*breathes in*
*breathes in*
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Nfl is done. I will never watch another game. Bunch of ungrateful unamerican niggers
Who knew itd just take a few angry brown people to destroy a trillion dollar business
Gotta say I love that Trump is finally getting revenge on those pricks after all these years.
They were guilty then, owed him millions, and paid only 1 dollar. Now they pay the rest.
can someone name something that was taken over by blacks and not destroyed?
Everyone watch hockey.
The best part is the NFL is tax exempt and all the money they get for stadiums is also from tax payer money. Trump could really fuck with the NFL if he wanted to. Is this revenge for the USFL?
Don't forget, liberals fired James Damore
"The First Amendment protects Americans' free-speech rights from being restricted by the government, not their employer."
"You don't have a right to use your company's computer system to publish your speech."
"Freedom of speech is the right to freely express an opinion. It is most assuredly not the right to express an opinion with freedom from the consequences."
"Even California's pro-worker rules don't appear to protect James Damore, the Google employee who annoyed his colleagues with an anti-diversity manifesto."
Remember that? Lets make sure the NFL fires all those players.
They WILL double down. Watch the teams fire anyone who didnt take a knee
Embrace rugby. It's almost the same thing
Or the real football, the last beacon of patriotism
I'm horrible with links today. Here's the real football one
Trump really need to revoke that special privilege. Can't wait to see all those unemployed niggers squander the millions of dollars they amassed thanks to all the white cucks that watch professional sports.
>the customer is always right
How the NFL could learn from such words of wisdom.
The Nigger Felon League will lose this war big league.
The USFL was great. I hope President Trump costs these NFL morons billions.
>hmm...why are not NBA players on knees
you know...to support the NFL niggers
>come on niggers!!!
checked fpbp
>almost the same thing
I'm offended.
Sickle cell? AIDS?
Hockey is what I'm switching to. Not very many rules and if one guy doesn't like what the other guy said, they fight. Also, there are like three black guys in the entire league. Doesn't really get any better.
Unless you had a nealson box it literally doesn’t matter. They still measure ratings that way.
3 too many.
I'm trying to be witty and ironically answer your question but I can't.
Rock was taken from blacks.
best timeline
>caring about professional sports
Why is Nielson still relevant? Doesn't the cable company know what every set is tuned to, every second of every day?
Unicorns don't exist user. It's still way better than most sports.
THIS is what antifa is pushing now.
holy fuck
It's not enough
Stadiums need to be empty
Or force stadiums to start letting people in for free
It needs to hurt them until they bleed
My thoughts, words, and actions exactly. The Sunday night game was all I had left. Then (((they))) had to shill in the pre-game and continued in the broadcast booth.
May all of these criminal niggers burn in hell.
>niggers kill each other by the thousands
>it be da po-leece fault
>other blacks
Was it tho???
Let the opiate of the masses die and may another never take its place.
pretty much
>Watch sports as an escape to bullshit with friends and neighbors
>fill every possible second with hot takes, politics, and other useless bullshit.
>The NFL/E!SPN has been pandering to everyone but their core audience for a decade now.
>Core audience is now leaving and the casuals the NFL was pandering too are still casuals
Hilarious to watch it burn desu.
>Niggers give the finger to white people
>white people pay their salaries
>white people don't watch
Best kek I've had in a while. God bless America.
Sup Forums is in total meltdown over this, between the guys baiting and the butthurt comments "wow grompfies are hilbillies, they're snowflakes lololol REEEEEEEE"
>Is this revenge for the USFL?
Obviously. I mean, if you became president how could not fuck over an institution that stole millions from you.
We need to keep the fire burning
The NFL needs transgender cheerleaders and they need our help to meme them into existence
>drum sets
>recorded music
All white inventions
If it's cultural appropriation to steal a musical style then it is certainly cultural appropriation to use instruments invented by another race.
Protip: niggers destroy everything. Even that which is good for them. The niggers destroying the NFL right now are some of the most privileged and wealthy niggers that have ever walked this earth. Yet still, they are incapable of simple gratitude. They must destroy the hand that feeds them.
A dog is of higher intellect.
Satellite is that way, but not cable
You need a Nielsen reporting box on your tv or car to report in.
>t. Wife works in advertising
I wont eat another morsel of food until transgender cheerleaders are the norm
They even fucked up crime.
The crackdown on organized crime was a mistake. We went from organized crime that did their crime discreetly, to disorganized crime running rampant because niggers cant into discretion
We can always count on Antifa to run the left into the ground. Hitler arguably wouldn't have become Chancellor if it wasn't for the dumb commies basically handing him the seat of power through their antics.
