Jojo thread

There's going to be a DVD release of the Under Execution, Under Jailbreak, would you watch it?


Other urls found in this thread:

Was that the one with Dead Man's Questions?

continuing jojovellar page posting. will take pics from other parts later, only ones I got now are 7

why have these threads been so slow lately?



What's the best song you discovered through JoJo? this one for me

Post jotaro and his dolphin fetish please

tusk ;)


I was a huge fan of Pink Floyd before JoJo but seeing this song referenced made me listen to it.

You think he listens to this music when he writes and designs the fights?

From the last thread. It's pretty good


I think I remember seeing somewhere that he actually does.




my favorite girl

So i finished part 7. Should i move on to Jojolion or wait till its finished.

Move on to it now so you can join the thread when the new chapter drops on Sunday

read it, waiting for it to finish is like being an animeonly

How many chapters would you say part 8 has left?

Hey lads help me update my Doppio folder


You'd be waiting for a few years. Just keep reading.

Are you saying that there are actually releasing UE,UJ or is that just hypothetical?

There's nothing going on so there's no fuel. It's been so long since the last chapter that everything about it has already been discussed and the new episode was just kind of meh.

Cool. Then I will do the same.

Works better for some fights over others, but I HIGHLY recommend you read the Highway Star fight whilst listening to Highway Star, also listening to Tusk for the Tusk Act 4 vs Valentine fight is perfection.

Be sure to listen to C-Moon while reading C-Moon.

if any translator fags want to work one making a Google docs translation of jojovellar. I'd be will to take pictures or scan this.

Thank you, I'll do that.

Requesting the wow, it's king nothing! pic


fucking 'seriously'

Got it, I'll add it to the list. Thanks.

Do I have shit tastes because I didn't like Highway Star in part 4

Adding onto what others have said, arcs where I'd recommend listening to the song referenced are:
>Any Dio fight from Part 1 (Holy Diver)
>Sheer Heart Attack
>The Secret of Guard Westwood (Eye of the Tiger)
>Civil War
>I Am A Rock

you just have brain problems, it's ok, we all have them.

>Jonathan with caesar's headband
this fucking TRIGGERS me

Also, the live version of Highway Star is much better than the studio one.

>no In the Court of the Crimson King for Diavolo's fight

Made in Heaven during the MiH fight in part 6 is fucking amazing too.
Also of course Metallica for the Risotto fight, and High Voltage for the Alt. Diego + The Warudo fight.

I was just naming them off the top of my head
Plus that only works for his reveal


Could a drawfag make a punchghost template for me?

I'm running a JoJo's BizRPG with friends, but I have horrible art skills so I was wondering if someone could basically white out a punchghost and leave all the basic segment lines in so I can just fill it in with whatever goofy Stand I want.

Why is Bruno with Jolyne?

Hoetest male x hotest female

it was artwork for arakiXgucci

If it counts, you REALLY should listen to the fighting game OST whilst reading some fights.
>Akira's ASB theme for the RHCP fight
>Kosaku's ASB theme for the BTD reveal
>Kosaku's EoH theme for the Josuke vs Kosaku fight
>Gyro's EoH theme for the Ringo fight
>Fugo's EoH theme when reading Purple Haze Feedback.
I can't say enough how good is for the Bite the Dust fight and how good is for the Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable fight, it even has the We Will Rock You drum line at the beginning.

Is that like hightest and lowtest?

Love me some Queen and AC/DC

Also its how I found out about Prince

You guys are fucking amazing people. This is going to be a good summer and a great reread.

>mfw listening to AW Diego's EoH theme while reading High Voltage

Yay, someone used my drawings :D

Do you guys qwant more?

I have a test that I know almost nothing about tomorrow and if I don't do it, I'll fail the year, and this is how I spend my time? May Pucci have mercy on my high soul

Draw Doppio

user your drawings are nice and all but go study, you can shitpost here and draw stuff after tomorrow but do well on your test first.


Doppio is so a cute. I wish I could abuse him and love him

Draw Mikitaka

Me too user, me too user

Ah well if you are fucked you are fucked. If you can pass you should aim for that, if it's a lost cause then draw Jotaro and his dolphins.

There are many stand battles in Part 4 that can be skipped without it affecting the story and ending that much.

adds a follow up on Akira and shows some banter between Jotaro and Josuke while hunting rats but that's it.

>RPS kid
never appears again

>I am an Alien, Highway Star, Superfly, Enigma
Both Mikitaka and Yuuya are introduced to reappear later in 2 more fights but that's it, they don't appear again after that.

All of these arcs could be removed and the story would remain unchanged. Now don't get me wrong all of these arcs are my favorites and I can't wait to see them animated but this made me notice how in JoJo the arcs that have no major relation to the story are often the most hype.

>go on the JoJolion page on mangaupdates
>literally every comment is hating on the artstyle
Does Part 8 JoJo art really look that bad to people who haven't read the other parts and gradually got used to it?

Go study. If you do decently think of more Jojo as a reward.

I should go study too, though I'm not in quite as bad of a position as you are.

I wouldn't think so. His anatomy is a lot better and some panels look really good.

You gotta admit a lot has changed.

You mean how gambling battles, like RPS kid and I am an Alien, tend to be the most hype?

arcs with no major relation to the story like Superfly and Enigma are actually bad though.

Superfly is a fun fight and has Oku
Enigma has Yuuya in it so it's saved

As someone who started reading from part 8 without knowledge of the previous parts part 8 is the best

Superfly is ok but Enigma is good

What the fuck

What's so good about Yuuya?

Why would you go and do that?


Dead thread? Perhaps I have the solution!

It's finally time to draw an entire chapter and perhaps an entire arc!
Today, the first half of Italian Chapter 1.

Batoto Link:

you guys know the fuckin' deal by now

Highway Star is thicc and I find Yuuya to be an interesting character

I wanted to see what Jojo was about so I decided to read the lastest part, now that I reread it after reading all parts it gets less confusing

Does anyone else think Araki ends parts way too soon. It's like
>Intro + MC stand introduction
>crew introductions and stand introductions
>2-3 fights
>final battle

Call dabs on 6.2, and you should cut out page #3. We don't really need it.

no part is like this except MAYBE 1 and 2


Holy shit whats wrong with you?

MiH kicking Jotaro's ass.

I don't believe you

oh man, I'd love to contributed but i'm going away for a while.

Nice timing, asswipe.

heres a page 3 i made a while back

Awkward because I'm claiming 3.1 for myself.
No point in drawing a chapter if we're not going to do the whole thing.

I read Jojo like this 8-4-5-6-7-1-2-3, after reading Jojolion I read 4 to discuss with Sup Forums before the anime aired and ended up reading 5-6-7 and then I watched the anime of parts 1-2-3, in retrospective I spoiled myself in many things and should definetly read things in order

magenta magenta did nothing wrong

Who is the best girl and why is it foo fighters?

I'll do 4.2

mspaint johnny time


Is that CUTE enough for you?

I'm currently keeping a ration of one program per drawing (I'm studying programming)


Thanks user, looks good

Didn't an user do 3.1 up there?

She's goo. The idea of a shape shifting goo girl is kinda hot. Also if you are into that she can become futa fighters

I think you're mistaken