RACISTS get BTFO and BTFO and BTFO again!
RACISTS get BTFO and BTFO and BTFO again!
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>winning more seats than ever/in decades
You sure showed them!
what went wrong
that meme again
retarded PD, if daddy left your mom it's not a reason to blame a whole generation
Burgers on Sup Forums with no understanding of any country other than their own jumped on the bandwagon.
Nothing went "wrong", anyone could easily have seen all of this coming.
Degenerates comparing countries with completely different political systems. (((Meme reality)))
>in decaces
The AfD has only existed for 4 years you absolute moron.
>americans in charge of knowing anything
Kek, boomers voted for Asselineau, Le Pen or Mélanchon?
No they voted for Macron and Fillon.
It's the boomers fault, they have put us in this situation by voting like their parents.
> Right wing voters at an all time high
> Anti-European parties that used to only cater to a fringe of the voters now mainstream
> Major political and societal schisms in all Western-European countries
“Ha, the pro-European party won with a narrow margin and lost 10% to 20% of its seats, we defeated populism!”
This is what you believe.
Even better result then, can you imagine starting a new party and in just 4 years are able to compete with the ones running your country?
I'm so sure the right wing will lose that I don't even think about it anymore.
Macron's party didn't existed before he became president.
Beat it.
What did you expect? Fourth Reich with 51%?
They are third place and didn't even exist 10 years ago.
but to be realistic Germany is beyond saving ever since Hitler left the stage
And Macron came out with a win despite literally creating a movement about a year ago. BTFO right wing populism! In Netherlands and France we see the rise of left wing parties and communists that are literally demolishing racist thugs, eg Antifa
At least slovskia is doing good
>8% last elections
>now expecteing around 12%+
>Criticizing a country
>hides flag
Neck yourself
Yeah, most well-off boomers voted Macron/Fillon (I looked at La Baule results : 60% Fillon on first turn) because they don't wont to risk losing their precious capital with a disruptive, risky policy.
It's only the ones from lower classes, or convinced nationalists that do otherwise among boomers.
>mfw they choked at the sénatoriales
>mfw Macaroni's approval rating
>mfw Macaroni has done the impossible and made people miss Hollande, just like Sarko made people miss Chirac
So easy to become president when the establishment feeds the sheeple macron meme's every day up to the election
I'm not saying you are wrong, I am saying he did it.
A bit like Trump in a way.
"No Pasaràn" I guess.
Has it occured to you, at all, that you are on a site that largely caters to anglophones, and that the 'right wing rise' is referable to our political climate alone?
To some extent the US political climate trickles down to every other country due to their hegemony, but really the primary ripples are felt in the US itself, Australia, Canada, the UK and New Zealand.
You seem to be missing our victory two weeks ago.
that's 4D chess, they won by losing
does anyone have the other "left his party" etc pic
That image is so retarded. We fix the west by voting in Zionists? What a joke.
Quick rundown?
Sorry but we never hear of Norway.
UKIP didnt win
they got brexit but they still have zero power in the UK
Europeans aren't anglo
Yah and the German media is going into meltdown because of it.
The ice melts, but slowly.
pls no
That one isn't even funny.
Macron was incredibly shilled by the media: you couldn't turn on your TV or look at a news kiosk without seeing his or Brigitte "Eddie the Head" Macron's faces.
Then you have most of mainstream press comparing Le Pen to a nazi, so he could only win.
Antifa are just thugs hiding behind an ideology they don't care about. They're no better than hooligans, and even go as far as to attack far-left people:
>UKIP didn't win
>they got everything they wanted but they still didn't win
the absolute state of the german
>Sorry but we never hear of Norway.
When you aren't retarded you seldom make the papers.
Honestly, french Antifa are pretty old-fashioned commies and they are just mad ther Mélanchon isn't an internationalist.
Are potatoniggers the new leafs?
>every european far-right party has doubled their voting share are come in 2nd or 3rd
>FN expected to dominate legislature elections, Macron can't muster his from-scratch party
>AfD guarantees a hung legislature via Jamacian Coalition, new election soon
>Austrian Nazis set to win big in legislative elections
Such failure. I'll grant you that the Netherlands is full of cucks and Brexit is cancelled.
noone cares about norway
we need some sort of "stand-by" on Petry and Wilders.
why didn't you include Norway?
