Two Polish immigrants in Germany assault innocent! WTF I HATE POLAND NOW
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is this instant karma thread?
>Polish immigrants
>ayo hol' up
These german bitches giving me lip, krauts attacked us in ww2 and we dindu nuffin
>smacks lips
>proceeds to slap german whore in public in front of hans
MMMhmmm, honkyass Aryan you wont do SHIT
Damn it feels good
Where Germans were when Jamal get beaten by Piotr and Mateusz?
you can only pick one.
In Germany only Germans arent innocent.
Kek we'll start a race war in Cuckmany and move in to "stabilize the situation". Prepare to get POLED Krauts. We will soon attack a tanned German in Gliwice. This incident will get it started.
Also pay reparations.
We want our denbt.
to defeat the jew you must become the jew
also checked
if you can't beat them, join them
Two bisons this time? Sorry.
I wonder why jews dony try convert us on judaism:
1. Pope is weak
2. Soon people try seek better faith
3. Poland always is great defender of faith
Its like good deal for them also after few decades they can change from 6 mln to like 9 mln "jews".
was du machen kurwa
Poland isn't sending their best.
That's payback for our bison, krauts.
Don't play dumb Karol, everyone knows we are forced to study German along side English.
i was forced to learn russian though
>Poland doing Germanys job for them
This timeline.... what the fuck
>Action in Germany, what he does not know, no Germans in the car
Please come to Sweden and help us!
My favorite part of this is you can see just how smug he is. He's smiling, he's done this before. He doesn't care because he knows that he can take advantage of people.
Yet when you look closely when the car accelerates, all his bravado just drains away as he realizes through his thick skull, "There are consequences for my actions."
Then he gets fucking demolished.
old fag
Then either you are 30+ years old or living in eastern PL.
That was awesome.
Thanks. Made my rainy day a little brighter. Go Poland.
Did the guy in blue hit his m8 with the water bottle lol?
I think that was a spit lol
How the fuck dare you to insult our King and savior?
And it would make our Queen Mary very sad an she would cry because of this
They don't want converts, because they aren't real Jews. Jewish identity is almost entirely about the bloodline.
He spit.
Ask king David what thing about converts. His mother or grandmother was convert.
OP: Boom Stick
>1 dislike
Poles rule.
Give that Polack another beer.
We love that kind stuff.
He thought they were German hahahahhaha! How wrong he was!
We slavs aren't pussifed like western men, we aren't afraid ti punch back. If it was a American or German, the black guy would be beating their ass while they don't even defend themselves.
>incoming American white nigger: We don't act like niggers, I need a gun to defend myself.
>picking a fight with three slavs at once
he was dumb even for a nigger
Why there is so much poles here, maybe there is more poles than burgers on this fucking imageboard
>People like to post in threads about their country
holy shit...
Those slavs are just like East Germans.
Here's the problem: You do that, and left-leaning judges instantly convict you not only for bodily harm, but also for a hate crime. That means mandatory jail. East Germans don't mind that, because they're largely unemployed anyway. But west Germans have work to do, they can't waste time with jail.
The more they work the more money goes to the migrants, paradoxically enough.
when I watched the vid it had over 100 likes and 0 dislikes
apparently a shill clicked on the link
Sadly, you are correct.
That's why I voted AfD yesterday. They may not have one, but they were the only political party that took the concerns about the heathen hordes seriously.
based poles, please sell us more of your hotdogs and open up more cafes in sweden
the effortlessness
the fat gut
the beady eyes and polish potato head
it's a perfect scene
Correct, I'm a Slav born and raised in Austria and I believe I would be put into prison if I dared to defend myself.
They created an atmosphere of fear around self defence here. It's like you can't even hurt someone who breaks into your home at night without risking imprisonment.
But stop the meme about East Germans being dumb or poor, because that's what the left uses to vilify them.
Actually they vote far right because if you've once lived under Communism, the next 3-5 generations will hate every Socialists instinctively.
For me Marxists aren't even human beings.
the absolute state of europe, apologize, poland
stop being a pussy, we all have cucked laws.
If you have a nog invade your home, murder him and bury him innawoods, it's not as if anyone will go look for them.
t.half german slav
Great job Poland
cant cuck the pollack
Dude, I have a family that depends on me, I'm of course going to defend them if with any means necessary but I'm not gonna risk that they have to live on the streets.
Everyone who has something to loose (meaning - productive for society) is afraid to speak up or do something.
