
Huge if true

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Where the fuck

large if in charge

Would Sup Forums move to africa and learn afrikaans if it meant living in a white ethnostate?

If I could live in Rhodesia 2.0 I would give up everything.
I somehow doubt this is going to be as good as Rhodesia, if it's even true

I would do the same. See you there user.

who the fuck is this king and why have I never heard of him?

Based Xhosa

People like to say South Africa was completely empty, but there was actually one single tribe living there when Europeans showed up. This King is the current leader of that native tribe


oh, so he's a nigger... I thought that it was just some crazy white guy who just decided to secede from south africa all of a sudden.

There were more tribes. The problem was that the Europoors arrived in the middle of the Zulus slaughtering the native Bantu people. This genocide created a population vacuum which allowed the Europeans to settle en masse in fertile, unoccupied land and also weakened the natives to European conquest. He's king of one of the few tribes that maintained cohesion throughout the genocide and ensuing white settlement.

Yes, king nigger. He also mentions that white genocide is one of the reasons they are making the new nation

yes this is includes Khoi-san (spear chucking lighter africans) and coloureds (mixed race incl asian) who all hate the black zulu niggers. So whites have to share, though its a hellofalot better than what they now have.

Even so, I think that this might be the best chance for the boer to survive.


Here are the reasons they are making a new nation

This is perfect. He's a king so he has a legitimate claim to the land. If he can bring the white south africans to his side, then he could probably secede.

Can I ask OP what the fuck he was thinking when he maid this thread
>no subject
>picture of a bunch of text
>nothing interesting in the description.
This is monumental news, and should be on the front page. But since OP is a faggot noone will even look this way...

Another issue is that when you look it up, you only get fringe websites reporting it. Dont know how authentic this is, but hoping it is real

oh fuck, it's happening y'all

give a real source cunt

Then when this dies bake a better one user


>we must take back our land
I bet he shitposts here too.

Khoisan are not black(bantu)

wtf, they look asian. Do they have roots from asia?


If I had to take a guess Id wager they were a seafaring people that settled on the cape a couple thousand years ago.

This is just making Africa not ruled by niggers.
If true, it is going to be a mix of whites, natives, and niggers in charge trying to fix things. Which is infinitely better than the ANC

No.They are some of the oldest modern humans still alive.They also have one of the lowest IQs but they are very nice

They look like a weird mixture of Asian, pacific islanders and African people.

Bantu(blacks) are from west africa.They conquered the rest of africa and slaughtered most native populations of southern africa

They seem to be wise enough to know when to jump ship.

How much impact has this declaration? Is anyone taking this serious? Can they enforce it? Judging from the video, it was a small event next to some noisy shit. Doesn't look powerful to me.

Okay he declared independence

But how is he going to enforce this against the south african chimp horde

No, they are the people who migrated out of Africa and interbred with local humanoid.

>it is going to be a mix of whites, natives, and niggers in charge
Another disaster. It will end exactly like Zimbabwe.

>They also have one of the lowest IQs but they are very nice

Possibly the direct ancestors of Aboriginals.

>are very nice
Can't be.

what's the average iq of the koison? it can't be that bad.

I know that, I mean the khoisan

Zimbabwe was an immediate change from all white to all black overnight

Pure khoisan are rare.Most fall under the category of coloured(a mix of khoisan,dutch,indonesians).I dont know the exact IQ

Aboriginals aren't African American. Aboriginals are mostly harmless and non-aggressive.

they are probably missing the (((warior))) gene that most niggers have.

There are kang tier studies and memes that try to link the Khoisan to ancient ancestors in Asia, or vice-versa.

Genetically, the evidence doesn't exist, they appear to have developed features independent of Asia that closely resemble Asians.

The one thing I saw that made some sense was that Maori/Islanders may have some link to them, as Islanders spread via boat all over the Pacific.

the confederacy was seen as a small thing until some low-level fed decided to occupy a fort.

Honorabu Memba!

Peace must be maintained.

Fuck off UN you already destabilized 1 good african country

Good point. Then how much support could he potentially receive once he "occupies a fort?"

>the confederacy was seen as a small thing
