What the fuck is wrong with white people?

What the fuck is wrong with white people?

>"Dad, is this normal, I'm not cold, I'm just shaking"

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They take pleasure killing and torturing things.

They're overpopulated.

Shoot them with a gun or hit them with your car.

Your choice.

"What is wrong with excitement?"
Yeah, I know you shit skins relate excitement with having a daddy for the first year of your life so this level of excitement is more than your ape brain can handle.


I'm 100% ok with hunting but when people do stuff like pic related the words "what the fuck is wrong with white people" really come to mind

>hunting is fucked up now
Go eat a veggie burger you kike sympathizer.

niggers get the same high from killing innocent people, who is in the wrong here ?


Must suck to have a daughter

why are shitskins so obsessed with whitey? almonds activating

Can't torture what you already killed, faggot

While whites can live off the land, niggers will live off handouts still from whites.

Lmao niggers would be starving just like in Africa

That's what happened me when I shot my first rabbit. I felt disgusted though, not exuberant.

you have a problem eating the heart of your kill and honoring it's spirit? are you a faggot?

The day I bit the heart of my first kill was the day I became a man

>starving just like in Africa

a big old lie, that

White "people" don't have the same connection with nature and animals as PoC

>nigs kill people (illegal)
>no one cares
>white person kills an animal (legal)
>people lose their minds


Because nobody else of any race hunts?

Our inner savage is screaming to be released. We want to slay our oppressors and the filth they brought into our homelands. Our conditioning has held our hand, but that conditioning is breaking apart.

They hunt as a necessity to get food. Not as a blood sport and to get sick pleasure

The girl in that video is going to be sociopathic maybe even a serial killer when they're an adult.

Well they say Europeans earned their higher iq through hunting game so it only shows that you lesser humans can't understand hunting

>showing world population
I don't get why you posted the world population in Africa.

Africans are prone to have a shit ton of kids even if they're struggling in life, they do it here in the United States where no matter what their situation is they'll have kids and obviously take handouts.


Should small kids be allowed to hunt? Therein lies the question.

They have sports hunting in pretty much any developed nation.

go get fucked, I live in the Arctic, and traditional hunting is a way of life here, they constantly ask people to understand their traditional knowledge and oral traditions

you racist fuck

I hate Zuckberg, but at least he recognizes that you need to kill your own meat

fuckers living in artificial environments and removed from nature, you start talking childish and immature shit. You are mentally unstable.

wild game is the greatest meat of all, stupid nigger

Colored people have a false sense of superiority when it comes to nature. Just because you couldn't invent the wheel and into technology/industry doesn't make you more in touch with nature, it makes you too stupid to harness it. Watch "Happy People" it's a good flick.

Why not?

The eerie combination of her dreamy childishness and the blood-stained murderous savagery does send a tingle of perverse delight down my spine.

First deers, then niggers.

it's amazing how i can hear someone talk about something that happened to them, and pinpoint exactly which primal urge is driving their behavior

people are being environmentally castrated and it certainly shows

learn 'em young, before the state has the chance to ruin em.

How the fuck else are you going to teach them to feed themselves after the shit hits the fan?

A nigger will starve to death waiting on a fucking carrot to grow!


Wish I did that with my dad.

don't you niggers dare call yourselves white ever again

fucking savage chimps

Soft cunts fuck off. White people are literally the only species on earth that are soft enough to flog themselves over something so natural as hunting. Hunting down your lunch is one of the primary things nature has programmed into your genes, so of course you're allowed to feel pleasure.

I could crush your neck like a twig, moorish worm

Where the fuck you think meat comes from, nigger? You think it comes from trees? Venison is lean protein unlike that hormone-enriched beef shit your nigger ass gets with EBT card at the grocery store.

Hunting actually makes you appreciate what you eat more desu senpai.

I completely agree with you.

I did that with my dad! It was amazing! Took my first buck at 12.

>What the fuck is wrong

Let's see:
>white men rule the world
>the world is shit


Wanna see fucked up shit? There's plenty of vids of niggers abusing their own babies.

You don't even have trees in your county.

What the fuck is going on in this image?

that's called desecrating even for animals

Pre-historic period just called, they want you back.

>Go to Africa
>Literally eating fucking grass and their own shit to survive
Fuck white people amirite?

What do you expect what do with it? Give it a funeral?

I'm not sure that's the correct definition. Where's the mention that only whytes can be racist?

hunters eat the heart of their kill and she takes it a step further and sleeps in the gutted carcass naked.