Hey DeMarcus, you make millions. What are you kneeling for? Why are you making a protest like this in the workplac?
Trump is a bigot. Hea racist. He hates black people. Black lives matter. Trump is a white piece of shit.
.....2 years later:
Hey DeMarcus, i heard you had 11 intereptions one season?
Yep. I wuz a probowler 3 years in a row.
Wow, thats impressive. Hey, no, no, no. The couch goes in the living room, the recliners go to the den. Thanks. Just ask if you have questions as to where anything goes.
>Protip: niggers destroy everything. Even that which is good for them.
90% of nigger families believe their son is going pro. Destroying the pro sports industry is perfect. They will have no reason to waste college scholarships to pretend to study so they can play ball on Saturday
Your mum
Good. This is what happens when you insult your audience and think you can't get away with it.
Can't stop now! There's work to be done!
>Kap gets benched
>proceeds to destroy the entire league in protest
I have to say it's pretty impressive.
So tired of this stupid misconception. With digital media and targetted ads, do you really think it's hard to track true ratings?
OP: Boom Stick
This. Exactly this.
We Islam now
An added bonus is that Nike has the current licensing contract. They'll lose money on regular products cause of that jihad headwear ad that I hope all you remember, and they'll lose money on NFL gear.
Starve these faggots.
Ironically they're on the Canadian team if I recall. I don't really follow loser teams.
I thought they have up their tax exempt status in 2015.
Thank you based Kapernick
He specified, not destroyed... lol, and she rekt.
I, for one, cannot wait to see the oppression on their faces when ad revenue plummets and their salaries begin to get cut.
Support the Dallas Cowboys, then. You watch tonight. They won't be kneeling. They won't be hiding in the locker room.
>it literally doesn’t matter.
Ad revenue is what matters on TV, when sales of beer start dropping the advertisers will as well.
No, fuck the NFL. Fuck entertainment in general.
Sports are nothing but rigged bread & circuses designed to distract & control the public.
They also feed into the tribal nature of humans & the social engineers that the globalists use know this.
>listen to classical music
>listen to modern "music"
How exactly has music not been completely destroyed over the past century?
I couldn't of said it better, brother. They are the bane of humanity. They do not want equality. They want only death and destruction.
Fuck em. I'm not going to watch. I want to fuck with some nigger incomes.
Daily reminder that the NFL has been subsidizing the decline of old media (advertisers considered it a "sure thing"), now the slow death of the NFL is severely impacting the earnings and ad revenue of most major multimedia conglomerates. This has been a trend for several years, but it is coming to a head.
These multimedia conglomerates which are mose effected by the NFL: Disney/ABC (owns ESPN), Comcast/MSNBC, CBS, Time Warner/CNN. That's right, the ENTIRE FAKE NEWS MEDIA is dependant on niggerball!
Trump knows exactly what he's doing, and now you do too.
yeah, ooga booga more dakka dakka
I'm doing my part.
TFW Americans start following the CFL
>Americans start following the CFL
Can somebody please explain what's up with that kneeling? This is so banal that it failed to make international news, yet Sup Forums is making kind of a big deal out of it.
it's fucking bizarre the way these owners etc can't understand they are shooting themselves in the feet
I wonder what's really behind all of these companies and channels deciding to attack at least half of the country?
>twelve players
wtf abomination
spread this it will work
I am highly autistic.
trust me this will fucking work
>8 replies agreeing
>tfw all of Germany doesn't have 9 people proud of their own flag
Most of the players are black Americans, but no excuse to take a knee for oh Canada.
Would you sing the Horst Wessel Lied at the start of a German football international?
At least those lads are happy to play for their 50K a year and shut their mouths.
I agree its total bush league
>down for the majority of games and up for one and down later on the same channel
LOL I work at Comcast I never Ben so proud of how many people called in to cancel red zone over this this morning.
>burgers finally embracing puck because of trump
Bettman must be having an orgasm over this prospect
Probably doesn't help that Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Texas are under water and had more important shit to do than watch football.
If you guys seriously think rednecks are gonna give up football you're deluded. Even the most vocal Trump fanboys will tune in, if for no other reason than to see a player who took the one get sacked
It's hilarious to watch them bite the hand that feeds them.
Literally, the average NFL fan is 20 TIMES more likely to be Republican.
Does anyone have a run down on this story about "Trump getting revenge for the past"
What did the NFL do to Trump that made him lose millions? How did they screw him over?
If it came back into fashion, why not?
As things are right now, no, you'd only get jailed, everybody calls you a Nazi, you lose your job and your flat.
Let's keep the excuse coming in Hahhahhahhhaa