So apparently she left AfD with a dozen of MPs and plans to make a coalition with Merkel and the liberals?
What kind of cuckery is this?
Germoney, explain yourself.
So apparently she left AfD with a dozen of MPs and plans to make a coalition with Merkel and the liberals?
What kind of cuckery is this?
Germoney, explain yourself.
Other urls found in this thread:
Matter for the boss
Is she /ourgal/ or a piece of shit was she part of the nationalist side of AfD or the corporations?
Should I understand that (((they))) are behind this split?
She hasn't left AfD. She has has said she doesn't want to be in the AfD fraction in the Bundestag. Which she could do since she has a mandate.
> a coalition with Merkel and the liberals
This is bullshit and not going to happen. There might be a few AfD uboote who will join her in leaving but no one from the other parties will accept them. She has isolated herself. Weidel has demanded she leave the party.
Basically this has been boiling under the hood for a while now. But they didn't show it because of the campaign.
Wtf? Source.
Why doesn't she want to be part of the Afd Parliament group ?
what a cunt she is seriosuly
the whole scene was "give me attention, i'm not an ebul nazi like the others even if my position gets me called nazi too but whatever, i'm leaving the room now"
She is more nationalist than Lucke who she herself forced out but less than based Höcke and Co. Real disappointment.
She said she doesn't like the way the party is heading because of others in the party being anarchists and too radical.
kek, (((they))) are behind everything going on in this world. Satan worshippers that pray to Saturn and make us do so as well.
All we know is a lie
>Germany's hard right is electing women
Ah. So they are having an Alt-light moment.
Because they're too radical in her eyes and she wants to be in power for longer. She'd rather be a center-right party in parliament than a far-right party who might get crushed later when protest voters don't see a need to vote for them anymore.
It's a bitch-fight. Economically very liberal hoe Petry vs. the Lesbian banker Weidel
The absolute state of the German "far-right". For fucks sake. Please disappear.
she made a fuckbook post
>"Dies ist deswegen so kritisch, weil ein Regierungswechsel lange vor einer Wahl strukturell vorbereitet werden muss." >"Außerdem ist es erforderlich, Wirtschaftsverbände und internationale Partner in eine grundlegende Erneuerung der Gesellschaft einzubinden."
Why isn't she doing that then? what the fuck
I want her to sit on my face so badly
>pirate flag
Never put your faith in a woman, they're all worthless but for breeding. She left her husband for a younger guy in the party, now that the Jews and camp followers have daggers out (what did she expect?) she heads for the hills. Useless dyke haircut cunt.
>implying there is any chance any far right party will ever come to power
There are mechanisms in place to make sure this doesn't happen outside of a French Revolution.
What are those mechanisms?
Sounds to me like she sees the ban on the AfD right around the corner.
More brown voters before whitey wake up. Use catchy slogans to delay it.
wow really makes you think. who knew that simple geometric shapes can be manipulated into other simple geometric shapes.
Kind of funny when people were literally fapping to Frauke yesterday, I asked if her cheating/lack of commitment to her husband, father of her children was a red flag, and was shot down with "nah, it was her husband who got too beta!"
Feels good to be reminded of your own intelligence and foresight.
this will stir up a little bit of dust but is a good decision in the end. she has been a liability since the beginning, a more right wing version of merkel in a sense. she is too weak for the upcoming fight where the afd will have to defend itself every day in the parliament. i hope they will see this split through in a calm and graceful manner, then everything is alright.
doesn't want to be in the AfD fraction in the Bundestag. why?
because AfD in Bundestag will be walk out followed by protests and other agitprop stunts to raise their profile and shit on other parties. they are there to expose Bundestag for the corrupt antivolk dunghill its become. Petry wants to retain her image with the hope that she can later return as a clean-hands Chancellor
Read this:
Petry is a traitorous, carrerist bitch. She cucked out for personal gain.
AfD will grow stronger without her.
She's a cuckservative.
shes also a faggot. dont let a faggot lead you
Petry ins Gas
nah thats the other one you donut
Petrys problem is that she's like that one part of trumps personality that always wants to be liked by media people, not realising this will never happen
It's not just that. Read this, it's very good insider info:
She was the only sane person in the afd
She went "I don't care what they say anymore cause I'm alt-light"
Dun dun dundun dun
She is a female, part of the establisent, probably closeted feminist and a refugee lover. Her false flag operation has failed and afd got elected, now she left the party and will join merkel. This is nothing new.
Is Höcke based?
>hey a strong female politician that really seems to care ab-
>She's controlled opposition who never makes a move without her husband's approval
Women everybody
There are no sane people in Germany.
the absolute state of (germ)any
the communist hammer and sickle is also very reminiscent of the saturn symbol
Another prove you can't trust women.
yes but germany is not ready yet, hence he didn't participate in the federal election. Hes still leader in his state though, I think thuringia
He has a point you fucking kraut
must feel vindicated today after Petry showed her ass
lesbians. Neoliberal Goldman Sachs banker lesbians with Sri Lankan girlfriends are the epitome of neo-Nazism in Germany.
splitting up is typical for fringe right wing and left wing parties
Last night I asked if there was a chance of AfD candidates sperging out.
>No, it's going to be great!
Party disintegrates less than 24 hours later.
classic german tactic
>destroying the only real opposition in years that actually had a chance to stop the rampant lefty madness in germany
Yes. Good. Very good.
*rubs hands*
*pets your head*
Petry basically lost her "top spot" in the AfD and knew she wouldn't be able to claim it back, so now that she sees no future for her career in AfD she wants to move on, maybe try her luck with a new, more moderate party.
Based, but ahead of his time and can't contain his power level.
heil höcke
Reminder this is the face of german nationalism
>worked for Goldman Sachs
>degenerate homosexual
>immigrant partner
>raises 2 innocent children and showing them the (((lesbian lifestyle)))
And people actually voted for this
forgot pic
>female politicians
Will this bad meme ever end? I guess when the new Islamic caliphate in Europe is established it will.
You forgot the mention she is actually registered in Switzerland in order to evade taxes.
And right-wing morons think she's on their side LMBAO
Well, who actually is on "our" side then?
in germany?
i suspect nobody.
>the state of germany
THis is what happened to UKIP. They took in some traps who eventually exposed their birth gender as Lib/Lab/Con, attempting to weaken UKIP in the process.
Why is she kneeling like that. Wtf is wrong with women these days....
They're in power.
Bigger problem than you'd think.