbit the other day and r/latestagecapitalisim really pisses me off, it should be renamed early stage socialisim and it would be perfect
Black people also drop the U.S. national IQ below the average for western nations.
This shit started with Reagon you uneducated negroids.
Bush did nothing against it, Clinton did nothing, Obongo did nothing.
And Trump is doing nothing as well.
3 decades with stagnating fucking wages but with rising productivity and rising profits.
Ah yes.
Cool, that means we can burn all the coal we want.
The economy is better now than it was before the great recession.
There is an obvious truth in the US that can not be spoken. Yes, there has been rising productivity, not so much by innovation as by getting niggers out of the work force. Turns out it is less of a drag on the economy to pay them to do nothing than to have them being paid to screw things up. Sometimes things really are that simple.
Thanks central banks, and their minions : the leftists.
hmmm almost like 8 years of a nigger lying he was going to fix infrastructure around the country had some sort of effect.
when will Americucks learn?
What does that even mean
Do some towns in America still not have access to clean water?
Only 56% of the population are from a developed nation
No, that was just flint, which is a nigger and democrat ran shithole. I shouldn't have to explain further why things went to shit there.
>three decades
Just another German trying to explain US history, not knowing this trail was blazed as early as the 1960s with immigration, Johnson's Great Society, and the divisive nature of the Vietnam war. So please focus on Ahmed, Hans. You are correct however that the US has merely drifted over the last several decades with ineffectual presidents as our corporate elites (from all parties and with support from the political class) sold off a huge chunk of America's manufacturing base in order to fund the lavish lifestyle boomers demanded while maintaining countless wars that drove us deeper in debt.
>Be American
>Become poor
Boy, Capitalism sure is swell!
>1 post by this ID
you have to go back.
Any real data backing this up? Seems to be just a sensationalistic headline designed to get attention and promote this book.
Many parasites kill their host over time
you guys are retards
its the growing inequality due to social trends and there are more rich and more poir due to globalism its only temporarilylike this once high skill youth take boomer factory jobs and replace then for pajeets
Good meme fellow 4channer xD
Welcome to the club
Too much data, sadly. Just search, for instance, the state of US bridges nationwide. They're crumbling and in need of repair, many scoring Fs, yet we seem to have no money to repair them as we spend billions to defend places like EUROPE. But I don't blame you spineless idiots. It's our fault for thinking we could actually police the world and simultaneously not ruin our own country.
US millenials are also the least skilled worldwide.
actually we area plenty skilled, people just refuse to hire us because why hire an American when you can hire Paco, Jose and Raul for half the cost?
Have Brazil-like raical demographics, become Brazil. It's not too late because you can still deport a lot of the muds, close immigration and breed more Germans/Anglo-Saxons/whatever other white people you have.
>nigger in chief
>gives gibs to all his fellow nigs and pacos
>"everyone gonna get obongo care healthcare"
>"you can keep your old plan"
>you can't actually keep your old plan
>fails horribly
>people pay more for less
>none of the promised infrastructure improvements
lefties start saying "oh boy, oh gee, thanks crapitalism! Hahaha" after not realising that he was pumping into social care and welfare for all of his 8 years
this was meant for
>only America has black people
Admittedly we don't have nog culture at the same level as them. But I'd like to see any sources you have to base this claim on.
Wasn't it never proven that shit went wrong there even?
>muh mexicans
>implying you need mad skillz to pick cotton
Fuck off.
Your education is just 3rd world tier.
He's correct you dumb motherfucker.
Trump and Republicans are leftists now?
Isn't it great how $1t in infrastructure got pumped into US road and labor?...unions, I mean, not the actual things themselves lol
Import 3rd world,
..Wait for it...
Get 3rd world.
fucking idiot
Indeed it's too late, but thanks for the encouraging words. Unfortunately your society and culture also teeters on a knife's edge. So get your asses back in the baby factories
Not an argument but thanks
>Trump is responsible for decades of economic policy and decrepit infrastructure after less than a year in office
What did he mean by this?
That's why all the top universities are in the US and not the Netherlands right?
Fuck off you worthless riverkraut
>muh mexicans
yes the mexicans, and the poos, and the chinks, because guess how much they get paid? I'll give you a hint, it's less than the minimum wage allows, so again, why the fuck hire American when big businesses can just hire third worlders at 1/3 the cost?
Same did USSR.
Splitting USA to 4-5 different countries then?
Inbe4 guys, someone should draw the map of new states of America.
>Article was published in april when Trump just got into office.
He's clearly referring to king nigger.
If your nation could be so easily brought to this state, then I imagine that it can be reversed.
