Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1574

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

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>high kick with a skirt
>clear broken ankle

redheads, not even once


Wouldn't you usually use 悪魔 for demon, not 鬼?

why do you ask?

How many of you don't use radical based mnemonics but just make shit up brute forcing into memory as you go? Also how far are you with kanji?

Didn't mean to quote

These guys .


Between two decks I so far have reached ~500 kanji. I don't think of actual mnemonics but u do look for hints that the radicals could give me. Kanji about feelings usually contain 心, speaking/language have 言, etc.

What le fug is 言っとき meant to mean? I'm guessing it's a slurred, casual way of saying something else but I can't think what it would be.

brute force just like english, even if they arent comparable at all
i thought i had a pretty good memory, and while its not bad, its not as great as i believed


When will your jap skills be as good as this guy?


I make shit up on the fly
e.g. from this thread-
悪魔 = asia heart - hemp oni

言っときな = 言っておきなさい

astute user, some things don't have literal translations
oni is not an english word.


Ah, thanks. I thought the きなー bit might be きなさい, but I couldn't figure out what と was.


Years of work that I'm not sure I can accomplish.

Does it come with the text bubble?

I too started learning fully intending to give up later on when I get busy again

Can someone explain ほど in a simple manner to me?

I don't know how to think about it, there's like a million examples but they're like all different ways to use it, isn't there a simple way of thinking that fits it all?

For example, this sentence I found when I was reading now:
> あそこまでされて何もなかった事に出来るほど
> 大人じゃねえぞ!

In this example, it's doing practically... nothing there, right?
The meaning I got from it is something like "If I can pretend nothing happened after having all that done to me..."
"I/that wouldn't be an adult."

I tried to think about it as a "balance" before, like A B, but I think that suits 方 only, I don't know how to think about ほど...

>Which one is top and which one is bottom, I don't want to know
Am I getting this right? It doesn't really seem to "fit", not to mention Yotsuba replies to the line as though it was supposed to be offensive to her, but I can't find any alternate meanings for まい.

The scanlation says "Which is the top and which is the bottom? You'll never know.", but I have no idea where they're getting "You'll never know." from.

Does anyone know of a japanese translation of an english book (or english translation of a japanese book) where the japanese text has an audio recording? I thought it would be cool to read the english first, to understand what is going on, and then proceed to listening to the audio while reading the japanese text.


"I'm not enough of an adult to be able to pretend nothing happened after having all that done to me"


Search for "parallel texts with audio" to find more along the same lines.

People like you are why I love 4can. Thanks dude.



i like to think of 分かる as the process of figuring out, and まい to throw doubt on that process
so you'll probably never figure out

Ah, makes sense now... I still find hard to think about it though.

Don't think, feel.

Don't feel, know.


Well, thinking (feeling) now, I think it's because it works... reversed?
The ほど in that example is applied to the following part, the adult one... but that's only when it's a negative sentence, right?

Using an example from another site:
> 彼奴ほど強い
"As strong as him"

In this case it's the preceding sentence because it's not a negative...

Even if I try "feel" this makes my feelings confused as fuck

Make sure to use the Yen Press scans rather than the fan scanlation.

ITHVNR is removing some duplicate kana like ここ turning into こ. Auto suppress repetition is off in the options and I'm using version ITHVNR3.5640.Pre4. Anyone know how to fix this?

restart ithvnr twice

Well I'll be damned. Thanks.

How can I make it so ITHVNR "saves" the correct line of a game? Having to reselect it everytime I start it up is kind of annoying, especially since I miss a line or two that way by having to advance text



It worked correctly in ITH, but I can't get ITHVNR to save it. I just kept the VN open all the time so I didn't have to keep messing with it.



I just click the save-button once an it has always worked so far.

Try it with another game? Maybe your game is doing something weird where the addresses are different each time?

>barely remember new words from yesterday
>new words thrown at me today
>absolutely kills my accuracy rate

without new words its around 75% but with new words it can drop to 50%

is this normal or do i just suck

check the ITH_Profile.xml in your ITH folder. Is your game there? Maybe it's having problems writing to that folder because you put it to C:\Program Files\ or something

The speaker is complaining that the person drawing him got the colours wrong. Do the ○でもなければ○でもない imply that he used the second colour in place of the first one? Is it like saying that he is no more black than yellow and no more tan than grey?

Stop caring about stats for young cards.
Anki will show you the words you don't remember until you get them (or until they get blocked for being a leech).
Low retention rate just increases the amount of reviews you get. If the review load gets to high add less or no new cards, if you still want to learn more, add more cards.

