Where does this "fashion" come from? It's a mystery how insane-tier liberals somehow manage to look so much alike

Where does this "fashion" come from? It's a mystery how insane-tier liberals somehow manage to look so much alike.

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with thinner glasses and slanty eyes, that look matches ~75% of asians

>black plastic no-lens glasses
they come from hell.




Harry Potter most likely. Those retards love that stuff.

some kind of auschwitz harry potter mashup fanfic

Easy, it's the opposite of everything traditionally pretty, wholesome and natural.

Unironically this even if they themselves dont know it


The hysterical part of all this is it's not even a 'radical' look anymore. It's literally cookie-cutter at this point.

The 'traditional housewife' look is more 'in your face' in today's west.

>The 'traditional housewife' look is more 'in your face' in today's west.

it's true.


This. They have this subconscious knowledge that they are inferior at being female. So they sct like they don't want to be feminine and beautiful in the first place. Same goes for beta male feminists vice versa with masculinity.

Hey Moe.

It's a reaction to gender normative clothing, an attempt to show they're individuals, but the irony is their attempt to be an individual depends wholly on how the "others" choose to dress and then making the choice to do the opposite, regardless of personal taste.
So since personal taste isn't a factor, the look is actually more sheeplike than just dressing "normally."
It reminds me of the scientist who discovered humans are controlled by their genes and aren't really individual agents so he slit his throat to prove he could make a choice not in the best interest of his genes.
They REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY remind me of that guy.
Ahh fuck

They blended punks with nerds and created what is now known as the modern cuck. A beautiful new culture.


a haircut like that is cheap as fuck, sjw's are poor people trying to normalise gender bending so that they can get men's haircuts for cheap

>sjw's are poor people
youre delusional. pretending to be poor doesnt make you poor.

maybe they're just penny pinching

It's a 'fuck your beauty standards' mindset. Basically people who want to be Edgy and rebellious because they don't want to be sexualised even though most of them are fucking munters anyway.

So it is a Jewish style.

Luxury Brands that were sold to the commoners generally took their style prompts from the Royal tailors. Whatever the nobility were wearing, that is what was popular influence among the merchant class and monied commoners. This held true for fashion well into WWII. After the 1960s we of course enter the era of undermining the West. From there most of the style prompts have been co-opted from marginalized Western subcultures and movements. Prison gangs, surf localism, bikers, cholos, hip hop, rude boys, mods, greasers, yardies etc etc. Right now, Western youth are generally presented with fetishized options plucked out of recent history. (((Authenticity))) and Blue Collar Nobility are hilariously popular. The negro interpretation of 90s grunge is one of the most poorly informed trends I've seen in years and it gets laugh-out-loud ridiculous when the endangered and vanishing wigger adopts it. Fashion is fucking retarded. I could go on for hours. Anyone who does it for a living and loves it is a faggot. Any straight man who does it for a living does it with utter contempt and a cruel eye for humor.

t. person who has paid the bills designing stupid shit for idiots to wear.

how the fuck do people with septum piercings blow their nose

Also, there are economic conditions. Say Herschel Goldweinerstein owns this label called Shiksa. His lead designer is really hot on teal micro-corduroy this fall. Herschel gets a call from his cousin Levi explaining that he has a good deal on 1,000 bolts of peach velour that have been sitting around for 20 years. Suddenly, America is wild about peach velour everything, little knowing their stupid asses would all be in teal micro-cord had Herschel taken a long lunch. The whole thing is a circus.

judging from that pic alone

too much Harry Potter fanfiction

>It's a mystery how insane-tier liberals somehow manage to look so much alike.
every politically-visible-IRL group goes that way after a while

i love the unintentional moles and sympathizers we have here

Came here to post this

can you post some examples of the hip hop grunge look? i think i know what you're getting at

>Fashion is fucking retarded. I could go on for hours. Anyone who does it for a living and loves it is a faggot. Any straight man who does it for a living does it with utter contempt and a cruel eye for humor.
>t. person who has paid the bills designing stupid shit for idiots to wear.
1) your post almost read like a James J O'Meara piece about Mad Men
2)did you find any room for "revolt" or was it just a matter of leaving that world behind as fast as you could manage

It's because no one calls anything retarded anymore and now everyone thinks what they like is good and not actually fucking retarded

SJWs and lesbians find it empowering to be ugly.

