When did you realize that Sup Forums's ideology is closer to Sunni Islam than to Christianity?
When did you realize that Sup Forums's ideology is closer to Sunni Islam than to Christianity?
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Sup Forums is and will always be a purely christian board.
>encourages marriage with fertile women
>encourages men to be warriors of God
>encourages married couples to have lots of children
>encourages traditional and patriarchal values
>harshly punish sodomy
>harshly punish pedophilia (yes, Saudi and Iran are the countries where pedophiles are executed the most)
>harshly punish zoophilia (no guys, ISIS is into goatfucking)
>forbid feminism
wtf Sup Forums ?
Then why don't they follow the Pope?
christianity today is just cucked preists are heretics and oreach against the word of God and unlike all the fags that oppose islam i dont disagree with them they just dont belong here
Only newfags and Christcuck shills say that.
>the pope is christian
>especially the current pope
lmao-ing at your shit bait
wtf, I hate Sup Forums now
Lol you must be retarded to think this. Atheism is the first red pill
>being a christian takfir
so the pope and 1 billion of christians aren't "true christians", right? gtfo christian ISIS
fucking shiting me mate the pope is a heretic if not an atheist
i'm orthodox
It's not heresy, it's Christian degeneracy.
First time I joined the site.
Pol will always be shia board.
Sup Forums doesn't have an ideology. Go back to your cuck cave in the mountains of Afghanistan.
Wtf? I love Islam now
Doesn't make any difference. White Christians = Spiritual cucks.
talking with christian killers going against the word of God as many priests do in the west is heresy
Sup Forums is a secular board that wants to live in 1950s, all christcucks, pagan larpers and mudslimes just try too latch on it
Also mudshits wants to live in the 7th century not in the 20th.
also does christian history start in 50s or did i miss something stop being a faggot
But sunni Islam is anti-racist and full of shitskins.
>Sup Forumss ideology
People like you are the reason why this board is a cesspit now
>Sup Forums is one person
Never gets old
Mahdi is on Christ's side
when I realized I could still keep my beliefs but have immunity from being called a racist bigot. Inshallah!
And Christ on A***h's side
I'm a Protestant.
Both of you take your semitic cult and fuck off back to plebbit.
POL is not a degenerate Christian board, this is a white nationalist board. Go back to your church and bend your knees to dead kike on a stick while being butt fucked by your pedo priests Christcucks.
I can understand why you think so but no
Christianity has been sidelined hard
How long did it take you to realize that Islam, no matter what sect, follows the retarded teachings of the Koran, Hadiths, and Muhammad?
Most of Sup Forums‘s ideologies should be rooted in enlightenment, Modernist thinking.
ALL of Islam’s thinking is rooted mysticism and Middle Ages thinking.
The strength of Islam has been its clear-cut and well-defined presentation of Allah as the one and only Deity; its weakness, the association of military force with its promulgation, together with its degradation of woman. But it has steadfastly held to its presentation of the One Universal Deity of all, "who knows the invisible and the visible. He is the merciful and the compassionate." "Truly God is plenteous in goodness to all men." "And when I am sick, it is he who heals me." "For whenever as many as three speak together, God is present as a fourth," for is he not "the first and the last, also the seen and the hidden"?
Shia are better desu
Who the fuck are you to tell what this board is ?
What is better, Shit Muslims or Wasabi Muslims? Both do Teriyaki, I suppose.
That's muhammadism. It's been perverted as has Christianity with the inquisition
enlightenment is what spawned the bastard know as liberalism that plagues this world
That's your fantasy, but thanks to the Leftist retards we have islamic reality in the West now, and all your actions prove your words here are piss and wind. I've never encountered a more ugly, inbred people nor a more subhuman ideology. Child rape and animal cruelty aren't my idea of "based" or "conservative". Fuck off.
you spelled Shia wrong
>>encourages marriage with fertile women
8 year olds are the opposite of fertile and forcing sex on them is torture.
Islam has no conception of the Logos, and on top of that Arabic doesn't even have the philosophical foundation to introduce such an idea. Every attempt in history has decried as heretical
Lel europe gets the bums. They roam around europe because its too easy and they know they'd be punished severely in their home countries
Great post fuck Islam , you are the most cancer upon earth that never existed
>muslims are one person
>islamic reality is in the west
>total fucking retard
>“Marry the one who is loving and fertile, for I will be proud of your great numbers.”
>saudi flag on Sup Forums
>not a murtad
barak'Allahu fik
>encourages marriage with fertile women
>encourages men to be warriors of God
>encourages married couples to have lots of children
>encourages traditional and patriarchal values
>harshly punish sodomy
>harshly punish pedophilia (yes, Saudi and Iran are the countries where pedophiles are executed the most)
>harshly punish zoophilia (no guys, ISIS is into goatfucking)
>forbid feminism
thats because you copy our two testaments.
