Rate my map
Is this the best west?
>making Germany bigger
Absolute garbage.
The smaller and more divided Germany is, the better for all Europe.
>British Union
What's the logic in this? I'm sure, somehow, we have some historical connection with Iceland since somehow we've had relationships with those weird paki sounding ex-commie countries and Mongolia but what's the logic in a union? The British isles in a union sounds good though.
And also it's the United Kingdom, not the British Union you mong.
>Turkey exists
Pretty good map. I think Iceland fits better with Denmark.
>all this border gore
>all those displaced cultures
m8, your grossgermanium is going to flop faster than Liberia
Implying Caucasia would ever work. Dude you have no idea the history and politics of that region.
0/10 Germany still exists
>No kalmar union
If you're gonna bloat everything atleadt do it correctly.
Only Northern Germany is Nordic. Most of the rest (East, South, West) is swarthy. There is no consistent "Germanic". That's just a myth that poor, low IQ whites on this anime board tell themselves.
No because Hungary doesn't own Transylvania in this map
>muh slav is an ethnic group
Every time
Jämtland freestate 10/10 respect
Anything but changing Turkey,why? What's your fucking problem man?
Do you know how hard we fought,in how difficult/next to impossible conditions just get the tiny Turkey we now have today? Not a single person from the entire human history can come and say "my nation deserves X part of Turkey more" This is unacceptable.
Cyprus deserves the entirety of its island.
You don't deserve half of it.
Get out and stay out.
The perfect map.
No labels because anyone with half a brain can work out which ethno-lingistic group is which. Clue: none of them is the united imperial commonwealth republic of the holy order of the southern league of northern hanseatic archbishoprics of kebab
always with the hardon for finland
please fuck off
>there are literally no sami-majority areas
seems quite nice beside that Finland have 0 clame to those lands
Thank you for leaving croatia out of these shitty unions.
fuck off back to the steppes kebab
Perisa you iliterate cuck
Iceland was genetic ties to Ireland, so I'd hand Iceland over to ACE
>G*rmans get rightful Czech clay
>Slavs for some reason get Hungarian clay
>Kekistan flag
Op confirmed retarded
>Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya
Iceland has genetic ties to the entire British isles, but only the x chromasome - this is because the Norse who settled Iceland raided the British Isles and took British and Irish wives en route.
This is why Icelandic language is the same as Old Norse, not any British language. This is why Iceland was ruled by Denmark until WWII.
Only a small minority are Berber these days.
>Germans are undergoing a demographic implosion and dont cobtrol parts of their own country
You people are dumb as fuck, seriously
Germanic union will be run by Muslims.
Also, the only thing Germany deserves is a nuclear holocaust.
This. Under 10k Sami in Finland.
>No Ukraine/Belarus
>Germany kept in check
>West no longer can exploit balkans, united they can move forward
>Sadly, in a perfect world, Sweden is blacked anyway
>Independent Bavaria - basically Switzerland 2.0
>No Belgium, no problem
>Independent Catalonia
>United Cyprus
>No more Macedonia
>Constantinople is back
>United Ireland
I think we have fought more for those lands than swedes and norwegians.
Norway has the most sami. Around 40k
>implying this isn't best map
Why would you make greece south slavia instead of making a hellenic union baka
Germans can't stop themselves from fucking over Europe. The more confined they are, the better for the French, British, SPanish, Scandis, Easterners and everyone else.
This is the most autistic map I've seen yet.
The one way to salvage Europe is to dismantle german identity back into it's original subgroups like bavarian, swabe, prussian, etc.
Giving France huge dutch and german speaking ergions makes no sense.
United Ireland makes as much sense as a united Greece-Turkey, only less likley to work.
Giving Austria slovenia and most of switzerland makes no sense. The former should be blue and the latter should be grey.
Giving Greece Albania and Macedonia makes no sense. The former should be independent and the latter should be united with Bulgaria.
Make Iberia one.
etc etc
0/10 shit map would not bang
>implying any map on pol made sense, ever
But ACE is more powerful, so they can take Iceland by force. Be happy you're allowed to keep what you have....
>Non British United Ireland
Absolutely degenerate.
Forgetting the French would occupy that role again if Germany was broken up.
Napoleon and the house of Bourbon say Hi
>City-state of Montauban
wtf is ACE anyway?
That's the east.
Don't tell them about the master plan.
Unification when?
That rump what's left of Czech republic looks like a dick in Germany's ass. No wonder Hitler wasn't happy with just annexing the Sudetenland.
Lurk moar
you just gave the cucks more landmass, congrats retard lol
Whenever you'll let go of your unlawfully held piece of the land.
Japan recreates Doggerland?
The bit about the french though is that a fragmented germany and Britain/ Spain/ etc can keep them in check.
A unification of the Germanies requires to much effort from the rest of Europe to put down when it gets uppity and drowns Europe for decades at a time. Even an entire century.
Just look at Europe since the end of the last World War- Only now are they finally getting back on track, and even then it may have been irreversably fucked in some regions.
Because Animu and Shit. Also the food is better.
Fuck off, kraut
(American) Krauts are the most obnoxious fuckers in America and on /pol. (Euro Krauts are ok)
These stormnig fuckers think there is a magical German race, and everything is German. Check your American IQ score, ...it's not master race tier. And the founders hated you fucks.
Please piss off
best map has already been made, no need to make any more
now that's autism
Why do you guys always give Russia more territory? We can't even handle properly what we have now.
>this slavia
>that slavia
Sounds retarded
I like this map, giving Russia so much territory full of hostiles would definitely atleast cripple it.
>no Belarus
come on
This is best map.
Disbanded germany and
Natural and historical borders
Ingria and East Karelia to Nordic lebensraum.
>Historical borders
At which point in history are 'historical borders' formed? Also if it is historical borders than Germany's eastern territories have spent a lot more time being under German control than any other.
>european clay: reality edition
When an overwhelming ethnic/linguistic/cultural/political identity is present and permeates said territory.
Europe Map number one.
Europe Map number two.
>Not making the entire Levant a Roman Catholic Crusader state
Why even bother?
But that can be changed no? Germany's eastern territories were overwhelmingly German for hundreds of years but now they are almost completely void of Germans. So at what point can one definitively say: 'These are the historical borders of my country?'
First the USA has to be dismanlted though the US does not live in Europe and is not Part of Europe yet still have Military bases all over it even storing their nukes in some of these Countries the US is literally a cultureless jewish occupation force
If a territory has been taken form a people who still exist, then said territory rightfully belongs to said people.
I see. Sorry to pry but I'm still a bit confused. Does that mean all of America belongs to the various tribes who are still alive? Does that mean my country doesn't even belong to me because of the Abo's?
Those tribes already do have their own reserves that are effectively autonomous, and 90% of those tribes are dead now, they never were united to begin with.
I don't know enough about Australia to comment, I might look into it too some day.
Another map of Europe I just made.