Nah. I'm pretty certain rabid cultural Marxists are poorfags. If they were rich, they could fight income inequality as simply as writing a check.

>The 'traditional housewife' look is more 'in your face' in today's west.
a male equivalent would be

>growing a beard WITHOUT grooming it constantly (especially not buying any products)
>stopping with the "gymbrah" cothes when exercising (idk the names, but that brightly colored stuff that inner city people wear if running/biking/lifting, looking like a 2010s version of the 80's Aerobics craze)


What am I looking at?!

Without the piercing, looks like a Korean student in one of my classes.

Moe Howard of The Three Stooges.

guys google boogers and septum piercings

When i was studying in Finland there was a girl looking exactly like that. Maybe that is her even. The most of girls were normal looking though

>the newest Jewish Marxist Light-fad
>looking like a cancer chemo patient
at the very least we can all laugh about it 10 years from now

>marxist light-fad
*meant to say Useful Idiots

and/or Hillary voters, #FreeKekistan kids


they all talk like this? like everything they say is a question? kill them with fire?

And yet you know she saw some girl on instagram with that cut and thought "cyuuute!". Except that girl was naturally beautiful and could pull off a quirky look without losing sex appeal. She still had on full makeup and she stayed fit. But this girl thought she could achieve the same effect by emulating only the haircut and generally slovenly aesthetic.

So for all of the "fuck your beauty standards" nonsense, they're still trying to be attractive. They just want to be attractive in a way that suggests they aren't trying.

Ars Technica's "Senior Tech Culture Editor"


>if the TV series "Mad Men" had been set in the 2010's and Peggy took her feminist narrative slightly further

Good observation. I think these people are very confused, not just when it comes to gender, but throughout. They never stop to self-reflect, hence they know nothing.

it's an extension and evolution of the hipster look, which itself became the "nerd" look, and is now incorporating elements of punk and similar shit. Then once SJW's became off the rails crazy, their styles also changed to reflect how "edgy and offbeat" they are.

like another user said, it's a rejection of everything normal and natural. But to the point that it becomes cookie cutter and generic.

I'm so confused. Are these the grown up emo scene kids? Or have the punks just gone crazy and forgotten that punk is a counter-culture and now that they forced their insane shit into the mainstream they have nothing left?
It certainly isn't the goths.

That was quick

brightly colored active wear in the city because you don't want to be hit by a car.



I was speaking more to gender non-specific hairstyles and facial piercings, as alluded to in OP's pic related. And tattoos too, obviously.

Clothing simply does not rise to that level of commitment.

>brightly colored stuff that inner city people wear if running/biking/lifting
Lifting sure, but for biking and running you wear brightly colored
clothes to reduce the chance of being hit by a car

>.t runner in drab clothes who got hit by car last week

>Are these the grown up emo scene kids?
the 2005-08 (?) emo years appear sane - since reminding of the Gothic era (distinctly white phenomenon, then in Latin Americas too, ahrdly any blacks or jews in on it)...

the Emo look wasn't, at its beginning, commercially pushed by jewish-marxist adult university campuses (compare to the no. of OP Pic people in any academic sector (not only Humanities these days)), iirc

>tfw you can't point out the Satanic inversions rampant in our society without coming off as a religious lunatic

I didn't even start believing in God until a year ago, when I could no longer continue to dismiss all the coincidences that continue to keep piling up.

This goy gets it.

The hottest motherfucker in my entire city runs along the busiest street 4x a week between 9 and 10 am shirtless in black shorts with gigantic Bluetooth headphones on.

