Think about it... :/
Should we exterminate everyone who hates germany?
So everyone but turks and syrians?
why would you want to get rid of sane people?
germany was always shit.
>Should we exterminate everyone who hates germany?
You'd kill an awful lot of Germans.
By sane do you, by happenstance, mean inferior?
Do it.
Lol, OP is an ISIS shill trying to wipe out opposition.
So be it. If you drive your 1995 Porsche that you bought for 6500 euros at 150 mph on the autobahn on the way to work and you fail to see that you live in the greatest country in the world, then yes, you dont deserve to live.
>Should we exterminate everyone who hates germany?
Why you want to kill every non muslim in the world?
Show your flag, Turkroach.
In the contrary, we should exterminate ALL germans.
Can we include Swedes in this too?
doesn't she look slavic?
Sure, we should exterminate every single German, swede, and every European who holds pro EU sentiments, even my own kind.
1 foot smaller and with one big eyebrow, yes.
No. Germans have always been the most inferior. Even shitskins overrun Germany with little resistance.
But then your whole family would die of their stds, because the germans you killed were about to engineer breakthrough medical imaging machines which wouldve saved their lives.
It would be a kind of funny sight, your family dying and then shitting their pants...
Looks like daenarys targserion half way through transgender hormones.
We should exterminate the Germans.
Only chance for Europe.
A german could breed with a chimpanzee and the offspring would still have a higher iq than you.
Hows your trailer?
>germans engineering breakthroughs whose primary beneficiaries would be sodomites
>admits to having a scat fetish
The eternal kraut, folks.
Am I allowed to hate what germany has become in the last 70 years?
Youre trying too hard, inferiorboy...
Maybe because almost all germans hate themselves?