Brazilian Hate Thread

Edition:South Brazilians are not white

Other urls found in this thread:

oy vey we are germanic
>pic related "white" south brazilian separatist party

Some nice white germanic folk from south brazil

>more germanic south brazilians

>and yet more germanic south brazilians

>they look so germanic


Bolsonaro RWDS when


Germany please rape Brazil in soccer again

Jeez those can't even pass as white-ish arabs , they all look like mulattoes

come on ahmed, lets do this

Porto Alegre is the worst capital I swear

They all suck , I have been in South Brazil , it looks like Turkey

Dude I'm sorry about the election, it's ok you can meme about brazil we are chill as fuck.

Here, have some sopa.

I know right lol , I just find it hilarious when the monkeys start larping as germans with their brown skins and niggerish looking faces

algeria? o boy forget about it. good bye mohameds im gonna smoke some weed. thinking about you guys. for once

reminder you that brazil is whiter than germanstain.

Yes totally let's have a look at yet another white germanic brownzilian state paranan , look how white germanic curitiba is , mah gawd true europeans

When I was travel to Europe in April I found a German gal who lived here for around a year. I asked her if she had gone to Oktoberfest in Blumenau. She answered: "Yes, but everything is so fake there! The names of the stores have no sense in German"

Oh yes the germanic brownzilian city bluemenau , whitest people on planet earth

It's true though. Brazilian oktoberfeat is autism

The question is , why does it look more like a brown pride parade than oktoberfest?

this whole place is autistic and in desperate need of a culling.

Only way to save Brazil is if you burn it down and start over

If only south brazilians stopped larping as Germanic and accepted their semitic/amerindian lebanese roots

South Brazilians are like 1/8th ofthe population. Th whole nation has autism. Only way to fix that is through extreme measures.

All are niggers

So what if its true? At the end of the day everything needs to burn over.

It's a nation full of niggers without any sense of identity, they're desperate for anything that resembles culture so they attach themselves to their Great great grandfather who was European in order to cull their inferiority complex.

Regards, a Brazilian man who goes tired of that shithole.


South Brazil was founded and colonized by Germans.

Average South Brazilians look like pic related.

I find it hilarious that these so called ""white"" germanic south brazilians have the nerve to come on pol and shitpost against real whites

>kek OP posts crowds from South Brazil in which everyone is a brown manlet
>This idiot wants us to believe they are all blond haired and blue eyed



You wish , typical beaner posting pic of the 2 white people in their country expecting us to believe the BS
Im looking at those """people""" in the pics , and they dont look nothing at all like those you just posted


the only way to save this retarded country is burn it down.
take the 1% white population and burn the rest, starting with the 50% of the population which is compost by pardos who think they are white

we wuz romanz and germanz goyz

what the fuck man, I lived half a year in Londrina and Maringá, spent also some time in Curitiba and Porto Alegre, no way Average South Brazilians looks like that, maybe 5% have clear eyes rest has sandnigger oil eyes dont even try to create a wrong image of that shithole

Now who am I going to believe:
A-Brazilian posting a picture of two white people trying to convince us that south brazilian all look like that or
B-Several pictures of crowds from south brazil with only brown people
SO hard

>South Brazil was founded and colonized by Germans.
Someone should read "O Tempo e o Vento" Trilogy again and search how many Germans where there.

>>South Brazil was founded and colonized by Germans
Spic Logic: 100 germans came live in my shithole, WOW THAT MUST MEAN WE ARE ARYAN GERMANZ NOW GOOD GOYZ

to be fair there are some villages where they still speak german, but it's like 0,1%, nearly all of the germans who came in 19 centurey mixed with other groups, today youll barely find someone who speaks german if you dont go to these isolated villages, also they are so mixed that their skin is not white, 95% with brown eyes and dark hair
I have to know it, i had to live there a year due to political persecution in germany

the true european population in hueland is very small, probably between 1% and 2%
South brazil is not white, europeans are probably 5% there. OP posted photos of favela tier events, it is expected to see not a single white there.

Brazil has 200m people, so there is probably 2m whites here

Prove it or i'll kill you

Hanz, nobody likes you either

Sopa de macaco com coentro e salsinha


And kurwas as well

nobody wants to be G*rman except GAYuchos.

I don't know Hans... They look VERY germanic to me...



>let me tell you about your country
End yourself

Look at all this German girls, Hans. Look at them.

>South brazil is not white
we're certainly not niggers either

people act like all non-white traits are african but in reality portugal and native-brazilians had a bigger influence in our genes than most are aware of

maternal DNA in the country is 39% european, 33% native and 28% african

that said, white pride is a joke anyways and Europe is finished. it's hilarious seeing germans desperately making fun of us to forget that their land is doomed as well.


Why hide behind the proxies, Portubro?


Literally me on the right.

Really doubt that is a portuga vinicius,we gladly demonstrate our hate for the brazilians

There are more shitskins in Germany than in Brazil nowadays.

Nah, that's 100% a salty tuga who can't handle the banter.


That's someone that forgot to take the pills and think Zucas persecuting him in Youtube and youtube comments, and boards. Top kek. Couldn't handle the bantz.


Finnaly someone redpilling the world about those shitskinned africans

>Calling others shitskins..

>Making fun of other countries & races.

whatever makes your day, bro...


Argentina is still whiter than Brazil



Meanwhile in brazil..

where my monkeys at?

i'm from Maringá and lemme tell you, this city is quite white despite being in the darker corner of the South (aka the northernmost part). Sure it can't compare to europe pre-immigration, but it is way better than what OP's cherrypicked pics lead to believe.

>he's tired
but anyways wtf man did you recorded a pol webm with your cellphone instead of just downloading it? are you retarded?

>implying i made the webm

whatever, looks like an autistic's work, so it's safe to assume it came from an anglo




>Angloshit talking shit about Brazil

rio de janeiro is very much lindo


Disgusting lil monkeys , As if not being brown was bad enough

>socialists at their natural environment, doing their regular business. the young feed on hairy ass sweat and government funding.



OP why do you hate Brazil?

Here we see autistic fags judging people by colour, they maintain their white skin staying at moms basement tapping to waifus. I am looking at you Krauts, shit slavs and Diegos

why tho



>I love hate threads

>More memes to know



>tfw i want to prove op wrong and say i'm white but really i'm half italian

I guess not everyone of them are blind.