>Chrollo explain his abilities to Hisoka
What if this is the condition to give the ability back to the original owner.
Explain the ability and demonstrate it to the original user then then it removes it from the book.
>Chrollo explain his abilities to Hisoka
What if this is the condition to give the ability back to the original owner.
Explain the ability and demonstrate it to the original user then then it removes it from the book.
Other urls found in this thread:
>If this definition of death was used, organ harvesting for transplants would be jeopardized by deterioration of the organs during the time immediately after cessation of respiration and circulation
Its more like Chrollo never lies or hides things
His name is literally Lulcifer. I'm certain that he lies by omission or tells half truths.
He explained all his abilities to trick Hisoka into a "how will Chrollo make use of them efficiently?" mindset.
In reality the rest of the Phantom Troupe was hiding amongst the crowd helping Chrollo without being seen, with Machi retrieving the antennaes for him to reuse, Kortopi doing lots of copies (which explains why Hisoka estimated only 20-30 while in reality there were 200+) and so on.
It's no coincidence that there's exactly the three of them watching his body after he died.
>Hisoka estimated only 20-30 while in reality there were 200+
Except he doesn't? He literally states that he doesn't know how many copies there are.
He roughly estimates 20-30 being left or available, that's why he gets so shocked when Chrollo takes the MIC and sees hundreds attacking
It makes you wonder if Chrollo carries an ability like the one in Sanderson's Warbreaker - the ability to manipulate cloth and make it move and strangle people.
>no ponzu
shit poll
But honestly I wonder if Chrollo's going to get some kind of divine ability like growing wings, angel of judgement or some shit.
3 weeks with unstopped HxH threads every single day just because the clown... I like it
I suspect you are new here, and slithered here from reddit.
I will tell you this. Never underestimate the power of anonymous.
now get this shit off of my Sup Forums
Hisoka gets me so fucking hype, there was no reason to deflect the ball here other than to show that he can.
you just want me to post lewd pictures but thats not gonna happen because she is pure
>that laugh
Hisoka isn't a retarded joker parody, his laugh needs proper context.
This scene was needed to establish that his Bungeegum has the abilities of rubber AND gum.
>and they'll call themselves the Avengers.
mfw we capeshit now
He didn't looked shocked at all, that's your headcanon.
You're also taking Hisoka's prediction out of context. Hisoka was referring to the first batch of puppets that were created by Chrollo, and how his initial estimation about them was wrong.
When it came to the second batch, Hisoka literally states he has no idea how many of them there are.
The ant arc is really starting to bore me, what do?
to be fair it takes up way too many chapters and the first half or so of it is pretty damn boring, but gets real good towards the end
keep going, its worth it
It's by far the shittiest arc. Skip it.
pitou isnt a girl, and machi sucks. what a cancerous poll
Pity reply.
just skip to the latest chapter and read the wiki
Is Gon too smart or Nobunaga too dumb?
God damn all the Killua and Ikalgo stuff was irritating as shit.
Nobunaga's pretty silly
Hisoka's overall nen got a boost from coming back death and surviving.
He can create fll on rubber nen limbs when before he couldn't manipulate nen from the stump.
Hisoka is a cocky, selfish asshole, but you gotta love him anyway. It's bits like this. He is pure hype.
Nobunaga is a Spider, most of them are dumb enough that they probably need Chrollo's help dressing themselves.
So which spiders will live Hisoka's onslaught?
I hope so. Would Kurapika want to kill her too, iirc she had no involvement in the massacre of his village right?
What will Hisoka do if someone else *cough*Kurapika*cough* kills Machi?
anyone recall this? ;^)
hmmmmm, I wonder what it had to do with Ging being to control those Nen particles
get hype for a YYH level Rei-Gun in HxH, lads
>the massacre of his village right?
Well Kurapika probably doesn't care as long as it's a spider.
she one of the founding members that bitch gonna die
>Machi gives her Hatsu ability to Chrollo
>Hisoka ends up killing her in the ultimate misunderstanding
I would kill myself
What misunderstanding?
What did he mean by this?
Whatever Murphy's Law can generate.
>flashback to Razor's past when he was a criminal
>his hatsu firing those balls everywhere creating huge explosions
>Ging comes by
>'yo, that's your hatsu? let me see if I got this right'
>huge-ass explosion putting Razor to shame after first try
>Ging's condition to him being that strong is being a shit father forever
it all makes sense
>Chrollo is just a discount Ging
"Hey, you, convicted mass murderer, yes you. When you meet my 12 year old, make sure to give him hell"
"I gotchu f@m"
What a great guy.
