Is Nofap legit?
Is Nofap legit?
nope, its a scam so you click their shitty site with their made up "science" and buy a book or some shit.
Somebody please give me scientific reasons as to why no fap may objectively improve your quality of life.
Any reasons but specific ones to brain/biological functioning would be appreciated.
wrong fucking board but yeah mate
I began yesterday and am doing 235 days of no fap.
Day 0 is the day I came
0 = 23/9/2017
1 = 24/9/2017
235 = 17/5/2018
You should try it
>scientific reasons as to why no fap may objectively improve your quality of life
science says you should fap - or do the naughty - on a regular basis. Unless you like cancer.
>censored nip
something's wrong with you.
>not taking hot showers
u wot
I don't understand this picture. Does nofap make you resistant to cold?
No fap is only good in that it gives you a goal and achieving that goal makes you feel good.
Other reasons are bullshit. Reaching orgasm is a great stress reliever.
sauce pls
there are none, you will only get retarded explanations, probably because there is actually no science behind it.
It's not some magic fix-all but cutting down on masturbation would probably help to curb fatigue.
i think the real issue is porn, which is basically crack for your brain.
>1 day
Yeah you'll have hot cum going through you fast.
My missus gave birth recently and is still recovering as her vag split a bit so im fapping until I can root her again.
We need to make a destinction between
1. No fap.
2. No porn.
No porn is real. Porn really fucks you up.
But no fap is not. Not fapping and expecting health benefits is like not lifting and expecting to get big.
organs like to be used.
Actually since doing my old no fap (72 days)
I gained more muscle easily, was talking a bit more deeper, constantly had erections over small things and became a bit aggressive.
Also girls become easier to talk to and they have some kind of attraction to you a bit, it's hard to notice it but you will if you wait a while
Image is actually how it feels though
the australian shitpost
Congrats on your child m8
Fapping decreases the levels of Selenium going to the brain and the obvious lower levels of testosterone.
the organ is meant to be used with someone, not yourself.
when have you ever felt great and confident after jacking off?
>scientific reasons as to why no fap may objectively improve your quality of life
the human body recycles it's seminal fluid and sperm fully after about 90 days.
in that time your body will absorb some of the nutrients and stem cells effectively promoting better functioning of the entire body.
however, if you crank one out once in awhile it's not an issue.
chronic masturbation is the issue because then your body is constantly trying to re-create your lost reproductive fluids and that energy is drained from the other organs because procreation takes precedence over all other bodily functions in a healthy body.
that's just how biology works in mammals.
so if you no fap your energy will be used and distributed to your other parts.
metabolism and healing speed up.
neurons fire faster.
that sort of thing.
Probably being German.
>tfw you don't fap for a few days, and you get a burst of energy and want to be fit, so you do more exercize, your sleeping schedule magically fixes itself & you are no longer nocturnal, and you study more
I can only do this every other month or so.
NoFap may give you a little more energy because you're not "drained" from having an orgasm twice a day. The real benefit is from not watching porn. Quitting porn had a major impact on my social anxiety and ability to converse naturally with people as well as make eye contact. The benefit is undeniable.
good luck getting her in the mood while she's breastfeeding.
you're getting no action until your kid starts eating solids, bro.
you need it so cold because your balls hurt so fucking bad they might burst
unless you're low test anyway
Just keep on watching that good porn ol' boys. That will keep you nice and tame.
Just keep in that little comfort bubble you've been in your entire life. Hot showers, porn and 9 to 5 slave life. Get a below average GF who will cheat on you because you're a boring asshole without any dreams.
Don't be mad though, when you catch your gf dominated by guys like us, because she just wanted a little bit more adventure ;).
Stay comfy faggots.
semen retention is where it's at, mane
Psychologically, if you do not fap your libido will increase and help you overcome the natural fear that men feel when interacting with women. It will make you more bold with them, and perhaps get you actually laid instead.
Jumping into a cold shower after an intense jogging sessions is awesome. I put on some music like this and praise the gods.
not believing you mate.
I did a 78 day no fap before beginning my 235 day one and I felt great..
My penis got bigger.
Watching porn is not bad unless it is third person porn because that conditions the viewer to watch from a cuck view which in turn just engineers them to be a little bitch
It seems like it's never just fapping with these people - they also try to integrate every other pseudo-lifehack health kick, like only taking cold showers or quitting all caffeine.
It's legit if you fap like 4 times a day and start tot miss appointments because you can't stop tickling your whiley. If you fap once or twice every 2 weeks you should be able to be fine. There is no point in you soiling your pants either, but one month of nofap can be good if you find yourself jacking it every time you get bored.
Nah shes keen for it again already
>as well as make eye contact.
what retarded bullshit, I have been jerking off for decades now and I never had problem holding eye contact with anyone.
>natural fear that men feel when interacting with women
nothing about that is natural.
no man fears a woman.
