Nashville Shooter is Muslim

Immigrated from Sudan.
Sudan 97% Muslim.
Shoots up church.
Another case of muslim terrorism.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Ouch! Hey! You're hurting my wrists!

never heard of this

Bet this is going to get as much media attention as that lady getting hit by the white supremacist neo nazi islamophobic racist xenophobic sexist car.


Happened yesterday



This was supposedly his likes on Facebook. If it's true, then he seems more like the black nationalist type.


fox news quiet
cnn quiet
msnbc quiet
healine quiet
cbs quiet
sky quiet
bbc quiet

everyone is quiet
We must make it unquiet


dindu nuthin



What in the fuck is this thing and why does it make me moist?

This is the guy who held the shooter at gun point after being pistol whipped in the head.


shills are going to slide this thread. Molymeme has a good video and drops a lot of redpills share it.

Why was this mudslime not given a deportation order of the hot lead variety?

>Tfw not banned
Thanks based dotard

>The surviving victims include Minister Joey Spann, who is in critical condition, and his wife, Peggy Spann, 65, who is in stable condition. The other victims are all in stable condition: Linda Bush, 68; William Jenkins, 83; Marlene Jenkins, 84; Katherine Dickerson, 64; and Robert Engle, 22, the usher who stopped the gunman, police said.

>William Jenkins, 83; Marlene Jenkins, 84

Some victims are black?



But seriously, we have to get rid of these animals

Does it work?

I expected so. African muslims are the most bestial.


Let's not just to conclusions, here. We still don't know the worldviews of Muhamad Bin Ahcmed El Jihadi and why he killed nuns on a pilgrimage while shouting allah hackbar and Islam will dominate the world.


This is the most jewish thing I've ever seen.

The guy's name is Emanuel Kidega Samson.

Means he's of 'Christian' stock, though Christianity in those parts is little more than animism plus a warrior god called Jesus.

Yes, the church is racially mixed in demographic; so it doesn't even make sense as a racially motivated shooting.

you guys were busy talking about trump tweets just like the acid attack in bongstan

Ok. Well all of the ones pictured so far are yt.

Even though Egypt is overwhelmingly Islamic, has an active Muslim Brotherhood presence and has experienced Islamic driven social unrest in its very recent past. Egypt does however have a functioning central government that keeps tabs on its citizen and can share basic Identifying information about them along withi nformation regarding their affiliations to person or groups of concern to the United States, so we know who people entering the US from Egypt are and can deny access to people we deem a threat.

It's almost as though nations get banned because their governments are non functional and we lack the information we need to know who the people attempting to enter our nation are. And not being banned because they are Muslim and Americans are "Evil Racists" If we we're just blanket banning Muslims why isn't Pakistan banned, or Saudi, or Afghanistan. Those Places ooze radical Islamists like a foul pus from a festering wound, but their governments work even if only sorta, so we can work with them to ID threats and PNG them. Can't do that with Syria or Sudan or Libya or Somalia and we don't fucking trust Iran.

A black man from Sudan (therefore probably a Muslim) shot a bunch of white people, only to be stopped by an armed private citizen. Of COURSE you didn't hear about this, it's like a silver fucking bullet to libfags and the media doesn't want their narrative interrupted.

>Another case of muslim terrorism.
It's mental illness! Can't be muslim terrorism, Islam is religion of pieces!

In this case it's legitimately not clear, since he didn't durk to Allah, his facebook posts read like something written by a schizophrenic, and he (may) have been a follower of a bunch of conspiracy-tier African Nationalist groups.

So take your pick - durka, nutjub, or kang.

jenkins isn't necessarily a black name. there are whites named washington and king too.

Literally NO mention of this on ABC News Good Morning America.

Only muh anthem protest! Little George!! ABC is CUKKED

I wonder if they will start taking closing down mosques and taking down any islamic flags in response. Maybe even preventing them from being sold in major retailers.

>Another case of muslim terrorism
This is more about black-on-white racism than it is about Islam. Focusing in on his muslim roots just steers the conversation away from black supremacism----which needs to be discussed since all these black people are pointing the finger at us.

>on kikebook
top kek.

Im sure TYT will do a video denouncing him


he called himself christian, though, and even used to attend that very church
but well, what can you expect
niggers are gonna nig

It was already memory holed by the MSM.

I suspected the shooter would be black. The tip off was all the blurbs about the shooting didn't mention the race of the shooter or the victims.

If this was a white man shoots black church, it would be national news for weeks.

All you white self haters get a good look at bias in action. You are hated for being white and self destruction will not absolve you of your whiteness. Try fighting back instead of hurting yourself for crimes done by other white people.

Actually, if his latest Facebook posts before the attack were to be taken seriously, he was a atheist. Maybe culturally Muslim, but a capital A in edgy Atheist at best, a Satanist at worst.
But of course,
>implying there's a difference between all three anyways.

>Radio say there was a shooting in America
>Don't say the color of the shooter and don't jump to conclusions
It was not hard to tell.

Sudanese Muslims are typically arab/mulatto ones, this guy is south Sudanese nilotic. They're Catholic and pagan

bump for justice

Yeah except the acid attack was by a white guy.

America is just cucked.

Just .. wow.


His Facebook post also make it seem he recently hopped aboard the KANG train and bought into the BLM rhetoric.
How many deaths from this rhetoric now? We should start keeping count.

No it's not, the tip still has it's foreskin.

he liked a video about a guy defending sharia law

But sir, atheists / islam are satanists......the truth is not in them and life means little to them...truly they are children of the old serpent in deed & word

He's still a nigger shooting up a white church. And according to his jewbook likes he was down with mudslimes.

Malcolm X and Farrakhan are both muslim ?

What am I supposed to feel?

I hate CNN

its actually German engineering it was found int he basement of Auschwitz

white qt just off camera?

yeah, South Sudan, where all the dark darkies congregate is all animistic religiously. Remember the West, Colin Powell, all supported these people against the Arabs. Clinton also fired a barrage of rockets into Sudan the day after it was announced he cigar fucked Monica (((Lewinsky))) in the oval office. The Catholic church and other (((relief))) organizations actively shipped these backward negroes into America, by the ship load. Sudan was balkanized by the West. Ethno states for the rest of the world, diversity for the West

>Dylan Roof shoots up black church
>reaction is to remove Confederate statues and flags
>black muslims shoots up white church

So, by the previous example, should we remove all mosques?

to elaborate, this Sudanese psychopath, is the end result of globalization. Globalists are literally a threat to the lives, of western citizens. We can see this shit all over the USA, and Europe. The global libs, leftists are turning our nations into the third world shit holes they are trying to (((save))) Mbetejuju from.

>psychology student
>crazy ass Facebook posts prior to shooting

There was another nigger who went postal last year. He had the same writing style. Went on a psychotic Facebook rant before killing his wife.

Why can't burgers admit that they don't live in a first world country?
>b-but muh GDP
And? Saudi Arabia's GDP is twice Ireland's but Ireland has fewer people living below the poverty line. If burgers are first-worlders then so are Saudi Arabians.

The unholy alliance all these self contradictory ideologies possess are unstable, and therefore attract unstable people, so I suspect a lot.

Sorry, I misused green text. That was supposed to mean emphasis, not sarcasm. You are correct, there underlying belief system is the same.

Trump should go to that church and give a rousing sermon about how, one blessed day, Whites will be free of nigger crime, rape and violence.