Checkmate Sup Forums
Checkmate Sup Forums
gay muscles are ugly and ineffective. i wonder how long this dude can even stand after cutting so much lol
>no indicator of height
>literally lights and angles
>can be had natty with 6 months of lifting and not eating anything
Nice try manlet
If he's under 6ft, he's still a wealking no matter how much he pumps himself
>self obsessed pathetic narcissist.
Based on the doorknob in the pic and taking in account the angle id say 5'6-5'8
impractical muscles aside, outliers are not an argument against trends
He looks HIV+ on steroids, GH, and diuretics. He also looks like shit.
Yes. He is not actually muscular just very fit and small bodied. He almost looks like a muscular woman.
At his height and weight he is a pathetic weakling
Lol that weak motherfucker is like 170 lbs max I'd pick him up and throw him out a window
I wan dat boipucci.
>lefties not understand an exception proves the rule
all of you look worse than him
Where do you see any muscles?
Dude has tiny biceps and chest. Also his shoulders are small
>would get bodied by a fat non-manlet
You see this pathetic physique? this is the body of the modern man, a bodybuilding feminine shit. You think that's what a real man is meant to look like? Why, because the media tells you? Cunts like that wouldn't last four minutes in a real fight, just because he's tried to beef his aesthetic doesn't make him a fighter in any sense. The modern-man is a product of the feminine destruction of masculinity. Weak.
>gay muscles
This guy thinks he's a liberal. He just has a girlfriend/wife that requires him to be liberal so he continues getting his dick wet, and his own political ideas have probably never occurred to him.
In any relationship, one will be the stronger, and the weaker one will adapt to the lifestyle and ideology of the alpha. Since this guy says he's a liberal, it's not hard to figure out who the stronger in the relationship is.
I have broad shoulders and i am tall.
And the point was not aesthetics, it was strenght.
At my height of 6"3 and 190lbs i am stronger than some 5"6 manlet
doubt it, he has a giraffe neck and really small / ugly / girly face by the looks of it.
so butterface chinlet essentially that overcompensates
Libcucks are weak, mentally and physically, but there are a lot of jelly, mad mirin losers ITT.
Under 6"feet
>gets called pathetic weakling
>posts selfie (a purely female thing)
checkmate indeed, op.
thanks for admitting your loss.
he's a fucking twink bro
people that take it in the poopsack can't act like they're hard, and he's got a twink body
wow, strong evidence, however can we compete with anecdotals
His brain muscle is still controlled by the Jew
I must admit that's true. Too bad we need a magnifying glass to see the libshit though.
A good example of what a strong man looks like.
Big shoulders, thick neck and big arms.
Dudes biceps are like maybe 13 inches, barely even garter snakes, kiddo here needs to develop some real pythons there brother.
>5ft manlet
>50kg bodyweight
>get some muscles by lifting a bottle of water
hurr durr im so super stronk!!!
>argument was about strength
>muh aesthetics
I could curl that twink.
Literally looks like a white nigger sub human.
Are you really that stupid? His bone length doesn't make him strong or weakling
To be honest most women do not find short twinky men aesthetically pleasing.
If he had that body at the age of 15 teenage girls would love it but older women perfer men who look like men
Then why are there weight classes in fighting sports?
Because taller heavier men outperform small men. Same reason why the featherweight boxers rarely have knockouts while heavyweights have them all the time
Here's a physics question for you, kekistani retard.
100lb super womyn is charging toward a 250lb fatso. When they collide, who do you think gets fucking floored?
>universally left wing men are weaklings
>a single case invalidates this statement
Is OP retarded?
Height matters.
Nearly all recent heavy weight boxing champions have been freakishly tall.
The fact that he actually thinks he's buff is funny. He had to pull his elbow all the way back just to give the allusion of shoulder striations.
>being physically strong and robust is being a subhuman
flag checks out
Now this is T H I C C
Only sensible post in this thread. All the faggots whining about how unfit they claim he is are missing the point.
Seriously, stop taking such obvious fucking bait.
>barely above the midway post in the mirror
being ripped like this is basically all manlets can offer. i am in very good shape because i run ~40 miles a week but do not lift. i have friends 6'5''+ that lift and aspire to the manlet's ripness but can never get there and it is because their bodies require too much food. they have very good muscle definition but being this ripped is impossible unless they starve themselves. only manlets can get this ripped because they do not require as much food.
>6"3 and 190lbs
So you're a lanklet.
Low bf manlet, just look at the size of the phone in relation to the guys chest.
You cant read. No one called him "unfit".
A 50 kilo woman with killer abs is fit as hell but she sure as hell is not strong.
The man is fit but not strong.
I have a normal weight for height.
To be a lanklet i would have to be skinny
How tall is he?
>lanklets posting entire paragraphs
Why do you guys have low self esteem?
boy he sure proved them wrong by being an outlier
post pic
Low bodyfat. Laughable chest. Mediocre arms. Shoulders are okay, but this isn't going to stop me from raping him to prove my argument about him being a weak faggot. No homo.
Lots of bro science in this post lol, plenty of tall body builders. Yes its harder but calorie surplus + right nutrients will build muscle on a tall frame
this, kek
he's basically just malnourished
>No homo
I mean obviously...
He does look like dim witted white trash though.
Don't have camera handy. For illustrative purposes: I am 6'6 7'' 240lb 8% bodyfat. blond hair, blue eyes of course.
