Why don't the muslims do anything about this?
Most of south east asia is muslim. Why don't they care about them? Why don't they punish Myanmar?
Rohingya genocide
Because the world leaders don't represent the people they rule, with very few exceptions in the middle east and africa. They don't care about the people percieved to be below them. It's the rich manipulating the poor as always.
the invasion has been pushed back
they will try again in a few decades
What's that supposed to mean?
Muslims only act tough against people who have empathy for them
Against people with no empathy for them they have no other option but cry and play the victim
Just look at Israel
It means that the Muslim horde was fought off by brave Buddhists.
Protip: muslims are tribal and hate each other
It's not the first and won't be the last
nothing of value was lost
this will happen in all European and former British colonies, either to the whites or to the non-whites
which side will you be on?
Is England gonna take back the subcontinent?
>exceptions in the middle east and africa
hahahahahahah what the fuck do they teach in canada. give one example.
You're so ignorant
Op fuck off with your fake photo. We Kill them because they started it. It's simple take 1 out of us we'll make them pay 10 of them.
Stop spreading fake news. Myanmar has valiantly stopped this muslim invasion. The world should look towards them and see how the only way to deal with muslims should look like.
Even muslims hate muslims.
One might even say based buddhists.
We do care about them.
We send humanitarian aid while also talk about how to solve this diplomatically between Myanmar, Bangladesh, India.
We don't just "punish" them, we're not as powerful and ignorance as US and break any international laws.
We tried to find win win solutions for both sides, myanmar doesnt want rohingya, ok, but then what the solution? is bangladesh ok to accomodate them?
We (SEA) support both country for whatever decision as long there's is a decision.
And currently only Indonesia the only can/allowed to talk to myanmar, cause seems myanmar are allergy to other south east asian nation.
You know what racism did your country already.
Why haven't you learnt your lesson?
You don't even have an army. You're trying to repeat what you did to the Jews.
>You're trying to repeat what you did to the Jews.
Nooooo, I'm trying to stop the one group of people to invade my country who actually want to repeat what happened to the jews.
Muslims don't hate Germans wtf are you thinking.
But they hate Jews you moron.
>repeat what you did to the jews
So nothing then?
fucking this
Stay based guys
Because it's more convenient for muslim supremacy that the EU takes pity on them and ships them to Europe.
hello myanmar is here, what do you need
Goat fuckers respect and only respect people willing to fight back. That's why countries in the West are doomed unless they start shooting the Muslim fucks.
Muslims are only good when buried six feet under to fertilize plants.
Why did they remove their clothing? It wouldn't be as unsettling if they were wearing pants
>Why don't they care about them?
Because Muslims are always the victims, even if they are attacking peaceful Buddhists and Hindus.
It is really sad to see that this attack on the Buddhists in Myanmar, by the Muslims who are unable to live peacefully, is not only punished but the perpetrators have become the victims.
Bangladesh is India's greatest ally.
Those hindus probably went to India or some shit. You think Bangladesh would actually kill Hindus?
These are Tibetan Buddhists. Pic is completely unrelated. Likely victims of an earthquake or genocide from Chinese.
SAGE this stupid shit.
Also, fuck Muslims.
We're trying to discuss why other muslims aren't doing anything. Fuck off please
>Muslims don't hate Germans
Good one. They even use the word German as an insult here.
At least post a relevant pic.
To answer your question it is because they don't care. The Rohingya are the expendable zergling pawns (they are trash and cannon fodder), before a resettlement of real Muslims takes place the area must be secured as a Caliphate. It's basic strategy.
>1 post by this ID
SAGE this crap
Stay based, Myanmar. Don't let any monkeys blow up your Buddhist monuments like they did in Afghanistan.
They aren't doing anything because Muslims don't actually have allegiance to other Muslims. If they did they would have absorbed the Palestinian population and granted them citizenship in their Muslim countries. Instead they let them sit there and be perpetually humiliated by Jews.
They still kill a lot of Hindus in Pakistan and bangaldesh
Punish the one in the right?
Death to mudslimes, MAKE ASEAN GREAT AGAIN.
Fuck off you mudslime loving retard, your kind with your mudslime appologetics are the reason our country is experiencing one of the biggest gangwars in history.
>You know what racism did your country already.
Why haven't you learnt your lesson?
Racism didn't do anything to his country. Allied bombers and Communist rapists did.
>We're trying to discuss why other muslims aren't doing anything.