Nobody ever hits him. He is impossible not to notice.

transgender lefties are the new punks, retarded edition

yeah I see what you mean

one thing I can think of regarding men is thateveryone dresses the same in all ages?

>when I was a kid: boys 6-8 years old dressed differentyl from 9-12 y.o.m, who dressed differently from teenagers --> differently from young adults
>at a school you'd see a 9 year old look different from a 15 y.o. (t-shirt prints, pants choice...)

>today, everyone can rock the same "leather jacket + tight low jeans + long, hanging white t-shirt covering their expoed underwear" look regardless of what age
I'm trying to determine of tis pedophiliac-ish in nature (older men dressing like younger... but _enforced_ and set as a norm, as with OP Pic womyn, for everyone in order to be accepted IRL), or the reverse (= kids not being allowed to be children, instead hastening their adulthood? also, earlier and earlier onset of piberty in both male/female, whether (((chemicals))) or something else affecting it)

Lil Wayne + random hollywood "rocky" celebs + flannel shirts

btw, too tightly fitted pants kill sperm due to pressure/heat ---> possiiblity of testicular cancer

That bald woman could be very pretty, nice blue eyes, lips ,cheecks. What a mistake.
A good dentist and contact lenses + hair + normal fashion would make it very good


tim gunn is /ourguy/

Mods, punk, beatniks, the way painters, philosophers and architects dressed in the 20th century. Nowadays many of these are mixed together haphazardly which leads to weird combinations

>discovers people are bound by their genes
>slits his own throat to prove people aren't bound by their own genes

*kill (or at least, lower) sperm count

ok, that might be an exception to my rule lel

I was thinking more of the vapid guys sucked into the $$ "gym culture" (brah stuff, but unironically and (((a price tag))) to it*) irl

*whey, protein products, excess protein intake leading to damage... (((businesses))) often very silent about this

dyland roof has that same haircut only he wishes he looked as edgy

>glass and vines

whats not to like? this is hardly the architectural equivalent to a nonpassing xir

Have you considered this?

Looks like a misandrist feminist.

Fuck Mr.Bean fell on hard time.


For a group of people who claim to be for feminism and women's rights, they are trying awfully hard to look like a bunch of men.

Isn't it Tim Ishimuni?


from harry potter.

Unique individualists in mind. Hivemind in reality. Same phenomenon as hipsters looked exactly the same and listened to the same "you've never heard of them" indie bands. They all read/watch/listens to the same sources and inspirations in their subculture.


they're just useful idiots to their NuMarxist Theory (8 out of 10 feminist theoreticians being jewish-female, IIRC) globalization overlords

not that different from men going Deus Vult mode for world peace but slaughtering Vietnamese/Iraqi people (((for someone else's geopolitical benefit))) while doing so

>"I must stop the patriarchy!" xe yelled
>"no, you are the patriarchy."
>and then xe was a man

those are just Jojo characters, user

It's like the Bognadoffs breed with colorful gnomes and n*ggers.

oh my

>commies think that these freaks will build the classless, stateless society

Drugs and cartoons. Those fuckers would tattoo a fucking anime character holding a coffee cup on their face if it was trending.

>Ontario, CA
>Quebec, CA

lol............. :(

>low Test Redguards Elder Scrolls + Sims 3... combined

Gay niggas

Sarah Jessica Parker and Liza Minnelli?

I think it's a good thing. It only makes us appreciate natural looks more. It's not like these girls have any value anyway, so overall it just helps us weed the bad ones at a glance.

They're trying to signal that they're poisonous.

>not realizing they probably don't care
those Goyim-white chicks dying off, or producing retarded white babies, is still a net gain for them you know

> Obey beanie

short hair signals feminist. Thick rimmed glasses signals loser/nerd culture triumphing over jock/winner culture. nose ring signals rebel culture triumphing over conservative/businessy culture.

they simply follow the trends fed to them by our media.


pretty funny desu