How much longer will it be until Sup Forums realizes she's the best girl?
The polls already determined that she's Sup Forumss best girl
You mean until the next girl that turns up and lusts after Satoru's dick, right?
No it didn't.
Never, Emilia is best girl.
She is best girl but suffers too cruel a fate its a good job the author did the AU.
dude, we had like 6-7 polls and all of them had Rem winning, with Emilia being second.
Last episode made the distance between Emilia and Rem even larger, as the last poll had like what, 40 votes for Emilia and 110 for Rem.
But hey, your new is showing
has Emilia even been relevant since they got to the mansion?
Never underestimate the main girl status.
a shame even arc 3 and 5 wont be about her.
What about arc 6?
well considering Rem is gone forever, chances of her appearing now are higher.
Am I the only person who watches this who still thinks she's a bitch for what she did to Subaru? Even the writer seemed to forget and cured Subarus PTSD and now he's good buddies with her.
reminder that Rem had a shit ton of self-issues
reminder that she had to compensate for her sister because she felt guilty
reminder that Subaru was a foreign element that smelled like the witch and thus proofs to be a threat to her and her sisters well-being (she wanted to know who sent him to the mansion, hence why she tortured him in order to prevent a 2nd disaster like that of her home town)
reminder that subaru DID hold fear/grudge against her for one lifetime
Also she only killed him once.
First time he died through the curse
second time he was a dead-man walking thanks to the curse but got an "early" end by Rem
third time he got killed by Ram
fourth time he killed himself.
She only realy attacked him twice and Subaru did display his dissatisfaction with that.
Why is this show getting shilled so hard on Sup Forums? Is this the work of an IRC user?
Now we can get more of bland le magic le halfelf.
I just hope bullshit happens and rem returns through said bullshit.
I know its not possible, but you never know, if Keit-ai finds a way, so can Rem's existance
okay yeah ive heard 90% of your comment already
everyone seems to forget the episode 7 scene even thought everyone loved it when it first aired, he went through so much shit and Ram mercy killed him while Rem tortured him, so it doesnt count
then he had the breakdown on emilias lap, after an entire day of being scared for his life because of rem
subaru getting over it is just shitty writing, out of nowhere he just forgives rem for everything he did and now shes like in love with him, her backstory was cringy and doesnt justify her actions at all
why the fuck is she the most popular girl? does no one give a shit about the MC and what she did to him, she was worse then elsa
It's okay if Rem does it.
pls no Nintendon't in Sup Forums. This is a Sup Forumsirgin-free virgin zone.
Nigga, he still hasnt forgiven her. He was still scared of her but he wanted to move on, to an happy ending. Proof of this is his darker tone when he mentioned that he smells like the witch to her, followed by that "I want you to trust me" with his stereotypical cheerfull voice, which we know by now, is not that cheerfull inside. Also when she pulled out the Morningstar around his presence, he was like "oh shit."
Subaru is smart in a lot of ways and dumb in others, but I believe he went through all this for his own sake, since he believes in the happy ending option.
>he was like "oh shit."
In the manga it's more of a bothersome "not again" face. Would need to read the LN to know what he's actually thinking about it.
ever since last monday
that happened in like episode 9, as of the most recent episode everythings forgiven and theyre all happy friends
his "darker tone" vanished ever since the lap scene which mysteriously cured his PTSD, and he went all out to save a girl who killed him twice, made him jump off a cliff, and have major mental trauma
>she only killed him once
Everyone is forgetting about actual best girl
Two days ago
i want to fuck the drill hair
>starting a waifuwars general
fuck off
Rem is best girl though
Just because she was Dere for 1 episode doesn't convert her automatically into best girl, remember she is a cold blooded murderer bitch that don't care about the circumstances and will kill you without hesitation.
Except she isn't? Her killing subaru was completely circumstantial.
She legit just wanted to protect her home.
Remember that Subaru stinks of witch.