>>FN expected to dominate legislature elections, Macron can't muster his from-scratch party
Dude, the legislatives have already happened and it was a landslide for Macron's cohorts. Senate elections just happened and the traditional right-wing (which is not the FN, to make things clear) got the best out of it
Fuck, My taxes went to support the election campaigns of these clowns
Thankfully not, otherwise we would have muslim mayors and get attacked on a daily basis by the religion of peace.
should've just funded the military vlad
lol, have you seen any italians recently? no, not the tanned type.
They're pure dogmatism, and just can't grasp reality. Like that German study showed 92% of Berliner far-left activists still lived with mommy, it's safe to say they're violent children in adult bodies.
Greenlight sweden, SD has already won
But isn't swedes being right wing not kind of a meme?
Can you give me any of their electoral program that makes them right-wing to you?
Kosher nationalists are cancer
It's even worse than you thought
Trump is a unironically an incompetent buffoon and Europeans are turned off by his antics so they vote against right wing populist parties.
if he was a more intelligent right wing populist you would see europeans moving to the right
I can understand your frustration that Petry might be Kosher.
Jews want to eat that pussy.
>german edits the infopic that proves anglo superiority
Trump and Farage are successes, deal with it
Farage didn't leave the country and UKIP are still a party
>wants out of EU
>fuck Turkey
>fuck EMU
>Decrease/stop immigration
>Generally no to refugees
Well godspeed though, i know for a fact that Malmö will vote Leftie-commie gibs.
Could SD coalesce with KD? Even just for fun. Ebba a qt.
>reliant on venstre and krf
>not to mention the also pro islam hoyre
We don't have a single relevant party that belongs on the list. FRP does not want to be associated with any of these parties and is the best enemy our left wing parties could ask for. Just release a couple of edgy statements a year to please the gullible retards and there's your 15%. A vote for FRP is just a vote for slightly delaying what would inevitably happen with AP/SV at the wheel.
He's talking about the right wing in general, moron
That has nothing to do with how you're cucked and attacked. Plus you arrest people for saying something bad to immigrants in the internet. Fuck you became as bad as Sweden.
The Skåne region is the place with the most SD votes in the country
Ebba already said she would like to rule alongside SD
Depends on if KD gets into the parliment, you require at least 4% of the votes. I'd much rather see them drop out desu, because if they do M will have to be more dependent on SD.
We have this system where we make deals within the parliment. If, for example, SD makes a deal with let's say M+C to vote for their proposal thus giving them 50%, M+C will then later have to vote for one of SD's proposals.
SD is the largest party in Skåne (region where malmö is located)
>believing any of this to be true
difference between your country and mine, davinci, is that it gets reported and causes outrage over here.
And this is how we deal with them, learn from us you britcucks.
Meanwhile your cops run away from terrorists or cant' even catch one immigrant.
Nazis/Ethnonationalists in the 90th's
they are definitly redpilled
ok big fella, whatever makes you feel better
Ahaha shut up cuck, sweden is lost and stopped being it's own country since they accepted immigrants.
>I can't refute any of this so I'll just be passive
i don't need to refute it, we're leaving the EU and getting all this shit under control. wtf are you doing?
Is this what they meant by constant winning?
Replace "Sweden Now" with pic related. You're like the retarded cousins of Finland.
Geert a SHIT, Thierry is new best friend now
>under control
>under control
5 - 10 years from now we'l be in a much better spot than the mainland
And I quote:
"ok big fella, whatever makes you feel better"
How do you even get to this level of delusion?
>actually taking steps to fix problem
>get attacked by le 52% and some tanned italian
Oh you poor "lads" now it's big italian bullies that give you issues.
Trump is a NYC liberal.
In America 99% of Republicans are more conservative than Trump.
>someone who makes that face is NOT mentally deranged
>The rest were filled to the brim with shitskins already
Representative of what now?
You're way too deluded for your own good. It's funny how you brits usually call out americans for being "arrogant".
we cant let him get the nuclear codes
Based HC Strache will get 25% and rule with Kurz. The bacon flag will prevail.
What's the bet you're a poo or some other shitskin recently emmigrated to my ancesteral homeland?
Some people are able to express emotions. Remember, not everyone has autism like you.
>said the autistic weeb
Fucking terrone
>Anglo nations uncucking themselves
>Continential Europeans continuing to be Cucks like they have been for the last 200 years.
I see nothing wrong here.
Taci terrone nascosto, di dove sei? Napoli? rumeno.
The Svennedemokrats have become the seccond biggest thought