Everyone who is a bum or parasite can do whatever the fuck he wants to enrich himself or attack people who made smarter life choices.
Class warfare. That's what Communism is about.
If there is no popular uprising and the elite doesn't change their policies I wont fight them as a lone wolf, I'll just leave with my family for the East once it becomes unbearable.
But I'm hopeful, most Germans I speak to in private are really pissed about the Arabs and blacks.
>white Americans/Eurocucks would have a 5 minute bitchy shouting contest
>poles just smack the fucker
What's this white thing coming from behind the car in 0:08?
They tried it
We were 10~20% jewish in 1939
if WW2 never happened, we would be 30-40% jewish
Poland would be the second israel
We would be in charge of entire world
This vision made my dick hard
Fuck hitler
instant kurwa thread
one of the guys spit on the nignog
Poland was full of Polish-jewish racial mixes
Look, even important figures in Israeli government are part polish
This should make you think
thats the pole spitting
Come home white man
Actually I thought about suing the gov for the "mental pain" they have inflicted upon me in schools for forcing us to believe we are all evil subhumans because of the Holocaust.
I'd argue that I'm a Slav, so they hurt my feefees for making me bow to the jews because I'm not responsible.
Of course it would be just activism for the lulz to attack our govs for all this shitty shaming going on in schools and I most likely wouldn't win.
But I believe they couldn't really attack me for doing this, and if it doesn't cost too much why not?
It's just a legal way to show them the middle finger.
Even Leibniz said that this is the best of all possible worlds.
I heard story, that their higher circles was or still in fashion Polish.
Polnische Schweine killing German citizens again!
Erwache Deutschland!
the jew mix is where you got your ethnocentrism
Fucking niggers.
WTF i am a jew now
You are way too optimistic about the jews, during the times when they had the most power in Poland around the 17th century they were by law above a Polish peasant.
Poles were mostly servants of jews, tricked into dependency by usury. That's why the pogroms started, Poles were oppressed in their own country.
You see the same shit in Ukraine again and again. The native population never fares well with jews in power, they usually suffer immensely.
I doubt there's even a single historic example where the natives profited off of jews being around. Except for the elite of course who used jews to do the dirty work.
>I doubt there's even a single historic example where the natives profited off of jews being around.
Black death?
Polish nationalism in original national democracy shape never was ethnic but cultural(dont mistate with civic). Thats why even if you are with jewish background that dont matter at all.
I like Poland even more now. Fuck that nigger for beating on some dude's car like that.
Good thing Germany has diversified itself enough to let Poles in.
Now we can truly see that diversity is our strength.
No, I'm not being hateful towards jews accusing them of something that's hard to prove and very unlikely.
I'm just saying that they eventually end up in the top 1% because they don't relate to the locals for they are always the other to them, hence they have the perfect mentality to abuse them with little remorse.
Blacks have less remorse treating whites bad and usually it's the same way the other way around.
Jews are unique because they blend in well among whites so they often have their guard down when dealing with them, which wouldn't be the case if jews were black or yellow.
Justified. Shekal was one of the ones pushing for Poland to be fined by the EU. The way I see it, she stirred up legal shit, and it came back on her.
In any decent society the person who made this meeting happen would be whipped in the public square and dragged around the city on a leash.
I'm not even angry at the blacks.
mc ride?
Before or after the rape?
No no
That's not the point i was trying to make
What i was trying to say was that after jews were 'accepted' into Poland by polish nobility (14th century ) they brought in hygiene.
And this directly contributed to our survival during Black Death.
After all, we were the least affected by black death, and decades before this begun, jews brought in their traditions and customs
>was du machen kurwa
>I-it's... It's not like..
>It's not like I want your BBC.. s-scheise!
>looks like the bbc is no longer on the menu boys
no wonder western women are starting to crave the big polish cock
Didn't know that, but yeah, there's many jews who have contributed a lot to societies.
Problem is that they view themselves as different from us and have double standards of how they treat people.
So there's always many among them who also cause lots of problems.
But on the other hand I also know that they helped bring Industrialisation to continental Europe so well, it's hard to say.
I take that back that jews in general are more negative than positive to a society, it's hard to say what would have been if they weren't around.
But I'm still more on the vigilant side regarding them.
Post JP IIs
Just for you George
Shirt says university, image screams diversity
That beautiful fucking contrast. White women really do belong to black men.
and degenerates like you belong on a stake