He`s bad at getting information and news
Why is Ging so best? He's the coolest guy in the whole manga.
>Why is Ging so smelly? He's the smelliest guy in the whole manga.
>But if his son dies he will lose his power forever
Living on the edge.
That kind of makes sense I guess.
who will Cuckrollo fans latch on once he's dead?
At least Hisoka fans probably won't latch on anyone and we'll just enjoy the manga once he dies, because there's nobody like him
Cuckrollofags must like edgy mcedgy no-fun allowed characters, they might latch on Pariston or Tserdernich. At least they will be going for the far better villain/antagonist and the overall better character, so let's congratulate them on their upgrade.
clap clap clap
This is obviously bait, but we've established in another thread that most Chrollofags are also Pikafags. We also established Chrollofags divide pretty evenly between Ging and Pariston.
>somebody actually typed this
Try harder if you are going to falseflag. How much better these threads would be without so many shitposters.
We need a vote to make it official.
Why is everything purple in 2011?
Artistic direction decisions.
I was wondering why everything is so grey in 2011.
He has no friends so he has no way to get information
Is literally impossible to make all this copies with a seal and stamp by himself
Do you think kortopi and sharlank which cuckrollo abilities had randomly were hanging around there?
you quorufcucks are so stupid
Late as fuck but you can manipulate a lot more than cloth with Breath.
Koltopi creating the puppets would take just as much as time, you retard. Chrollo still has to affix Order Stamp on the puppets. If he didn't create them in the first place, how would he find them? Do you think he checked the entire stadium to find where the puppets were located ?
Don't reply to rubber and gum shitposters, they're the same people who turned this place into a shitty general.
>Koltopi creating the puppets would take just as much as time, you retard
Holy shit I didn't thought you're that stupid
If kortopi is making them he doesn't need to affix a sun seal on them to not vanish. which safe a lot of fucking time
You're a special kind of retard aren't you
You should read my entire post before replying. Explain how Chrollo figured out the location of the puppets in the audience, if he didn't create them.
I am seriously baffled by your stupid
He was there kortopi you damn chump, after kortopi was making a copy he was putting the stamp on it
Seriously get your head checked, this not normal
He could've easily planned out the location with mophead before the match started. Its not that hard to apply yourself.
I know we get pictures early Thursday, but what about text spoilers
Ok, it's obvious at this point you haven't even read the fight properly. I'm done replying.
Stay deluded, Hisocuck.
The Chrollo vs Hisoka fight was already complicated enough without adding more layers to it, like Chrollo simply lying about how his ability works or/and the 3 other spiders helping out.
Seriously, I don't think I can fully comprehend the implications of the fight being a set up, especially without additional details, it's too fucking confusing.
>I don't know what NTR means
I just realized hisoka doesnt have real friends :C
I just rekt you and you replied "NO IS NOT LIKE THAT MOM TELL HIM"? kek
Still for an underage to be this dumb is not normal, go see a doctor
Illumi and Gon are real friends to him.
Being able to kill each other and fundamentally disagreeing on everything comes with the territory of their lifestyle.
stay mad cuckrollo
The gallery fakes are motionless?
Mad about what?
What if Chrollo's book also allowed him to share abilities with nearby users? Then either Shal, Kortopi or Machi could have applied order stamp to the 200+ puppets on the ground level, while Chrollo did the full procedure by adding sun+moon on the second floor of the arena and a fake Chrollo(Controlled by black voice) kept attacking and showing himself to Hisoka.
I also think the antennas were "reeled in" the first time so Hisoka doesn't see those weren't shal's as well.(Because he did show them in the beginning)
>physically changed their appearance
>legally changed there names
why thats the strangest way of showing loyalty...
Hisoka would never have not a shit eating grin on his face while touching Machi.
I doubt Chrollo would be able to memorize and remember the different locations for 200+ puppets.
Why are Hisokafags so obsessed with the word "cuck"?
Crossboarders/shitposters etc
If this is the case, then all he needs to do the boat is take all of his friend's abilities. Not only would this give him access to the entire troupe's abilities, they would be free to use their powers as well.
is it a prerequisite in order to be a good nen user to be insane?