>Trump has tricked his critics into kneeling before him
This man is a genius. We don't deserve him.
>Trump has tricked his critics into kneeling before him
This man is a genius. We don't deserve him.
Other urls found in this thread:
Giving his daughter to the Jews. Bombing Syria for Israel. Not building a wall. Amnesty. Losing most of his staff. Is going to attack Iran for Israel.
David Rothkoph is a scumbag and "foreign policy" magazine blows chunks.
But yes David, it *would* be great if that happened.
The man is a genius, the closest we have in the UK is Nigel Farage, both great men.
bending the knee to the emperor.
God I love Trump
>what if I just pretend that they're kneeling to honor me, then it makes sense and I've won, right?
lol are you mentally retarded?
trump has done no such thing
He's a strategic mastermind, that's for sure. He knew the way to cripple Democrats and the destroy the American left was to give amnesty and tax cuts for the elites, who hate Trump and white people.
We definitely don't deserve him.
Nigel is probably the greatest orator of living politicians today, but I don't think he has the same strategic brilliance that Trump has.
>Nigel is probably the greatest orator of living politicians today
>8 jewish grandchildren
>attends AIPAC
>strongest praise from Israel a president has ever gotten
>$800k tax cuts for income salaries of $3.4m+, while 60% of America at $25k and below get a solid $50 tax cut
Has any tax cuts happened? I thought his plan was to have no tax on those making 25K or 50K a family?
Or do people that low only pay $50, and that is what you mean?
who's better?
that's never going to happen. lower to middle class taxes are always going to be the constant since they don't have the resources or time to try and get around paying them like richer people. that's why taxes for the lower and middle class never happen, they just satiate them with gibs.
Can you read?
>people begin kneeling toward him like a living God Emperor when in his presence
wew this may be too much
Ackmed get fucked by a goat. No one cares about Syria except 5 foot 4 inch short p-tin. Fuck those Kremlin kikes. America or r*ssia. Make your choice and gtfo if you hate America.
A flat tax would fix everything
Nigel farage is controlled opposition. Nick Griffin is /ourlimey/
drumpf BTFO
Trump's the Lion of Judah
He's literally making people bend the knee.
Soon he's going to spread the "bow down" meme and we're set for 20 years of Emperor Trump.
Matt Walsh is a pedophile
old man is clueless about what hes doing.
nice getting an alzheimers patient to put on a hat and say "time to clean up that fallen tree grandpa, pose for a picture!"
I give up
the original thread had some BLM guy responding to him telling him NOT to take BLM ideas because it would lessen the affect of it and it as BLM's idea to kneel in the first place and REEEEEE and none of them seem to realize that they were talking about kneeling before Trump. The morons are becoming even more moronic. Simply breathtaking to behold.
>he actually believed Trump wouldn't slowly transform into a neocon
I told you
Kek at how stupid this post is.
exploiting elderly white veterans is fine and moral as long as you're doing it for niggers
i wonder why all of the veterans "speaking up" are just a bunch of fucking white cucks who served as desk jockeys or boatsmen and never had to pick up a gun and point it at someone who was doing the same to you?
if you are a nigger and you join the military you get the nigger beaten out of you and turn into a black man. these fat ex-navy or ex-national guard fucks who think they've served their country sufficiently to permit people to desecrate or embarrass the flag or national anthem did what they did for free room and board/college/pension gibs and don't give a fuck about what their country stands for, they just didn't know what else to do out of highschool since they sucked at school
Hello shareblue
>stating facts is now being shareblue
the absolute state of 4/pol/
This is how I know Israel doesn't own all our media and shit because they would be making everyone love trump if that were the case
Fuck off back to /r/the_donald
Controlled opposition typically doesn't have three publicly known assassination attempts.
israel doesn't, jews do though
Well most of what I hear is they do, which also did 9/11. But the Trump presidency seems to make me think otherwise.
Jews and Israelis are the same thing desu
quick rundown??
Trump should tweet out "kneeling before the flag is VERY disrespectful. Especially when they bow their head. Won't put up with it!"
Causing the NFL players and protesters to show ultimate respect for the flag unknowningly
holy fuck, Trump is the man
That's gotta be the most boss chess move in history.
>Jews and Israelis are the same thing desu
you are wrong, though
He crashed the plane on his way to Dresden.
The wall is being prototyped and we are not invading Iran. Not after letting Syria slide.
On that pic? Plane crash. The pilot was killed on impact, by all rights he should have died then and there. He only broke a few ribs and had severe internal bruising. The other two were sabotage to his car's brakes / airbags, and an outright murder attempt framed as a mugging.
Its kind of true though
>We don't deserve him.
yea we deserve some one who can get rid of the fucking beaners.
we can let the liberals take over and israel will be fucked. no difference except defending jews or not at this point.
america takes in more muslims under trump. lets mexicans stay. obama care stays. no wall
Holy shit
What a badass
He isn't doing shit he stepped in and adopted Nick's stance, but made it a little softer. They gave him the spotlight after trying to put Nick on tv to shoot himself in the foot. It backfired and Nick's approval rating went up. He hasn't been on since then but Nigel farage has been, more than anyone else.
>trying to weed my goddamn garden
>my punk ass grandson takes an unsolicited photograph
>i wish my daughter had aborted him
The pilot wasn't killed on impact. He survived and threatened to kill Farage in 3 separate occasions because he claimed the accident had ruined his life. He was sentenced for death threats and 2 years later he was found dead at home in mysterious circumstances.