Literally DYEL
the mental gymnastics ITT holy shit
hahahah fucking dyel manlet
>yfw normies think roiding out on carefully controlled diets is how you will win in the apocalypse
1. Your diet pills and powders are gone on day 2 of the happening.
2. Spending excess energy lifting will result in your early death.
3. You won't even see me when you die. You will just drop dead from several hundred meters away or in your sleep.
The people who will win are those working physically demanding jobs and don't rely on any special diet/lifestyle/training and basically just winging it. Everyone else will realize their carefully controlled lives are over and will die in the chaos as they never lived in chaos.
kys fatfuck
not lanky. i actually have a broad frame and have had girls comment that i "look fat" with clothes on. i do not lift but i do 99 pushups before i run and i run 5-6 times a week at 7 miles a go.
imagine him talking to the other 99% of gym goers who are typically hugely conservative
>ya I'm a liberal communist cuckold I like to let black men fuck my wife, wouldn't want to be racist you know haha
>you think having a little fat is bad when food is about to be limited in supply
The difference between me and you is you are a washed up girly twink boy masquerading as a male. You will die in the first month of real winter with 100% certainty.
oh man that post has a story behind it
ok now I want you to post pic.
go be fat somewhere else
>Yes its harder but calorie surplus + right nutrients will build muscle on a tall frame
im not talking about building muscle. im talking about getting the kind of definition in OP's pic. that kind of definition is mostly displayed by manlets in my experience. my taller friends are huge muscle-wise and really want the definition they see in manlets but none of them can get there.
that is because they have fat covering their muscle
why do these faggots go through so much trouble just to prove that they are wounded by these posts?
I don't understand how anyone remains in the left at this point with so much judgement and criticism on everything you say for not falling under the idea of political correctness. It baffles me how people don't see whatever you say will always offend someone so there is no reason to try to perfect and censor your words to come off as "neutral".
Because white trash is more often than not high test and robust.
This lol, all the DYEL faggots getting butthurt because the dude has meaty traps and delts
He's still a queer for putting in on twitter though
Why do you think it's better to be totally insensitive? We can't always be perfect but we can try.
no your move
>that is because they have fat covering their muscle
you dont even understand the nuance here between having muscle definition and being ripped. my tall friends have muscle definition but want to get to the next level. the next level is having every muscle striation visible (being ripped). based on my observations, manlets have a much easier time achieving "ripped" status than bigger guys. that's my point and my overall point is that the guy in OP's pic is most likely a manlet because he is ripped.
Kill yourself you dumb fuck, having more muscle is much better in a situation of famine since you actually have PROTEINS in your body to gather amino acids from unlike skinnyfat shits like varg.
>the people who will win are those working physically demanding jobs
You have no idea what you're talking about you dumb meriburger.
Diet pills or powders are unecessary to even get gains not to mention maintain them lmao, you sound like a dumb boomer.
stop using words like ripped and stuff they are pretty vague. You mean that tall guys have a harder time having the relative muscle mass to their height that manlets have right?
6'2" here.
(Pls be kind to my crippling depressed psyche)
thats not natty friendo :)
i love the bathroom decor
What are you trying to prove? Don't get me wrong you're looking thick, solid, tight and better overall than OP but I don't think you've increased the contrast and graininess enough for maximum impact
Why can't you just post a normal colour photo instead of trying every trick in the book to make yourself look better? I bet you have a pump in this as well
nigga who gives a fuck about natty kys. If you ever try gear you will never want to be natty again, trust me
Not roided out, 6'3 225 here. 225 bench, 315 squat, 395 DL. Need to work on getting stronger sure but I'm glad I'm not a faggot like you
Funnily enough dude I'd say this is fairly close to what most women consider a dream body, especially at 6'2. Careful with the nipples, they look a bit puffy and I'm assuming you're not on gear so it may be indicative of early onset gyno. Might wanna investigate that
I'd also consider shaving your chest but opinions vary on body hair. Also need more chest and delts
LOL I'm 5'10" and can do that much. You seriously need to work on it.
old pic bruh im ripped as fuck now but skinny in my mind
>implying he should be stronger simply because he's taller
>didn't even post your weight
strong logic wtf
;) looking good bro srs. What were you running in that pic?
>stop using words like ripped and stuff they are pretty vague.
i explained the differences to you so they shouldnt be vague.
>You mean that tall guys have a harder time having the relative muscle mass to their height that manlets have right?
not just tall. im talking about guys that are tall and have a large frame. they can achieve muscle definition but getting ripped is very difficult. think strongman type guys.
Lifted for one year now. Was fat. Lost 80 lbs. Year ago I started lifting. One year of gains and I'm doing alright for my body weight. Always trying to improve, but grad school is busy.
>Why do you think it's better to be totally insensitive?
Just take a fucking look at the outside world. Where has PC brought the society as a whole in the past years?
We as a whole are becoming more degenerate by day. Simply because we cant tell people anymore that they are fat, stupid, fag or w/e without getting screamed at or threatened by a large community of degenerates that have normalized this freakish behaviour and cemented it in future societies.
>one man shown
>declare all left-wing men strong
Fucking flawed logic, man.
Yup one of my friends is into strongman and wants me to compete with him in the spring. He thinks I can get to the point where I'll be good enough to finish all the events at my weight by then.
ehs shorter than doorknob heh
>That doorknob height relative to him
Manlet identified
225 bench at that size is fucking laughable
>Thick neck
>Traps are too big
>Auschwitzmode chest
>Tiny biceps
Keep trying, pinko.
What are you talking about? He gave no indication of his weight, he could be anything from 130-300lbs
He is also twisting his shoulder blade in a weird angle in order to make his traps look bigger
Given that 2 years ago I weighed 300 pounds and had never been in a gym, I'm not mad at all.