
if this was a ylyr thread i lost hard.

i'd love to break hers fingers if she came to the usa, make sure her hands are too worthless to practice surgery. Just really crush those things until the bone splinters and shatter and they need to be amputated.

>tfw too smart for consequences

Run over her fingers with a truck

you can't arrest a cutie like that. throw the fatso tinder date in jail instead

I promise you she won't make it as a surgeon. If she's mentally weak enough to stab someone then she will crack

you are the cuckest of cucks

Fucking hawt


like it but it needs to be more mechanical... a vice and a dead blow hammer and just start snipping away slowly with metal cutters

but fuck it... karma is a bitch, just wait... 5, 10, 15 years from now she'll get hers... life works in mysterious ways

posh fuck get away with stabbing.
working class white or nigger go straight to jail do not pass go.

i used to think the same way but not anymore bro!!

a woman is one thing but this right here is the making of a man-killer! we cant have man-killers loose out there!

I think where ever she gets a job people need to put up flyers informing patients that she stabbed someone

must be a muslim refugee, r-right?

i'm not sure how the legal system works in the UK but i'm almost certain she'd take it to court and have anyone charged for attempting to ruin her career, and she'd win

dont even get us started on all the crimes the refugees have committed that are faaar more atrocious... acid attacks on women... forcing young girls into prostitution....but this thread isnt about that

but it would just be stating a fact, something that is in the public record and you could further more argue that you are allowing patients to make an informed decision about their health care

if it works i'd be great, im just skeptical seeing as how she got away with attempted murder

You sound like a sand nigger

White person of the year

I think the only thing you could get done for would be harassment but that would require you to do it repeatedly

You sound like a cuck

There is already this thread here >. Fuck off MGTOW kikes.

And you sound like a faggot

you sound like you're okay with having man-killers out there in the wild! man-killers are dangerous bro! lots of guys they have access to, so many men than can be victims... these man-killers need to take responsibility for their actions and a court enforce laws because street justice is cold, brutal and cruel and if the gov't isnt up to the task the people will do it...and again... street justice is harsh and unwavering

>Fuck off MGTOW kikes.




Really? And would you, as a judge, sentence her to jail? She didn't kill the guy, its her first offense, she does have the potential to be a huge benefit to society. Why would you sentence her to jail? She has her shit together, there will be punishment, a suspended sentence is still a sentence, she has a crime record. What's the purpose of jail? Won't a surgeon be better off staying outside?

Or is this just impotent rage at a sorta hot girl?

If it were me she stabbed and she got away with it for that bullshit reason I'd stab her eyes out. See how much of a good surgeon she makes then.

They mad cause they want some bun, but can get none hun.

hahah sorta hot girl?
i fuck manikenki in my jacuzi way hotter than this one every weekend you must go out from time to time bg bro

if you stab someone you goto jail yes, no ifs or buts about it

>oh but i was on drugs

wow that means youre a junkie too ill extend the time out

>but it means i wasnt thinking when i stabbed him

thats tremendous youre the type of person who decides to take drugs and then you stab people, i dont think we can trust you in society, fuck off slut

why are women so privileged

Supreme Court sez one can be too smart to be a polace ossifer.

I want to eat her ass

Intelligent, non-dangerous and qt white women are a huge asset to society and shouldn't be locked up behind bars with a bunch of niggers and degenerates just because the lost her shit once. She is part of a dying breed, and should be protected not prosecuted. prove me wrong faggots

Sounds like a woman should stab you, but I suppose it's a good thing you can't talk to them.

>Won't a surgeon be better off staying outside?
She's not going to make it as a surgeon though


Why would she go to a tinder date with that fatfuck? The bitch is just a psycho.


so basically the judge agrees with Raskolnikov assessment that special people should be able to commit crime and not face repercussions.



Promise to record it

you;re wrong, women are spoiled brats and the more they are able to get away with this kind of thing the worse they are going to get. They need to be taught consequences for their actions, especially if they have dreams of becoming something with significant responsibility like a doctor.

Yes she should. What, we should not have consequences if you're cute looking and/or female?

>tfw too intellegent to be stabbed
>wife's tinder lover gets stabbed instead

I think this is fair provided she is forced into some sort of time consuming drug rehab program. Her life could be ruined out of all proportion by a prison sentence if she actually has a shot at any meaningful career.

Who hasnt done drugs? Who thinks its fair that a career and a whole life be ruined by what is probably a very minor wound to some drunk idiots leg?

We're done here...

He's probably a 9/10 in Britain.

Would you put your life in the hands of someone who at one point got high on drugs and stabbed someone?

>muh 'first offense' card

What people are actually charged for is the tip of the iceberg. So, what, she just happened to have drugs? And then happened to take them? And then happened to stab this bloke? Who she just happened to be fucking casually after meeting on Tinder?

You sound like one of those white knight leftards who love to put pussy on the pedestal
Fuck off cunt

less strict consequences if you are an upcoming asset to society

>Intelligent, non-dangerous and qt
She's none of it

Common law is retarded

>American not knowing how the legal system works in UK

Fucking hell lad, your legal system is build on the english one

The idea of prison is deterence not punishment. If they think there is zero chance of re offence you will often get a slap on the wrist for even moderate crimes. If you can prove that you actually have a chance of getting a job and prison would prevent this, you are in luck.

she stabbed him AFTER punching him in the face. Then after the stabbing she went on to throw a laptop at him, then threw a glass at him, and finally threw a jar of jam at him. bitch is insane.


Shining example of our society...

