anglo thread i guess to lol at europe
anglo thread i guess to lol at europe
How can European bois even compete
>implying a mutt american can claim the title of anglo
americans are anglo, gtfo you're clearly a sour kraut on a proxy
wrong answer tyrone jimminez
Why is it only the UK who spread "Anglo" memes?
Are you aware of the fact that the rest of the Anglosphere laughs at you? And that you are the most pathetic out of the bunch?
Please trigger the Article 50 already, it is getting sad.
There are way more people of German descent in America than English.
gee i wonder why this fella is so anti-american
afraid not you divisive little kraut, most anglo threads i see are american/canadian.
we've triggered article 50.
that's a meme the germans began to spread after the anglo world was "too united" post trump/brexit
In fact, there are more Irish in the US than English.
Because Americans are mongrels and are literally only 10% anglo ancestry on average
the irish are anglo.
Article 50 is already triggered you nounce
>Why is it only the UK who spread "Anglo" memes?
because they are so weak themselves they need daddy USA to help them with banter against all the meanie Europeans :'(
That's why the IRA exist.
Fuck off, Kraut. As an American, I also love Anglo memes.
Britain has the history, America has the current power, together, we form a great whole! And Australia and New Zealand provide cool animals, and Canada gives us hockey.
You wont be anglo in 30 years when you're a chink colony kangaroo nigger
Their entire culture is based on anglo culture, they are as different from the UK as Can, Aus etc.
IRA was funded by the same people that spread anti-Anglo sentiment in the states, they want to keep us divided.
No, our culture is based on excess, melting pot le multi culti capitalist eutopia
You know nothing
That's a load of bullshit. Back in the '80s, polls showed that Anglo-Americans had over a quarter of the population, more than any other group. What happened? Did they leave? Did we get a sudden influx of Germans? No. They started calling themselves something else. For example, I am 7/8 Anglo, and my mother was 3/4, but she called herself Swedish on polls, since that was her most recent ancestor from Europe. I'm certain that's the case for many majority-Anglo Americans, and it has only been increasing as the years go by. Another point, after 2000, they added the "American" category, for people who've been here so long that they don't even know any ancestors from out of America. Now, who do you think their ancestors were? Anglos. I'd estimate that over a third of Americans are mainly Anglo, and over 45% of white Americans. And nearly everyone has some Anglo.
>No, our culture is based on excess, melting pot le multi culti capitalist eutopia
sure sounds nothing like the cosmopolitan ideology created by the wealth of the british empire that had its birth in britain
and your love of freedom / we the people is definitely not similar to the magna carta or bill of rights.
we're friends buddy why do some of you push us away, new anglo empire is the only answer to the current global crises
All hail the mighty anglo! Us dirty Europeans can never compare to the glory of the anglo!
Irish are just Catholic Anglos. They have the same genetics, same language, similar culture, only difference is that they're Catholic. And that wouldn't even have been an issue you you damn English hadn't made such a big deal out of it.
Scots, Welsh, and other minor groups are even more Anglo.
Ahmed, pls.
This is ancient, a jpg i shared randomly on brit/pol a few days ago and now it's been constantly spurged by one (((user))).
>the rest of the anglosphere laughs at the UK
wrong again, kraut.
If you didn't feel a tinge of anglo pride watching Dunkino you don't belong ITT desu
cool story, shame it's utter bollocks
Anglo Descendant here. 100% White.
I wish we had this flag :/
We don't learn about the British influence in history in Canada.
we don't learn about British influence in history in Britain, it's all part of their attempts to keep the anglo world divided
Good job for being a race
Land of hope and glory playing in my head for this thread
thanks user you guys have been alright since that orange dude
I like how you faggots try to lump us in with you when it makes you look better. Fuck off Limey.
your entire existence makes us look pretty good, you are the bastion of freedom and liberty after all - thanks to those great values and ideals we all hold close to our heart
Because the US is realistically 30% white at this point. I'm not trying to be mean or insult them it's just the sad truth. Hart-Cellar really did a number on them.
Okay, but the difference is the Chinks and Poos invaded here 15 years ago. They're still in their first generation and we have distinctly white vs nonwhite people. The spics, niggers, arabs, etc. brought in under Hart-Cellar have been interbreeding with the population for 50+ years and 3 generations resulting in a growing number of brownish mutts.
You are us dumbfuck. You are descended from Brits.
How do we get Canada back?
It's time to take Canada back.
In all of your 5 most major cities whites are less than 50% of the population. In Britain not a single city is less than 60% white, and most are 80% white or more.
Remind me again, who needs who to look better?
Briton -> Controls world.
