Pathetic Boomers

tfw you wake up after 40-50 years of sitting on your couch watching sub 90 i.q. neanderthals throw a ball around.

>Unironically spending ~1k on sports gear to virtue signal to your friends
> Realizing its just a show to entertain idiots

Other urls found in this thread:

I work in a pub on weekends for extra cash because I am a poor college fag. Usually on Sunday, it is a complete madhouse...mainly boomers with their favorite nigger players jersey on, swilling back cheap beer and screaming at the TV. Yesterday, we did 30% of our regular business. Halfway through the second set of games, we were nearly empty. Sucks for the owner of the bar, but it says something to me.

It's almost like the boomer equivalent to video games

The real goal here is focusing their new free time time and energy on something useful instead of slipping back into the distraction of the bread & circus they've grown so fond and accustom of.

Personal story

>Hey user, did you watch the game last night?
What game?
>The Patriots vs....
No, i don't watch sports, unless its big Boxing matches or world cups.
>Well what do you do all day then?
Literally anything other...

Get him to switch it to hockey

ITT: fedora tipping virgins who weren't athletic enough for a sport in high-school (and weren't intelligent enough for the chess club either)


Today the 48% of the 1% are losing BILLIONS.

About time. I bet the fuckers are in a full blown panic.

We are a big hockey bar. Odd that you say that too because I heard numerous times yesterday things to the effect of "fuck the NFL, I will watch hockey instead". That seems to be a prevailing thought.

>trading one distraction for another
Fucking boomers

>niggers are rare
>ice hockey is more fast paced
>played ice hockey
>miracle on ice


Watching sports all day is for brainless, absolutely. Going to games, however? The best.

Getting a girl tickets to the club level of a hockey game in my city(at least at my age, I'm 19) is like guaranteed pussy.



>burning merchandised that's paid for

why don't they fire-bomb the stadiums, pro-shops, team buses?


>Peaking in high school

The dumbest ones burned their season pass instead of putting it to good use, like taking a huge racist sign to the stadium every week.

lol sure you can just act like a bumbling retard instead of saying the real reason in a concise and coherent sentence. Like oh i dont know people are pissed/annoyed because butthurt libs are still pulling circus acts that spilll over into our favorite entertainment media and we are still having lefty propaganda and preachy bullshit shoved down our throats like the hilldawg still has a chance of winning


Hey, not cool man, don't insult neanderthals like that!

Yeah, we need to start embracing white sports like NASCAR, hockey, rugby, etc

They should all start playing video games. They have a lot of money and could bring a new boom into the gaming industry. We would all profit from it.

golf is the whitest sport and also the most relaxing

in b4 >not a sport

Yeah, but I'm sure they left it all on the field :^)

We're all open to debate here, but you've violated all debate rules in just one sentence (go back to plebbit). I played hockey throughout all of my teen years, i was quite good too. I stopped "playing" and started working full time. What's your excuse?

Anyone who says golf is not a sport, I want to see them try to play a round of golf. Probably couldn't play 18 holes without getting frustrated and quitting.

nice blog faggot nobody cares what you played in high school

hockey = canadian, nhl = owned by jews like all the other pleb circuses = it's going to be lgbtsjw'd like all the rest, no way hockey isn't going down that route with jews in charge and canadian degeneracy laws and views to contend with.

better late than never

I have always been repulsed by sportscucks who choose to sit on their fat asses to cheer on athletes instead of spending that time to get fit themselves. Some fucking sportsfan you are, Lardo McBeerslurper. Such a fan, you'd get winded just jogging from one end of the field to the other, lol.

>steelers don't show up for national anthem
>penguins gonna visit white house
>trump tweets about them visiting

The time of the penguin has come

Ivanka will get leafed (again) by crosby desu

add it to the list honestly. if we force ourselves to support these sports and make them part of our kid's lifestyle growing up, we can change our culture to be more civilized!

NASCAR, Hockey, Rugby, Golf


golf is niggered up with that mongrel that fucks White whores left and right.

I dont follow sports, what happened?


Better late than never. This country only has a few years left, if that, before were completely handed over. If Americans don't get their collective shit together you're all going to be speaking Chinese, Arabic, Indian, and living in cardboard boxes, without the right to own a firearm.

You talking about Tiger Woods? He is fucking done, he can't even hit a ball 50 yards, literally. This is the worlds current #1, Dustin Johnson.

Better late than never.

CT fag here, can confirm. hockey and chicks is like bread and butter. I dunno what it is, maybe the violence turns em on.

Your boy Sam was way ahead of you, as always.

Don't worry though. You're only thinking about sports now because of the latest infantile bullshit crisis coming from USA is sports-related. Got you worked up a bit. You don't have enough shit to get worked up about so you come to Sup Forums to worry about more crap that's either irrelevant or nothing you can remotely have an influence on.

Sit around in a circle with your over 90 IQ neanderthals on Sup Forums, fake outrage because a bunch of niggers refused to kneel. Gosh almighty, the gall! Can't have that, are we angry or what? Really angry. I swear one of these days, I'm gonna say something mean about them online.

Hey OP, go do something clever. Come on, I dare you.

There's a bar/coffee place across the street, people often get together there and yell really loudly over a sports match. You know how angry that makes me? It's just a ball. Don't they understand how important my opinion on their interests is? These people were conceived to be physicists, doctors and transhuman cyborg demigods, but they're wasting their potential to yell at a screen. I think the only prudent course of action is complaining about it to a bunch of overly emotional weeb sperglords on an outdated image board platform. FUCK MAN, why don't we get together and let people know we won't stand for this watching sports thing. I bet none of these people follow alt-right and conservative youtube vlogs or japanese animation. They're trying to ban sexbots and all these people are capable of is staring at a ball go around.

go to bed sam

the NFL is starting to endorse left-wing politics and pushing racial and identity politics in the face of all the fat rednecks who watch the NFL. of course they all hate blacks and gays more than they love sitting on their fat asses and watching athletes bang their skulls against each other so theyre turning away from the NFL. It's the most extreme example yet of the left being unable to meme

>white sports

the good teams are white

>the good teams are white
>best team literally all blacks

Why would you even watch that boring shit. Try watching moto gp, f1, DTM etc..those are motosports.