>tfw too smart to wear a bra

I'd buttrape her so hard her only way out would be to dig a fucking tunnel with her bare nails

i dont hear the term "getting sued" often in the UK and it gets thrown around here a lot. Our forefathers based our nation on Roman law, not to say there isnt a mix here and there.

fuck off, she should be in jail for assault, don't care sage

she wuz just practicin she din du nuffin

She gonna lose a scalpel inside a niggas belly and get off on female privilege still

Yeah roasties are mentally unstable, especially if they are on drugs. He probably shouldnt fuck her a second time. Have you no experience with women?


I'd tie her down to my bed, give her lsd, cut off her nipples, deep fry them and then drink them down with blood from her breasts.


>violent drug user
The UK must be mega desperate for surgeons. Who would’ve thought that socialized healthcare would create a shortage of medical personnel ;^)

>if you stab someone you goto jail yes, no ifs or buts about it

That's a retarded view, the law isn't absolute. Else we wouldn't bother with courts and judges. You've done illegal shit, why aren't you in jail? Since there's no ifs or buts about it, why don't you go to jail and turn yourself in right now?

>youre the type of person who decides to take drugs and then you stab people

And you know she's the type of person to do that because?


Yes, I'm assuming most surgeons take drugs and do stupid shit. They're rich, famous and successful. I'd also MUCH rather they took drugs over that they drink. My friend went to a surgeon who drinks, fucked up his knees beyond repair.

>Who she just happened to be fucking casually after meeting on Tinder?

I was gonna respond to the other ones, but you're actually placing this as an offense, which makes it clear what your problem with the girl is.

nah man, if she even makes it to surg training, (which i think is pretty unlikely because the people selecting it will be very aware of this) the pressure of having to be at your peak for hours on end and literally having peoples lives in your hands will break her. She'll turn back to drugs to try and cope and she'll just stop turning up

Exactly.. The only thing worse than a nigger is a white negress..

so this is the power of a nationalized healthcare system?

Even though I think you are right, since anyone who cant keep their shit together when high sure as hell wont be able to deal with the pressure of studying medicine, I still think she should get the chance.

We have all been in a fight or two. If were were unlucky someone could have been badly hurt and there is no reason our whole lives should be ruined over a fist fight. A hospital wont take you if you have a criminal record.

Are retarded you can't let somebody completly mentaly unstable be a physican.

She is likley not bright compared to men only to other females.

Wrong but I can't be arsed to explain why. Obviously all western law system have elements of Corpus Juris Civilis in them, but US is based on common law. Roman law is irrelevant in US compared to say France and their civil law system

Since when is ruining someones hands fair punishment, that's some mudslime shit if I've ever heard it. But I suppose your a goat fucker too.

She should be aborted.

And you judge that she is completely mentally unstable how, exactly?

Surgery is not about being "bright", at least not entirely. You have to be bright to do it, but it's not what makes you a good surgeon.

>which makes it clear what your problem with the girl is.

My problem with the girl is that she took illegal drugs, stabbed a cunt after assaulting him and has gotten off with little more than a telling off. You stated she shouldn't go to jail because this is her "first offense", so I created a character profile, based on the fact, which undermines the value of your point. Whether you like it or not, the fact that she casually fucks people who she meets on tinder is evidence against the assertion that she's a top-notch individual who just happened to have 'one bad night' and who should avoid jail for an offense any man, or, presumably, any non-oxbridge woman, would have been jailed for.

It's obvious a woman has never dressed comfortable around you, sad!

>drink and drug-fuelled clash at Christ Church college
>at Christ Church college

What on earth?

the amount of fucking betamales who would cuck themselves for some slut is pathetic

reddit wants you back to be their moderators you faggots

you dont stab people, you ever stab someone you goto jail, a judge doesnt have to decide whether its prison or not if you stab someone, a judge has to decide how long you goto prison

eat shit faggots, i hope you get stabbed

This bitch gets a pass while our guy Martin Shkreli is in jail for making a joke, this is enraging.

Just fucking end us honestly.

its the hands that make u a good surgeon...

and ive dealt with my fair share of women- but not this type of psycho bitch... only girl that went psycho on me i left... 3 years later she still leaves me voicemail.

Oxford university

>I'd also MUCH rather they took drugs over that they drink
Come on dude, does "drugs" mean "weed" to you?

Lot's of people get denied from med school for thing way less serious than stabbing someone and for good reason. If you are they type of person who makes poor decisions like getting drunk and fighting then how can you be trusted under the extreme circumstances of medicine. And, no, they haven't all been in a fist fight or done anything near the scale of stabbing someone. She had the same chance as everyone else and everyone else who is becoming a doctor managed to take that chance without stabbing anyone, you're advocating giving her an extra, special chance

Who is giving all these sand niggers internet access?

tbqh I want her to talk down to me in a posh british accent, telling me I'm trash while stabbing my leg.

>the fact that she casually fucks people who she meets on tinder is evidence

That's enough for me, thanks. And no, it's not out of context, you are actually using her casually fucking people as any sort of part of evidence. It bothers you, personally. That makes you biased which makes your sentence, according to any reasonable justice system completely worthless.

Also surgeons casually fuck prostitutes all the time. Almost all of them.

Also he's her boyfriend, who she met over tinder and has been dating for a while. By the way.

Most surgeons do coke, it helps focus and be motivated. I'd prefer my surgeon took good coke before my surgery over that he didn't, honestly.

dont say that bro! the english are strong, theres a hidden giant thats been asleep far too long.. the english are brave and powerful, courageous and strong! The english have every right to be a part of the future of this world!

Please don't post screenshots from absolute trash, tabloid newspapers. thank you.

ive done lots of coke here in florida! you'll be waaay too shakey to do a surgery! and you'll focus too hard on menial things such as getting both gloves to same height on each wrist... and rearranging tools and equipment over and over again!

>ive done lots of coke

Are you wealthy?