Dutch -> Plants worthless flowers.
I sort of understand where you're coming from.
>tfw 1/4 Irish
>m-muh white percentage memes!
Even with niggers dragging us down we have accomplished far more than you ever did in a shorter amount of time. Fuck off.
Yeah, and we spat in your ugly pasty faces a couple hundred years ago with the help of your greatest enemies. Fuck off Limey.
pretty soon the UK will ban Sup Forums because of "hate speech"
that already deems them to be cucked beyond belief.
50% Anglo and proud about it! The UK has helped keep peace through power balance for a long time.
Oh yeah what did you accomplish? An empire spanning 1/4 of the globe? The spread of civilisation? The founding of the western world? The creation of western culture and values? Oh no, that was all Great Britain. We passed the torch on to you, you developed the largest wealth inequality on the planet, pledged your allegiance to Israel, then allowed communist subversion to ruin your country for the last half century. Bravo
Good thread
the UK also lets mudskins rape their kids
you might as well kill yourself in how cucked you are.
bad b8
Anglo genes are dominant.
Unlike Aryans who get BLACKED when an Anglo fucks a shitskin they are ANGLO'd and will birth Anglo children.
>The spread of civilisation? The founding of the western world? The creation of western culture and values? Oh no, that was all Great BritainThe spread of civilisation? The founding of the western world? The creation of western culture and values? Oh no, that was all Great Britain
No, it wasn't, if anything it would be Ancient Greece or Rome. You were just a stepping stone that lead to something better, and that was us.
>We passed the torch on to you
No, we took it from you. Sorry.
The single most accurate image on this board
didn't mean to upset you so much
You're right, pretty sad desu
>Taking MSpaint shitposting pictures seriously
>completely unable to refute the fact you ruined your opportunity
>can only mock the achievements of others
The nigger blood is prominent in you isn't it?
dude give your head a shake....
Almost all major Canadian cities have passed the demographic Rubicon long ago..
I can go out and about quite often see 5-30% white.... If I count white male faces vs hijabs, the 2nd number has always been larger for years...
There is a serious amount of hate for the UK, and love for Germany on this board. It makes no sense.
Fuck I thought you guys forgot about king nigger by now.
I didn't address that "point" because it's obviously false. Eat shit Paki cunt.
fucking kek, I am just laughing at your blatant cuckoldry.
>hate for the UK, and love for Germany on this board
must be that strange russian sense of humour
>Eat shit Paki cunt
Lel. Does art imitate life? Or does life imitate art?
Isn't it funny how snow niggers get increasingly more chimp like and obnoxious when they can't handle the Anglo bants?
It's part of their rapist barbarian history. That's why they are so ok with being raped muslims. There is no real need to assimilate when you have basically the same culture.
>xd p-please pay attention to my strawman mspaint shitpost comment that paints u a negative light so i don't have to back up shit i say
Sad! No wonder the U.K is a joke if it's filled with "people" like you.
You're so quick to anger. I expect nothing less
>Anglo infighting
Don't let it happen. Someday, in the future, non Anglos will be expelled from our lands. We need to hold together, until then.
>In Britain not a single city is less than 60% white
Fuck dude, you are either deliberately telling lies or deliberately ignorant...
I visit the UK regularly every few years, and go through major cities,
London, manchester, are fucking arab central, not quite the ridiculous 30-40% white people in canadian cities, but really not that far from it.
Get your fucking house in order!
What else do you expect retard?
America is cucked, he's in denial.
Low testosterone fucks with his head.
>u-ur mad!
>This is the extent of your "argument"
Amazing. You're right I'm mad because I'm telling you what a dipshit you are, all my attention is definitely focused on you little man ;)
Fuck off larper.
What do you have against the Anglos?
>Self-hating American
Nothing more pathetic, end yourself fucking faggot.
No seriously, London is 60% white.
London is the least white city in the UK.
British cucked to israel, america just follows in that tradition mate...
Do you not know history or are you just shilling?
It's obviously some nigger or beaner or homo leftist
We did when I was in high school, this was in about 2005?
I agree we are master race
the point is that ((they)) do everything in their power to keep the anglo world divided and infighting
Sweden isn't lost.
Stop this meme.
No, just calling you a faggot. Get over yourself.
Wouldn't surprise me. That or an edgy teen who wants Eurotrash to accept him.
I hope you enjoy when you get sent to the South Dakota German Containment camp.
Your country literally created Israel so shut the fuck up faggot.
I'm 100% white.
Also I'm technically a leftist considering I'm a national socialist.
Stay mad.
hehehe I doubt that it is only russians who are laughing at how pathetic you guys are.