Any thoughts on Kizumonogatari?
Any thoughts on Kizumonogatari?
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worst girl
it looks good. i wish the tv series looked as good as that
Is Kizu 1 subbed available yet?
Short-hair is shit.
All Kisshinobus are miracles of the universe, faggot.
i haven't found it anywhere, just freaking trailers
Haven't seen in yet because no one in the USA or Japan fucking cam-ripped it even though people said they would.
When's the BD coming out anyway? July?
Bumping in hopes that someone has it.
i want it bad
i even like the short hair
but i haven't heard anything about the BD's
life is hidoi ;-:
Anyway, I read the novel, and I thought it was a magnificent story overall.
No one saw it outside of theaters, so no one has any thoughts.
bump for vid
>They didn't see it in theaters with fellow anons
A short bit of it taped in theatre
Did you, then?
> Everyone is from Burgerstan
No, I'm pretty sure people know about that, but hate the quality. Thanks for trying, though.
germanbros also got to see it. could someone post the leaked webms with sound
The BD will be released in July.
Waiting on bd's, same with koyomimonogatari
This is June.
First one was great. Any notice on the second's release date?
August 19th is the Japanese release
I saw it in the theater.
The animation and direction were fantastic, but it felt really short and there were a few things that would have been confusing if I hadn't read the LN already.
Hopefully some theater will do a back-to-back screening once Part III is out, because that's the only way it will feel like a full movie.
The official translation was great, it really captured the feeling of the show. Can't wait for Bake to get translated.
The movie will be cool as well I guess.
It was good. I need to catch up on the show though, I'm stuck on hana because it's so fucking boring and I don't care about monkey.
Also some anons gave me some (you)s
Monkey is best girl(out of cat, spooky, and crab), Sodachi is also cute
anyone who has seen it, where abouts in the book did the first film get to?
did they at least get to episode
>better than snail or bat
Just how gay are you user?
It looked bad in the old trailer, but she looks great in the movie. Her hair is animated to look super silky and fluffy.
Did you not see the "(out of cat, spooky, and crab)"?
My ranking is
Loli trio > Monkey = Imoutos > Crab > Sodachi > Cat
> Imoutos not at the bottom of the list with Cat
They're so damn boring, and worse that Cat simply because they aren't even around enough to get any decent character development.
Has anyone listened to the audiobook yet?
It ended right after Oshino told Araragi and Kiss-Shot that he would negotiate to get the exorcists to face him one by one.
Tsukihi was interesting at least because it takes a while to figure out what her character even is, even if it is deliberately static.
They're great and I want to bathe with them
>onii-chan walks in on them changing
>they start screaming and running around
>if you pause, you can see that they're smiling
The fiyah shisutahs are pretty great.
>fuckhuge resolution with horrible compression artifacts
The one who made this should never make webms ever again.
I had to resize the webm so it can meet the size requirements on /w/
It would look better with smaller resolution at that filesize.
Then lower the resolution.
If I mentioned the descending subway scene, would anyone know what I was going on about or am I just nit picking?
The novel was pretty good, but the first movie barely felt like a movie at all with
so little content and no internal monologue. What was in there looked great though.
What, the one right before Araragi meets Kiss-Shot? I didn't see any issues with it. It was a little overwrought, but that's from the perspective of someone who is used to seeing pic related all the time.
>no internal monologue
You act like this is a bad thing. There's only so much autist pandering I can tolerate.
It would be fine to remove them if things were actually happening during the movie.
>and no internal monologue
That's a good thing, because it doesn't fucking translate well into anime the way Shaft normally does it. Conversations that take a few minutes tops to read in LN format span entire episodes even after Shaft cuts shit out of the original dialogue.
With Kizu Shaft is actually approaching it as an adaptation to the anime format.
the cg Araragi they used when he's walking down really bugged me, it's like this three minute scene of him just walking down to where kiss shot is, and just randomly there's like 20 seconds of just this cg Araragi that pops up when all the rest of it is just normal Shaft animation, I have no idea why they did it but it really bothered me
>faggots didn't see it in the movies
It's just a shit hairstyle so it looks awful. Looks like her mom cut her hair
If you haven't seen the movie, there's a very good chance you'll change your mind. Seeing it in motion does it a lot of good. If you have, then I guess whatever, you have a different opinion than me that I don't fully understand.
what is this
One or more of the animators created a Twitter account and released some art to hype the movie release. That was one of the pieces. It was captioned "If you defeat me, you can touch me as much as you want." or something like that.
Underperforming film
I know what it looks like. It's well animated but it's still a shit hairstyle.
Did he get to touch her?
He lost. I guess he has to wait for after they make up to touch her.
>no fire sisters
I have read the LN, what does the Animation offer me to sit through the plot again?
>not siting behind kevin-kun wtih your friends at the premier and bullying him with your normalfagness
The unabridged audiobook was an oddity to listen to.
Nine hours straight of three voice dub voice actors reading from a script.
Some of the voices were fine and matched what an English Dub should sound like, the others however...
Araragi suffering, Kiss-Shot and Hanekawa being cute as fuck. Oshino being cool. Well-timed jokes. Nailing the atmosphere for some scenes harder than you thought possible. The list goes on.
>if you pause, you can see that they're smiling
I don't remember that
wat episode?
Final scene of Tsuki.
Thx senpai
More like annoying the fuck out of me. Don't show up late and then talk through the movie. Jeeze.
If you seperate out "characters you want to fuck" and "characters you think are good", then for me the Fire Sisters would top the former but be at the bottom of the other. Pretty much all they exist for is creating boners but man they do it well.
No loli sexualization, Monogatari has lost its touch.
>inb4 feetfags
Those headpats were pretty fucking sexual.
You will never pat her on the head like that.
She will never cling to you like that.
You will never have someone as beautiful as her love you.
Why live?
Have we heard anything about part 2 in US yet? Other than summer sometime.
Japanese release date August 19