Also the 'le 56%' meme is assuming all Hispanics are white, and including illegal immigrants that live within the US. I imagine that once deportations go up, a snowball effect will occur in which families will collectively move back once one member is deported. Hell, from what I know at the moment, immigration from Mexico to the US is already negative - meaning that you're losing more than you're gaining.
Additionally, if you can manage to cut off welfare, then they're sure to leave. 75% of Mexicans use welfare, and each is a 2000$ tax burden - do you know what that means? Remove the welfare, and they'll flee like cockroaches from a collapsed house. Additionally, the ones that'll be able to make it on their own will most likely be White Hispanics - so Spaniards or Europeans who happened to take a detour to the USA via South America.
There's still hope, don't forget that. The USA of yesteryear is closer than you think.
*is assuming that all Hispanics aren't white
Both sides enabled the decline. Especially Nixon/Reagan.
Both parties my friend. Both suckle at the teat of multinationals and international banks.
No money for healthcare or nutrition, no money for the homeless and poverty-stricken, no money for bridges or construction/public works, but LOTS of money for the military industrial complex and its endless war meme.
Sure, look who taught them.
Doesn't understand the relationship of the FDA/PhRMA to the federal government.
Obviously you're illiterate. Typical.
Daily reminder the welfare state is part of capitalism
>Muh top Uni's
You first need half a million dollars, top tier grades or a scholarship to be eligible to even participate in one of those few top tier uni's which only a few thousand Americans, most of whom are part of the elite anyway, actually get to enjoy.
The rest of the nation is stuck with your shit public education system which is absolutely horrendous since they're training them to become binary-minded drones that can't into nuance or critical thought.
It's not unreasonable at this point to argue that within 100 years or so the US will Balkanize.
>Inb4; 20 years
My guess is it'll take a few more generations before we're comfortable with the idea. But I don't claim any special knowledge
hahaha settle down there goy ^^ gonna give yourself a hernia eh
I wasn't making an argument, so how could I fail at it? Once again proving me correct that you are a dumb motherfucker. I'm not going to sit here for an hour and type out everything Reagan did that supports the german's statement. I'll simply ask you to go out and do your research before you claim he is wrong. 'muh reagan'.
Pic is of LA. Liberal cities don't always look like shitholes, but shitholes tend to be overwhelmingly liberal
>take a picture of skid fucking row
>"wow look at this america is regressing"
>neoliberalism is leftwing
Your cognitive dissonance is amazing
>sees memeflag
oh I see, you're actually retarded
50% nigger babies 49% civilized babies.
Yeah, I believe it. America is almost Brazil tier.
I agree with your analysis, but there doesn't seem to be any political will. Even the Republican establishment seems fine with the state of affairs, not just demographically but economically and politically as well. It'll take a different generation to wake up and effect change.
So resist following our lead and protect your island
> skid row even existing
3rd world tier desu senpaitachi
what else do you expect when you have an area concentrated with nothing but poor niggers and wetbacks?
It's only regressing in cities like Chicago and Detroit where they have liberal policies and the niggers stay in those cities.
>being so economically illiterate you dont understand the world around you
Lad, the first form of welfare was instigated by Bismarck precisely to quell workers unrest and detract them from embracing socialism properly.
Our universities are top tier, but our elementary school system is truly third-worldish, which explains why we import most of our scientists, which explains why the ruling elites resist cutbacks on immigration (perhaps rightfully so). Perhaps soon we'll pay Germanic barbarians to fight our wars for us
I expect a rich and powerful nation can at the very least clean up after monkeys, since it saw fit to open a zoo...
Pic on the left looks like paradise desu.
>there doesn't seem to be any... will
I do agree with you that the establishment is either in agreement with what is occurring, or willfully ignorant.
My point was that is by no means physically impossible to achieve your aims, or to positively affect the USA.
But I suppose the saying is 'If there's a will, there's a way', not 'If there's a way, there's a will', yes?
>protect your island
I hope so. Our demographics are already fairly comfortable. However, if they can merely be slowed or ceased entirely - which is entirely possible if an appeal to our environment is made, then we can effectively witness the effects of ethnic displacement in other nations before it occurs to us. It'll be like cheating death, but I think that it's achievable.
>to quell workers unrest
Bismarck was a centrist. He saw that socialism was a threat, and therefore conceded on some lighter socialist policies, like what democratic socialists do now. If you borrow notes from another key signature, sure you might still by in C major or what have you, but the notes you're borrowing from aren't.