That's the bloodlust!

Hey. My family has a farm in Edo state. And we do still hunt bushmeat in some places.

t. Nigerian

White people.

You sound like manchild.

>you have a problem eating the heart of your kill and honoring it's spirit?
Honoring its 'spirit' eh? Are you some wild muslim savage?

>hunters eat the heart of their kill

I get that. But why bathe in its blood and sleep inside it?

I'd rather be a pre-historic tribal then a technocrat's soy fed slave.

>correct definition
When is a definition "correct"? Is there some committee that determines the correctness of definitions?

Niggers are animals. Niggers don't feel empathy for humans. Niggers would rather blow into a cow's pussy and drink it's piss. I know you have seen those videos. There are tons of them.

Those assholes are tamasic as fuck.

whatever you say steve. at least I'm aware I'm not white but I don't fucking bite a raw deer heart when I go hunting.
if you think that's something a white person is supposed to do maybe you should just call yourself an abbo

there's nothing fucked up about actually having a father OP

The only reason they are not starving is that white European peoples feed them. They cannot feed themselves. If we stop the charity there will be mass starvation all over Africa. Lions will make a big comeback though so that's good.

What are you trying to say? Trying to put words in my mouth? God damn niggers are dumb.

And eating human flesh, and necklacing, and blowing air up cows buttholes and a million other fucked up things.

Niggers still eat other niggers. Niggers are still cannibals.

Yeah we do. We'd all have gone extinct eons ago if we didn't. Stop being hyperbolic.

And it's Indians who drink cow piss. We drink blood and milk.

We are the top predators on earth. Violence and slaughter is in our nature. We think we are above it because we are "Civilized" but the urges are always there.

Nice meme flag. Sweet pics of the farm.

Go watch The Revenant

White "people" are evil psychopaths

>le current year
ok Cai-Göran

Rednecks exist in every race you fool. Difference between white rednecks and non white rednecks is what non-whites will rape you and lynch you just for being a tourist.

For bringing justice to a feral? At this point I know you're LARPing as a nigger. Sage goes in all fields

>Rape and murder each other so bad you have to flee the continent.
>"wieolense-whitey cepin ma dovwn SHHHHHEEETTT!!!1!"

Or you can just be a civilised person who will eat meat of animals killed in humane way with as little suffering as possible and who will reject such barbaric practises as hunting for sport.
Sure if you really want to hunt take a knife and go to the wood to hunt wolves or bears. But dont hide like a pussy in buch with high powered rifle.

And don't you forget it, nigger.

The time will come when Europa wakes again and the terrors of WWI & WWII will seem like child's play in comparison. Niggers and mudskins will be eradicated.

You don't understand the spiritual power you can derive from ritual and tradition. Ten strong hunting men are worth a hundred modern men. If you believe I am uncivilised, you are overcivilised. Something a white person is supposed to do? Modernity has made us weak, secure in our weakness and ignorant in the ways of body and soul.

Anyone ever seen that old porn video where a guy shoots a bear and then he and his gf fuck on top of it? Pretty disturbing.

Shut up nigger. If it wasn't for the great White man, you'd be getting necklaced right now. Respect those that are greater than you, boy.

Not really. India actually has higher per capita starvation and malnutrition despite aid. Only the people who live on the desert fringes are struggling for food.

I definitely would

Remnants of the uncivil past. At least the future is consistently improving. Soon we wont have to farm animals because we'll be able to grow lab grown meats that are much more nutritious.

This just in... OP has an IQ of 27, stay tuned for more details.

All people are capable of these atrocities. Was the Rwandan genocide not worse than this?

They were Canadian too.

All the things in that picture happened after feminism.

Kill for food. Shoot to kill immediately. Most people are horrible shots. And if you need to post your gay kid hunting picture all over social media, you're a cuck.

I like memeing. My grandparents grow yams, cassava, plantains, corn, and black eyed peas mostly.

Right ..... He dindu nuffin'

So that's where the heart symbol came from.

That's not honoring it's spirit, faggot. It's a rite of passage into manhood that american Indians didn't actually do. They just put some blood on their face, tops.

I completely agree with you. In-vitro meat is in harmony with our Aryan nature and is thus the future.

>white men ruled the world for hundreds of years without Jewish interference and everything was perfect. Suddenly a "holocaust" happens and it becomes illegal to criticize and discriminate Jews, so they quickly fill in all of the positions of power.
>"white" men rule the world
>the world is shit