It means that it's neither. This is a pretty common grammar structure. When ば is used like this it means "and" more than "if".

I guess it fits but neither yellow nor black seems kind of weird

How long have you been going? I started getting around 65%, 75% a week later, past 80% now. Heard that's normal. You could try learning a few radicals to help you, everyone learns their own way after all. Also what the other user said

Djt meetup when?

The handwriting in the bottom right panel is tripping me up. I get 十五才未満でこの人の死因がわかったものは but I have no idea what the next kanji/word is and google translate-san didn't help. Can anyone identify it?

Every day, on DJT

Fuck, I didn't know there was an official TL. Thanks for drawing my attention to it.

Idk but it's pissing me off that that 耳 + 云 kanji doesn't seem to exist

The first one is a 略字 for 職

Right? I think it must be a typo, but I can't figure out what the correct kanji is.

So the whole thing I think is 職員室

Oh. Thank you, user-sama.

Probably 職員室 then

Fuck I always forget about those fucking things

I wish Japan would just ban handwriting

I do not regret putting thousands of hours learning and practising Japanese
>pic related

If some characters are annoying enough to write that there are generally accepted simplified versions of them, why doesn't Japan's government just call the current version obsolete and say the simplified version is the correct, modern version?

Mainland China simplified a bunch of characters with no problems (as far as I know) and Japan simplified some post-WWII as well, so the precedent exists to do it.

completely pulled this phrase out of my ass but does the following:


mean something along the lines of "lending things is an important matter"?

Never. Fuck off to /soc/ or Sup Forums

Source me, 先輩.

Define "generally accepted"

They aren't accepted enough to have unicode characters, and simplicity doesn't mean much when you're just typing anyway

>Define "generally accepted"
Recognisable to enough that they'd be included in a manga sans-furigana with the assumption that the vast majority of readers would understand what it represented.

Sorry for the retarded noob question but how do I play light VNs? I get an error when I try to start Dies Irae.


Is that trap? Eww, plebeian taste.

I didn't put as much hours (I think) yet, it's been about two months and a little since I started, but being able to save stuff like this (and understand, although with the help of OCR for many still unknown kanjis) already made it totally worth.

My goal though is to not depend on translations anymore, whether anime, games or manga, so I still have a loooong way ahead...

What the heck? I thought saucenow only indexed pixiv?

you need to run it in japanese mode


i'll assume i'm correct then. あ-ありがとう..

How good does my handwriting need to be? Any tips on writing kanji better or will I just get better over time?


as good as you want it to be

follow stroke order

>fap to this just now

I knew mining 前立腺 would come in handy. Silly furigana, that isn't read イイトコ.

>as good as you want it to be
I want it to be readable
I look at the kanji displayed at my monitor and then look at the kanji I wrote trying to follow it, huge fucking difference

However my regular handwriting does suck bad as well so I might just be a bit perfectionist about things

>follow stroke order
One of the things RTK has taught me well. I'm pretty faithful to stroke orders.

Characters should be fairly square in proportion. The vertical length of the characters can vary a little, but the horizontal width should be as consistent as possible from one character to the next.

Be honest, if even the beginning of Tae Kims grammar stuff confuses the fuck out of me and I can't complete the practice exercises is there any hope? Am I supposed to re read each page like 30 times for it to sink in?

Well, what can I do? I learned most of what I know from anime/listening, besides the kanas I knew practically nothing.

(submitted too early by accident)
You might try turning your notebook on its side so that the lines on the page force you to keep your characters to a certain width rather than a certain height, though when doing this you should of course try to avoid making your characters too much longer than they are wide.

You're not supposed to sit on any lesson, just read the book quickly and then read compelling material daily.

Repeat for 5 years and you'll be ok.

well "readable" is honestly not that high of a bar
following stroke order should make the kanji identifiable even if it's scribbly or a little deformed

You shouldn't expect to memorise everything from the guide you're reading, but if you're not even understanding it then that's a problem.

Maybe Tae Kim's explanations just aren't working for you for whatever reason, so you might want to try another guide like Imabi and see if that makes more sense to you.

don't waste your time on the practice exercises

but yeah there is proportionally less hope corresponding to how stupid you are

If Tae Kim seems too fast when starting out, start with Genki (or any other textbook) until you get through the chapter on て form and then switch to Tae Kim.

What's there to understand? Just read the example sentences and you'll see how it works.

Friendly reminder that one hour a day of studying will let you learn Japanese in a year. You spend more than an hour on Sup Forums, why can't you spend an hour studying?

Why are you posting this in the learn Japanese thread, idiot?