They don't because they can not get away with it. If Muslims would slaughter innocents like they do the Buddhists in Europe they would get thrown out of all countries currently helping them.
Keep on being awesome Myanmar. You have the support of every European.
>sending muslims to paradise
why does anyone raise a stink desu?
How the hell do you piss off Buddhist?
kill all muslims. NOTALLBUDDHIST#
All Europeans should become Buddhist, join our lord Buddha in enlightenment or have your daughters raped by Muhammad. Choice is yours.
Be a Muslim kek
English Buddhist here. Former Zen monastic.
also if you are going to push the "the germans started it so they deserved what the allies and commies did to them" I can give you 100 reasons as to why the jews started the conflict between germans and jews, but even though I have those 100 reasons, I still don't think killing them was justified, its just that I also don't blame the germans themselves for the war crimes the allies commited against them.
A war crime is a war crime no matter who is the one committing it. You original statement that racism caused harm to Germany is just plain innacurate. If you wanted to get technical and say by starting the war they deserved it, okay fine, but they didn't start the war because they were racist over jews, they started the war because the wanted the danzig corridor.
The moral of the story here isn't that racism is bad, but instead that trying to regain lost territory is bad, racism towards jews had nothing to do with starting the war, and if hitler had just been racist towards jews instead of being expansionint we would have a jew free (due to emigration) german reich to this day (although if you believe in conspiracy theories I suppose you could be of the opinion that germany was forced into fighting the war because the jews manipulated the allies into it, but that would be just crazy now wouldn't it??
Therefore the only situation in which being racist is the reason germany was destroyed is also the situation in which the racism was justified)
It's buddhists feeding corpses to vultures, it's called sky burial.
Nothing to do with muslims.
Theravada is the best form, it is closest to the teachings of Buddha. All others are heretics, but still our brothers.
Warrior Monks are eternal, crusaders are not.
Come to Thailand and spend some time in our temples, they have a few orientated for foreigners up in Bangkok.
How were the people in that picture killed? Was it by shooting or something worse?
Muslims are chimping out at places and shilling gubments and
get public opinion on their side. There is large scale media shilling rohingya dindu nuffin.
You want them to start holy jihad so you can join them?
Be proud of your flag if you're going to speak truth.
They are doing things about it
Like trying to insert islamic state operatives into Burma
Those inserted agents are being genocided as well
Hi user, exactly how many threads have you made today?
I honestly don't see why everyone is s upright about the Rohingyas. Everywhere I look in media, it's all about how Rohingyas are poor people, how its a "genocide" etc.
How is everyone conveniently forgetting the fact that they tried to separate Arakan state from Myanmar and tried to join East Pakistan (Bangladesh later)? This despite them being 99% foreigners who have no right to that land.
Then on top of that they create a militant organisation that routinely kills Buddhists and performs all sorts of violence and has with ties with major jihadist terrorist organisations.
Hell even this current Myanmar operation is in reaction to a terrorist attack on some outposts.
Rohingyas have no one to blame except themselves and they should quickly simply migrate to some Muslim country where they can belong instead of chimping on other countries and trying to create problems there.
because they don't want them in their own countries because they know what they are, just like the Arabs, just like the refugees into Europe.
Based poo?
>stating fake shit without source
can't say i expected more from a poo
>How were the people in that picture killed?
By shaking ground.
Nice try Abdhul al Muhammad al Mohamed.
>buddhists feeding their dead enemies to birds to maintain the natural order or some shit
>there are people who died before getting to see 2017
Picture is from 2010 Yushu earthquake, China.
Try harder faggot
There is no mudslime genocide except the one they are waging against the whole world. Move on. Wish OP to die. Party hard.
this pic needs hands on it's cheeks
Meat. Send to afrikkkA
No, bror, WE are gonna chimp the fuck out like we did in 33-45 and afterwards we are gonna feel real bad about it for a couple of generations until some other class of fuckups will forget why you DO NOT FUCKING POKE THE BEAR!
All the best gentlemen, you're showing whole world how to deal with vermin infestation, carry on
Hello, Danish friend
Muslims are cousind of the jew. So, they do not really care about Palestinians or other minorities. Most Muslims will tell you: INSHALLAH which is a semitic way of saying who fucking cares? God, maybe?
BONUS [IMG] is a Trump donating a Synagogue to his co-religionists.
Nice falseflag
Are you fucking retarded? There is at least one very obvious exception in that region.