>light novel adaptation
Light novel adaptation
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what is monogatari or haruhi
Both shit
>hating on the most original concepts in anime
and tell me which anime isnt shit
Who cares where it's adapted from as long as it's good?
Elitist retards
that's the thing tho. 99.9% of the adaptions aren't good.
Masterpieces of the 21st century
I think the nips are finally on to their shitty generic plots. Took them long enough. We're beginning to move onto isekai though, just like we moved away from haremshit.
>Kara no Kyoukai
and more. What's your point?
Purple haze feedback was a great light novel adaption. They can be done good
You gotta watch the GOOD STUFF like Fooly Cooly.
only 4 of those are good
Id rather watch a LN adaptation than a copy paste generic moeshit show tbqh
>light novel adaptation
Some of them are quite good.
>action, ecchi, romance, harem, school, supernatural
Since I can't watch anime that come from manga when I can just read it, LN adaptations are the only way for me
Great. Fucking. Doujin
Translation fucking when
>manga adaption
When you post the source.
>>light novel adaptation
Those really bug me too because most LNs that get picked for adaptation are very long running, so the anime invariably covers only 2~3 arcs of the whole story and either gives you an open end or a shitty anime original end.
The anime ends up being just promotional material.
I'm sure there's been LN adaptations of shorter series where the whole thing was adapted faithfully, but I can't think of one.
A huge pile of shit.
A huge disappointment that went nowhere, setting the trend for almost every single LN adaptation since then.
Do you like insect fucking?
What about, you know, shows that are original?
The only good thing in your garbage list.
>psycom will never get an adaption and v5 will never see the light of day
Why live?
I'm talking about adaptations
Jesus Christ
Who doesn't?
Good fuckign answer
The thing is, those are relatively old, look at all the new shit LNs that are getting adapted now.