>25C (77F), feels like 32C (89.6) with humidity, in late September
fuck global warming
25C (77F), feels like 32C (89.6) with humidity, in late September
Just move further north. Global warming would do wonders for 90% of the landmass in Canada.
Why does everyone here like fucking cold
I love it when it's actually warm
its a very comfortable 16c here
Fuck that, winters are kino. Sweating in the summer sucks hard.
>40 f outside
>60 f inside
get comfy
Yeah but August was cold and rainy, this is like the one hot week we've had all summer
>86 degrees (30C) yesterday in upstate NY (Adirondacks)
>went sailing
felt good man
88 degrees in downstate NY today, nice to spend some time outside and then go inside in the air conditioning.
Where ?
>Every day I post the same thread on Sup Forums!
maybe if the Chinese and Indians stopped shitting up the environment. in the mean time though, move to Iqaluit if you don't like the heat.
Fucking leaf
Fuck this shitty weather.
well as i said in the last thread you created on this, maybe you shouldve put the fires out shit head
It's been sub 20 for a whole fucking season here, I've been freezing my balls off. Can't wait till it gets back to the 30s like it was meant to be
Because you're a nigger from the tropics.
Wow, really? Just looking for any excuse to spread hate, eh?
white people love the cold and snow
The same kind of weather we have had since may. We skipped summer and went straight to september.
Someone needs to kill our priminister!
utah. it's about 15 C outside and 5 C inside