Before no fap: Slept with 3 girls (in 7 years, started at age 14)
After no fap: Slept with 19 girls (in 2 years)
It's 100% placebo, but that doesn't mean it can't "work" but usually only if you were extremely pathetic before.
hope you're not cranking it to ugly girls like the one in your post.
reminder that nofapfags like to ignore the fact that they start getting nocturnal emissions because their body needs to ejaculate regardless of if they manually initiate it
I think its more of a psychological effect. With me it does a few things. First of all it gets me horny af and somewhat aggressive. Some say its a raise in testosterone or you are just sexually frustrated. Whatever it is, it makes me go to the gym and lift heavier weights and go harder than usual because you have to relieve that frustration somewhere. While at the gym I stare directly into girls asses. I usually look away when I get cuaght looking but not during no fap. If I want to see a phat ass in leggings I am going to see it. And girls notice you dont give a fuck, you are showinng them you want to hit that ass raw and breed her and you dont give a fuck. They notice and will try and make conversation here and there which in many cases I have turned into flirting then into fucking them because with no fap your confidence seems to be up. Not reallly that you just horny as shit and dont care if you are rejected or not. You tend to see women just as sex objects and have no fears of being rejected or talking to them. Basically at least for me no fap means bigger gains and more sex
Nofap is good if you do the 3 month reboot. Join the forum and chat with other anons but don't buy all the propaganda bullshit.
I managed the 3 month program and rewarded myself with a hooker, I came within the first 10 mins, best orgasm of my life.
Before nofap, I had dick desensitivity for wacking it off too much, now that I quit porn and fap, my dick works much better and I have more confidence in myself.
>twice a day
what are a faggot? I jack off at least 10 times a day
>the organ is meant to be used with someone, not yourself.
That's like saying people aren't meant to lift, they should just... work in the logging industry?
Like saying the brain isn't meant to be used in solving puzzles but only to solve real problems.
What the organ was meant to do and what we do with it, we've crossed that line a long time ago.
Yes, I do feel confident after jacking off, I don't know where the meme comes that people get depressed.
Don't bother with No Fap, do No Porn
The west is yet to catch up to the east which has known for a millennia that ejaculation is for procreation. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to produce sperm and literally cuts your life short if you ejaculate excessively. You will likely have trouble finding scientific studies because the west doesn't really know this.
Not in my experience. But you should definitely quit porn.
>I had dick desensitivity
sounds like something you get when your dick was butchered by Jews.
People in this thread:
Fuck I tried Googling her but I accidentally typed "Mario porn" instead of "Maria porn"
Every time because I don't have some bizarre pathology about it?
no it's not like saying that. when you're with someone, your brain releases oxytocin.
and i bet you do
The real question is not if no-fap has benefits, but rather: What the fuck is wrong with you that masturbating has such a big negative impact on your life? You realize there are millions and millions of men out there that beat it regulaly to porn and still function properly, right?
pfff i always shower as warm as possible.
You're wrong. It is normal to be intimidated when approaching a pretty girl. That is something that must be learned to overcome. It's even harder in today's society where women are so empowered over men.
>le science XD
yeah... because (((they))) will honestly tell you
beating it helps me to take hard decisions with a clearer mind.
I have been doing this for a couple of weeks. Only masturbating a few times a week with 0 porn.
Well I have been having blue balls. Some days more, some days less.
Last night I came and it was pink. So, anyone else had issues with blood in their semen?
but you get more aggressive if you don't fap.
>jerking off cuts your life shorter
>jerking off destroys ur brain
>jerking off makes your dick not sensitive
>jerking off makes you not be able to hold eye contact
>jerking off is reason why u beta
wow, really hard science at work here.
totally not arguments pulled out of someones ass.
just yesterday, i didnt fap for a week and then i slimed so hard, i felt like i was in paradise
Fuck off chad
Wouldn't you be more nervous around women when you're horny?
It's a real thing, I could get an erection still but it would take me about an hour to cum during sex. Really frustrating... But now it takes like 2-10 mins
there is nothing wrong with masturbating. but using porn to masturbate in the other hand...
guys like us
Anyone who is married and has a healthy relationship will know that fapping is a necessary evil. I probably have it quite lucky in that my wife, even when she is sick, will let me feel her up whilst I shoot one off.
>You realize there are millions and millions of men out there that beat it regulaly to porn and still function properly
Most men/people in the world are fucking broke, retarded idiots living a dead end life
Do you really want to follow millions and millions of losers into obscurity, poverty, and a lonely death?
>Hot showers
What is with these strange lifestyle obsessions
Not sure about that image, but it helped me at least
But it's important to remember that porn and excessive fapping are symptoms, not the problem itself. There's a reason why you rely on those as emotional crutches, once you remove them you're forced to confront the real issues at the core, same as with any addiction really
I have a wife
Should I nofuck?