Like Vidya

Video games require too much thought and interaction for boomers. They need to go vegetative.

What's the situation with baseball? From what I understand, baseball is mostly white with some spic, but from my limited perspective, baseball doesn't seem to be as popular as handegg and apehoop.

>>Well what do you do all day then?
>cooked stew/chili/roast pork loin
>cleaned my room
>cleaned my gun
>visited the range
>ruck walked
>read Aristotle's Politics
>helped my neighbor with a project
>balanced my household budget
>planned my week
>wrote a letter
>copied a passage from a book I like
>memorized a poem
>studied another language

Also, why isn't this kneeling bullshit a thing in the NBA?

>best team
>all blacks

yeah no , try again

Shut up nigger football is glorious

It's true
>be me
>live two blocks from stadium
>dad does the intermission report, gets free season tickets and press pass
>lets me use said tickets
>take girl to game
>get club level access because I fuck
>take riverwalk home
>the Tampa river walk is clean and romantic as shit
>on the way, figure out a movie she hasn't seen
>get her to watch it with me

works literally every time

It might be but nobody on Sup Forums watches jungle hand-ball so it will be hard to get a definitive answer.

I can watch people play first person shooters, renovating houses, build electronic projects, work on cars, .. but I've never gotten into "sports" of any stripe.

what do you know about being white argentinigger

Football fans are dead. Football fans don't have to be your audience anymore.

Niggers are better at physical activities. Almost like they were genetically engineered to be so...

This will happen. This will be their reaction to declining ticket and merchandise sales.

It doesn't matter how obvious you try to be on this board, there is always an American.


No. Winter sports are white sports. Anything on snow or ice.

Ping pong is cool also.

Cycling is ok.

I wish that society would uplift intellectual competitions to the level of sports. Imagine seeing science, engineering, programming, robotics, math, etc., competitions on TV with energetic commentators and people cheering. That would be pretty neat.

Not satisfied until they lose at least a billion, more like several, most preferably a collapse of jew nigger ball.

>Have a good base of viewers and supporters
>"We need to expand out viewer base"
>"We heard that Women and PoC are new markets, 20+ hip kids told us so"
>Adopt SJW virtue signalling
>Lose every boomer. Women and PoC don't give a flying fuck about sports.
>Whine about racism and slavery more.

I'll never understand the appeal of sports. They just seem so tedious and repetitive. You'd think only autistic fucks would like them.

Those "obtuse shitslingers, wailing hyper-consumers, childish internet-arguers"

wtf is this wheeled armored vehicle

Fucking Reddit, kys.

>comparing intellectual competitions to sports
all of the sports in the original olympics come from war: throwing spears, throwing rocks, wrestling, running, all of these physical competitions come from war. programming does not even belong in the same category

Didn't miss it. Washed my car & cleaned up the workshop instead. Felt good, man.

lol pathetic fat bastards

The dumbed down population riddled with ADHD has trouble paying attention to baseball. It is the best sport.

while i believe that you shouldn't have to stand, they didn't do anything wrong by not honoring a piece of fabric, and all that crap, I am completely down for an angry stuff burning so I support this

You seem like the type to unironically use wubbalubbadubdub in your daily vocabulary. Anyway, neck yourself you faux intellectual wanna be piece of human waste.

Baseball is still the best sport in America. It actually respects community and country, politics are told to stay out of baseball, and it's the most balanced sport race wise.

>I wish that society would uplift intellectual competitions to the level of sports.

I, too, am Pickle Rick.

OP Boom Stick

Just pointing out some 5D chess.

>Trump trying to improve his image with Mexicans
>The guy who stood up for the steelers is a Mexican Army Ranger
>Best jersey sales in NFL right now
>Liberals can't say shit about he's Hispanic and a War Veteran
>Two birds, one stone

>ITT: fedora tipping virgins who weren't athletic enough for a sport in high-school
I have never understood why sports fans consider themselves to be fit as assosciate themselves with the athletes they worship. The passionate fans I am surrounded with IRL are morbidly obese spectators.

/fit/ = /fit/ness
Sup Forums = Sup Forumsectator

The athletic minority who actually played sports in college seem to distance themselves from it and the only ones who care passionately about pro sports are no different than the waifu-type weeaboos. The only difference is they obsess over an athletic black man who runs fast and catches a ball vs. obsessing over a girl with blue hair and cat ears.

Niggo drank himself retarded.

I recall they tried to do this in the 90's or 00's and the owners put it down immeidatly

know how i know your gay?

This tbhon

You guys need to start killing Norks for sport instead of playing football with your hands and other shitty stuff.

>"why don't you want to watch giant negroes beat each other on tv user?"

Only because the milinials are broke as fuck and can’t buy anything. Mommy and daddy’s money is running out fast.

These are facts. I’m positive they are pandering, but there’s so many pussy bois and women who give zero fucks about the sport itself.
It’s blowing up in their face and they don’t want to admit it.

Spot on. This template works for gaming, comics, now nog-ball joins the list. Pretty sure that my list isn't complete, either.

I was in the chess club in the 5th grade, and I was a football player in middle school.
I was severely malnourished growing up and very poor though.


Of course the sub Saharan Africans have no Neanderthal DNA. They're more of a homo erectus or homo habilis.