What is a good slogan for the Brits to ban acids?
>Get a life, bin that knife
But for acid?
What is a good slogan for the Brits to ban acids?
>Get a life, bin that knife
But for acid?
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20 year sentences and a fine of 500k bongs will fix ut.
Drop that acid
Be a man, bin that acid.
>don't be rancid, flush that acid.
Bin that acid, Muhammad gets flaccid
stop being flaccid, drop the acid.
Dont act so rancid bin that acid
It's fine, they just have to write on a piece of paper that acid is illegal and it will stop.
Statism is a religion.
submit to mohummad and abuld, you will only get beaten and raped, acid free
This why the fuck can't I own recreational acid? Fucking fascists
Stop being a sandnigger
Go back to Pakistan you subhuman filth
Not brown? Bin that acid, clown
Even some acid won't keep Adbul flaccid
Depot and kill all Muslims
Problem solved
Don't be placid, drain that acid!
Don't become placid, throw some acid
Acid Away, Brexit Today!
no its time for eye for a eye justice. go whip up a batch of lsd and dilute it in some water and throw it in their faces. 150 times the lethal dosage for a adult of average weight. and start screaming about pork and throw cooked bacon at them and none of that faggy brit bacon real american bacon
Dude enlightenment lmao I'm spiritual and shit now
If it's hydrochloric, you need a liscence for ick
t. Popeye
its racist to ban an indigenous weapon
Racism is systemical, bin that chemical
why dont they ban violence in the UK?
Fucking Brits are still using weapons to clean their drains.
The LD50 for lsd is predicted to be 12,000 micrograms. If you can cook up 150 times that amount you would be a very very rich man
>Bin that acid
that's pretty good
Be a Muhajid, drop that acid.
drop that base
(i read on here yesterday that sometimes it's a base and they just say acid for simplicity)
accied accied accied accied
brits are stupid and pour cooking oil and grease down the drain. brits are all on welfare. The state will never ban acid because the cost to the tax payer for constantly calling the plumber. Here in america I haven't used drain cleaner for my entire life because Im not subhuman filth and know how to use a sink.
>150 times the lethal dosage for a adult of average weight.
do you know how much lsd that requires
Acid is the ultimate coward's weapon.
like 1.8 grams
Don't be explosive, bin that corrosive.
Don't think about race, let muslims take your place
Don't be an Achmed, ditch the acid.
I wonder what the usual sentences are for an acid attack. You can really ruin a person's entire life with it.
Don't be placid, bin that acid.
i've got a good slogan for acid
"ditch the acid, u fuckin wack kid" it doesn't make you a sick cunt usin the shit yea u fOKIN proper lik mANS NOT HOT
It's almost certainly too tiny.
>go hang out with your fellow subhumans in the free hotel for less than a decade
Excellent punishment.
>Live ages away from London
>No acid attacks ever where I live
So only Londoners get attacked with acid?
Well well, looks like I don't give a fuck then.
Don't put up a fight, especially if you're white
Remember when England used to laugh at America for being violent and uncivilized?
Now look at them with constant terrorist attacks while America hasn't had a single one all year.
RIP Europe, died by your own bleeding hearts.
In 100 years everyone in the UK will have mandatory amputation of their arms at birth.
After all, you're harmless if you're armless!
>liquid fire
well london is less than 50% white now so it's pretty much the middle east
Just wear a good burka, stupid goyim. Problem solved.
Anything with a pH less than 5 will be banned. If your granny is hiding a bottle of malt vinegar for her chippies, please let the authorities know during one of their hourly weapon searches.
So is America and they're doing okay-ish.
Question Mohammed? Get the acid
If the PH is low, to jail you go
Slogans work so well for stopping subhuman IQ people from doing stuff.
Having your face melt off is part and parcel of living in a big city goyim.
the parts that are less than 50% white aren't doing ok. But london is the crown jewel of the england and it's fall will hopefully wake people up
>But london is the crown jewel of the england
It absolutely is not, lol
Save your skin, use the bin!
Don't splash it, let's bin the acid
Don't be flaccid, stow that acid
Okay, so you live outside London. What's the situation in other big cities? Also, how much of 'Britain is a police state' is true? Is it an over-exaggeration, or you can really get into trouble for criticizing Muslims and other minorities?
It's what everyone thinks of when they think of england. It was once one of the greatest cities on the planet
we just had one yesterday...
banning acid, what are you a racist?
>blame the race get the ace
drawn attention to race, get acid in your face
>What's the situation in other big cities?
Fine, pretty much. Its literally just London that is shit.
>police state
massively over exaggerated
>criticizing muslims on facebook
a hobby of mine for years, no negative outcome
>Beat all muslims and niggers to death, so you don't need to fear acid attacks on streets or shopping mallsth
rhymes even
dude we're still recovering from 9/11 you remember the last time you fuckin black balled achmed without a white van ending up down the street for the next week i mean cmon??
it's happening. see you at the tournament lads
why doesnt the UK do the world a favour and just ban itself?
>What is a good slogan for the Brits to ban acids?
"Don't be a boor, drop the H2SO4."
I'm just sure that will work on the muzzies.
fucking this^^
Pour that acid down the sink, you filthy chink!
Don't be rancid, get rid of that acid
Fucking acid attacks. Jesus.
Our cities are slowly becoming the Biff-timeline dystopia from Back to the Future 2.
Why the fuck would anyone want to live in these shitholes anymore. Give me 5 acres of land in bumfuck Ohio any day of the week.
End the white race, melt that face
in a few years there will be new gleaming urban centers poping up in once small towns as white people flee they invading hordes
Drop acid, don't throw it.
Don't drizzle that sizzle!
Stay flaccid, bin that acid.
the jail times massive , drain that acid
>the jail times massive
Is it though?
dont be a hater, ditch that hydron donator
If you give a kebab a stone; he will throw a stone.
If you give a kebab a stick; he will throw a stick.
If you give a kebab acid, he will throw acid.
Ban the kebab, not the object.
Only the poor throw H2SO4...
probaly not, need to enter into the spirit of things dear boy
that would be racist
Dont be flaccid. Bin that acid.
don't be a squib, kill that arab
Quit the pandemonium, don’t stir the hydronium.
fag flag ahoy
Unless you wanna be historic, flush that hydroflouric
don't be a fascist, neutralise that acid
Don't be placid, drain that acid.
Don't be flacid, spill that acid.