I didn't say he was wrong, and I'm not claiming muh Reagan. I'm asking all of you to widen your cone of knowledge and understanding to see a larger picture that these events were all put into motion before 19fucking80
And if you want to appear to be the smart one try to resist name calling because it only makes you look foolish. FFS do you even know about the 1965 immigration act, or Johnson's Great Society, or the lasting social effects of the Vietnam war, which the boomers are still fighting
You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
Due to shitskins really, USA now resembles Mexico
>millennials are least skilled
>tech industry still based in the US
>Chinese send their kids to school in the US then return to China to start tech firms
Lmao. Intelligent millennials are running tech (not just social media) guided by the Gen X pioneers. It's the only thing keeping the US economy afloat. The only reason you think US millennials are mongs is because the internet is honey for all the skill-less, useless burnouts to complain about how the world fucked them while those with initiative work hard to get into highly competitive, well compensated fields.
Go back to leftypol.
>Let 3rd worlders flood in
>Become 3rd world
Hmmmm what an unexpected outcome...
Despite your shilling, you have not made very good arguments.....I agree in part both sides are to blame, but please...really...Obama was elected on charisma & white guilt.....he was a marxist zealot....he had no idea how to nurture the country and make sure the mundane things were taken care of.....
same thing could be said for reagan. and both of them submitted to the internationals and the bankers
The Democrats are still a very capitalist party.
>T-true capitalism has never been tried, it's a lefty globalism/crony capitalism!
>B-businessmen really care about you and totally are nationalist
>It's the j-jews!
>Now be a good goy a praise jahbgivers. Also, instead of taxes, we should pay them so they wouldn't outsorce the jahbs to niggers and chinks. Because they are so nationalist and patriotic, right?
Blue-pilled cucks.
>but it le doesn't le matter because nigger!! XDDD!!!!
Early stage socialism comes a bit later, when pissed of people start hanging those "jahbgivers" and "hardworking (((dindunuffins)))" on the nearest lampposts, like in Russia.
Or just start rounding up all jews and executing them, like in Germany.
And niggers
Its the "I dont know what happens to a municipality when theres more and more people everyday showing up and using services without paying a fair share" episode. Follow your leader and give a luger a blowjob, you sad flaggot
One could say that it's even more capitalist than repubs, since repubs get their money, usually, from oil magnates and MIC, but democrats get money straight up from Wall Street kikes.
Which makes a good irony for antifa-ggots when they shill for Clinton.
>Porky is tired of workers demanding rights
>Dream of a world of cheap and expendable labour
>Use his ties with the politicians to open the gates
>Millions of illegals do the unqualified job
>Only Porky university sell education
>Quality of life for the masses in free fall
>Porky make more money than ever
>The left is busy fighting "spooks" in the working class and do nothing to stop it
>Even ask for more immigrants
People like you is why no action can be taken to stop capitalism.
>whites almost minority
>increasing amount of niggers and spics
"youre country increasingly looks liek nigger country must be capitalism no other explanation"
Amy Wax (yes she's a Jew, but she's /ourjew/) has suggested going back to 1950s 'bourgeois' ethos. She doesn't mention race at all, only culture, but her critics rage at her anyway:
Things are shifting. All hail Trump, Richard Spencer (who's done more?) and ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD
Oy vey, I've made a terrible offense for america, stomped on a holy cow of the kikes and faggots who run (and ruin) the country.
A goy now, while whizzling and fighting asthma, will try to defend his rich overlords in a pathetic attempt, sure that for those efforts, he will be rewarded by God with more money.
This is the state of murrikans - literally sucking a cock of rich faggots and bragging about their freeduhms because they own a glock.
Pruf? Some data? Nevermind, got some myself.
Not really. I dis-agree. Reagan didn't de-stabilize the country. He was not willfully ignorant of why some things need to happen despite ideological difference. He was not trying to socially re-engineer the world.
Comparing Obama to Reagan is blasphemy son!
How did his specific argument (whether right or wrong) about too many people not paying their fair share to use limited resources turn into his sucking a cock of rich faggots and bragging about freedoms?
And as a dumb American I kindly ask you explain using words and phrases other than hyperbolic metaphors.
Source, Norwegian expert-on-the-US?
capitalism - sells even your people for a quick buck
What are these pics of? Someone went around with cameras and got away with it, during the Holodomor?
>The left is busy fighting "spooks" in the working class and do nothing to stop it
Western left are hipsters - therefore, literally useful idiots for the big business. Also, "world revolution idea" is plainly retarded by itself
Any more or less conservative left-leaning will be posed as "literal Hitler" anyways.
Also, it's like with immigrants: people need to be fucked through and through to become at least somewhat redpilled and step out of comfort zone.
>no action can be taken to stop capitalism
And it's good. Russians have the neat saying: Saving the drowning man is the concern, first and foremost, of the drowning man himself.
Because of Jews emptying out the US and sending the money and jobs to their next host, China.
Good thing we have more Jews like Mr. Temin to explain to us what happened.
Cutting welfare would do wonders for your shitskin problem. No bennies and no birthright citizenship would sort your shitskin problem out in like 10 years.
DAS Deutschlandverzeichnis, aussie.