>Majority Muslim
>Non-White Turkish ethnicity
>No real separatist movements and terrorists like whites in Chechnya
Why is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
10/10 would balkanize
Bcoz no majority nigga.
Half churkas, half russkies
post more qt tatar traps
Waiting more shitposting from nigga or taras
Russification did a number on them. Centuries of living fine under Russian rule has changed their contemporary culture to be more adaptive to the modern world. That and Tatars aren't all that religious compared to other muslim cultures.
Not a trap. Not every girl posted on this site is a trap, gaywad.
then post some tatar girls then, especially cute tatar girls with feminine penises.
Russia has a good policy to assimilate those races...
Why would Tatarstan try to leave Russia when its gonna be between Russians anyway.
Also found this ultimate tatar waifu on youtube..
No migrants. Tatars live on their soil.
that pic reminds me of xinjiang. why is the east so much more comfy lads?
tatars had so many intermarriages with russians that they are whiter than some south europeans by now, and we have something like 200 noble families with tatar roots
>Non-White Turkish ethnicity
I don't know what you mean by "white", but I don't think you'd be able to differentiate a Tatar from a Russian at a first glance. Not even I always can, and I've been living in Kazan my entire life.
t. ethnic Russian, born and raised in Kazan, Tatarstan.
Tartars are fully assimilated Russians. The Empire started it and the Soviet Union finished. Lenin was a tartar after all.
So they are fully connected to Russia the same way as ethnic Russians are. Their history is the same at this point and mixing between the two became common in the SU.
Sup Forums is actually wrong about one thing. Mongols didnt conquer all of Russia. (They didnt even take moscow for example) however Russians have mixed with tartars and other Eurasian spawn which is what creates the slightly chinky Svetlana's you are all so horny for.
Isn't Tatar just a collective name for a bunch of Turkic groups that live in the area of the Volga? Like how in the Crusader area all North Africans were Moors.
1 Political Islam is almost non-existant there, some of the little they have is "progressive" Islam.
2 Local elites made a good deal with the federal government in 90s so leaving would do more damage than good to them.
3 The whole Volga region is an ethnic clusterfuck. Most Kazan Tatars are just TURK'd apathetic finno-ugrics. Those people wouldn't act even if there was a nuclear explosion in the vicinity, just don't take away their fishing.
she looks like a south american or something from an old painting
It used to be a name for any Muslim in Russian Empire in general. Volga Turkics also include Chuvashes and Bashkirs. All of them compete for who truly wuz Volga Bulgars.
>Isn't Tatar just a collective name for a bunch of Turkic groups that live in the area of the Volga?
Pretty much, only not only on the Volga, but many Turkic people in general. "Tatar" is an exonym formed the same way as "barbarian", meaning a person who can't speak the proper language and keeps on blabbing something in a foreign tongue.
That's why we have Crimean, Astrakhan, Siberian, and Volga Tatars even though the ethnicities are barely related and all speak different languages. The Azeri people used to be called "Caucasus Tatars" as well, but got their own artificially constructed name when they got a republic of their own in the USSR.
There's a difference between being annexed in by a wannabe Western Emperor and by Ivan the Terrible.
btw, any Russkie knows the name of this film?
>Volga region
u wat m8
Also, the Bashkirs have never claimed to descend from the Volga Bulgars, they have their own ethnogenesis, much less disputed than that of the Tatars.
True about the Volga Tatars and Chuvashs though.
>Caucasus Tatars
Do you guys see the Tatars as a positive influence on Russian history or couldn't care less about their existence?
>talking about tatars
>posts central asians and caucasians
It's OK, nigel. muslim kids are now the majority in your schools, your nightmare will be over soon.
tartar sauce is cheap and required for seafood. there will be no caliphate in tartar sauce its not a ingredient
your a faggot AND a latent homosexual OP
Because Lenin studied in the Kazan univercity. Tatars are hidden cryptorulers of the Russia.
Manchurian's and other people in the far east used to be called Tatars too. Case in point, image related.
Easier to contain in case happenings issue.
With Caucasus (Chechnya in this case), every fucking aul can become a good fortified position.
The central bak head Nabiullina is a Tatar. They are fully integrated.
Living in Tatarstan, I can't possibly not care about their existence. It doesn't bother me much though, on the contrary, they're cool, a great example how a Muslim ethnicity can be secular and civilized. As for the influence on the Russian history, I don't think they have done much. Some people mistake Tatars for Mongols (including some of the retarded Tatars desperately searching for something in history to take pride in), but that can't be further from the truth, and had I been a Tatar, I would've been ashamed of people drawing such parallels: after all, the state of Volga Bulgaria, the ancestor nation of the Volga Tatars, had been destroyed by the Mongols several years prior to their invasion of Rus.
>Tatars as a positive influence on Russian history
Non-positive, non-negative.
That being said, it's certainly better than going full durka with the independence and shit.
>Because Lenin studied in the Kazan univercity.
For a semester, and then got expelled.
mongols did take moscow in the first invasion but then left to elect the new khan. when they came back moscow became a mongol protectorate more or less.
i noticed a lot of russians have russified turkic last names. and they aren't even fully russified recognized turkic minority ethnics like tatars, they are considered ethnic russians.
did something happen like the polish sarmatism meme but for real? i just remembered that karamazov from the novel is turkic too and they were an aristocratic family.
There used to be Volga Germans there. You could have been great, Sergei.
That's a trap, isn't it?
You're just gay