You are right, they should fuck off back home to their desert, so they don't have to suffer from our ignorance and harassment.
the pope is a cuck. a hypocritical cuck. ("Europe should not have walls!" while he lives in a walled city)
Not really, nobody copied you cuck
The green goes so well with the bruising.
you're the cuck.
No, that’s literally Postmodernism faggot.
Islam is Muhammad’s cult of personality.
There is no Islam if there is no Muhammad, EVERYTHING revolves around their “prophet”.
Allah had some really convenient revelations to give Muhammad all through that piece of shit’s life.
Guess who’s retarded and didn’t study any philosophy or epistemology?
You're literally the sub product of heresies already know since the death of Jesus that the church failed to combat. You're literally protestants that created your own religion.
Islam is copied from the Talmud. Muslims are tools for Jews to kill Christians and it backfired on Jews when Muslims realized what Jews were using them
Its said every 10 years your cells are replaced.
A murderer in prison escapes every 10 years and is replaced with innocent matter.
In atheism, there is no soul to maintain punishment for new matter.
You cant hold people accountable without the concept of a soul.
The pope is for Catholics you stupid fuck
>Sup Forumstism at its finest
Have you even read the Quran & the Talmud
After I took note of the support of domestic violence against women, support of rape, and hatred of women.
wa fik
Some of those "murtads" are probably expats larping as Saudis.
Maybe YOU should do something about them? for starters, stop inviting them? how about that? They're not our problem, they are YOUR problem, no one told you to take them in or open your doors but your own people.
It's funny how your people are so divided about Muslims, you got one side who welcomes them with open hands while the other side is hating and/or harassing them.
>product of heresies
The only heresy that was kind of close to Islam was arianism and still, arianism isn't really close on Islamic theology
>other side is hating and/or harassing them.
Notice how every islamophobic incidents are western men targeting hijabis mostly
>Sup Forums isn't satire
Never gets old.
Sunni Islam wants to kick out all muslims and africans from Sweden? Well then sign me up!
Pope is a shut bag. Hope he dies to peaceful Islam so it can incite anger and hatred and we can finish the crusdades. It might even lead to finishing the great war. WW1 never ended, and WW2 was just a setback.
Some times i've actually wondered if i should embrace islam just to see the feminists suffer.
Brilliant. Support them so the women who do not want Islam as a political system, suffer the consequences.
Islam is a kek religion.
pretty /fa/
what country do you need to live in to dress like this every day?
I don't think you get those dresses in XXXXXL sizes burgerbro, so no point in asking
hey i can get /fit/ man :(
Why do you spend your time shitposting here if you know it'll just stay as a funny critique of the ills of modern first world society, with no actual impact on day to day life whatsoever?
If become a Muslim could I wear all those pretty colofull clothes?
im brownpilled nau
Maybe if you weren't a third world shithole you'd be able to afford enough fabric to make them.
I seriously wanna dress in cool custom clothing, instead of these faggoty american clothes (((they))) design for us
hahahah triggered amerifat
true and the godpill will be your last and final redpill.
when the brown pill taste like kabob .
Shia Islam is by far the better Islam
>giving up righteous norse viking culture for middle eastern goatfucker culture
>Worshiping a cube.
No thanks.
this. Let us pray in mahram
Most polls show that Sup Forums is either primarily non-religious or has a plurality with non-religious people still being the largest group.
>fucking children
>legal rape
>suicide bombings and honor killings
Or you punish people to prevent them from harming other people.
>Man kills someone
>If man is let out of prison he may kill more people
>Ergo we should keep him in prison
But excellent strawman
Much rather be a Christian than some Islamocuck who get's backed the fuck off every time they try to make it big. Islam is the religion of failure and the biggest Islamic empires don't even compare to the biggest Chistian ones and now Muhammed is getting his ass kicked by Buddhist
>the biggest Islamic empires don't even compare to the biggest Chistian ones
Up until the Mongol Empire the Umayyad caliphate was the largest empire in human history with it or its predecessors conquering the Sassanid Empire, Visigothic Kingdom, and crippling the Eastern Roman Empire. Besides who is Denmark to talk the only claim your country has to an empire is Greenland which was and still is practically uninhabited.
Worshiping a dead jew is way more dignified...
>Implying I am a Christian.
fist of all shia Muslim do not believe in installing a "Muslim state" until Imam Mahdi come back. Also Shia are a little bit more liberal in general than there counterpart