Ti-Ti-Ti-Timo, Timo, Timo, Timothy
Ti-Ti-Ti-Timo, Timo, Timo, Timothy
God it's such a shit fucking song but now it's stuck in my again.
Fuck this.
Is Timothy a teacher or secretly a student of happiness class?
I'd fuck Timothy.
Does she show up again in the next ep?
Won't know until it airs.
Did we have spoilers for Ti-Ti-Ti-Timo, Timo, Timo, Timothy?
Well there's no better time. Unless this is actually thirteen episodes but that definitely isn't the case.
I want to fuck Timothy doggystyle!
Yeah probably
I expect Anne's fork to snap in half or Botan to hurt something somehow.
Or both.
Why is Ren so cool?
She makes me wet
What would happen if Ren and Sakamoto had a child?
Would they be so cool that they'd just be a block of ice?
by the way where is chibi user?
I want more of those anne-happy chibis that he uploads to mega
Like these?
Nah he means the chibi in the show.
Muy caliente.
Wow, really makes you think
I want to teabag Ren so bad.
God damn Botan reminds me too much of the onee-san the author used.
i'm talking about these.
some based user cut out all the chibis in the show and uploaded them for us all
I came here to laugh at you.
What's the context on this? She really is controlling him?
Oh my God. That's great. Is there a link you can share?
Go check out chibianon in the archive. There are mega links there until episode 4.
Timo Timo Timotei
What does this face mean?
I just realized that the headphone ghost Hanako was talking about during episode 2 was literally just her fucking with Botan and Hibari.
Why is she such a bully?
ICE is a nice program, but it also likes to tear up images if parts don't fit, like in that panning shot where Ren, Hibiki and the background all move at different speeds.
Okay. I'm going to take every chibi from ep 1-4 and put it in one download
She could also have been channeling some TV or radio station because she does seem to cause electronics to get messed up when she's around them
>literally gets an episode probably about her when there's only two episodes left
Why is this allowed?
Thank you!
In this moment, I am TI MO SHI.
can they not make the "th" sound?
It's not "Ti" either, it's Chimoshi.
What I'm actually wondering is her really long jacket.
>nearly had a fucking anxiety attack
>only because I saw my name while scrolling through the archive
I need to go out more
Same, saw my weird name on Sup Forums and for a second I thought I somehow got doxxed.
Hibiki knows
What an interesting shape.
Well, Ren is the only one who doesn't. But it looks like An(ne) and Botan seems to see Hibari's having a husbando as a normal thing I guess?
Does this mean Timololi doesn't get a song? Who's her VA anyway?
Botan hates herself so she probably doesn't feel like it's her place to judge. Anne just goes with the flow she never lets anything affect her.
Why is Anne so shit? she ruined the whole episode.
>Who's her VA anyway?
Reminder that Hibiki is best girl and also a perfect.
Ren don't give no shit.
Being hibiki must be suffering. First she learns ruri wants dick, now it looks like ren does too.
This so much.
Show must be about Anne and Hibiki, the other girls should be side characters.
>Show must be about Anne and Hibiki
I think this is the intention, given the character grouping. The problem here is Tsubaki, since she's too autistic to belong to any.
That fucking song, is so damn awesome.
Sweet Jesus, I was not expecting boners of this caliber when opening an Anne Happy thread.
>voiced by best Sample
Not bad.
It could go terribly wrong.
Please don't bully.
It took about 50 posts to finally get to this image
Why is this show so unpopular on Sup Forums when shows like Gochiusa and NNB would get constant threads? This is easily on par with those.
For one thing, those shows have been around for a while. At this point, those constant threads are just there for shitposting.
But I don't think Anne Happy even got enough hype before the season started.
not enough pedobait
Too many similar shows in the same season which divides the fan-bases.
Because Gochiusa and NNB have two seasons each and are extremely popular even among shitposters.
I'd rather keep things as they are right now. Unhappy threads are good enough.
Basically no one was watching this show for the first three weeks. I think the number of viewers picked up after episode 4 and episode 8 increased it even further. By episode 12 we'll probably have enough for dedicated thread shitters to notice us.
Anne Happy threads are like NNB/Gochiusa threads minus the meme/shit posters
It's the same anons posting in these threads and probably will be the same once New Game starts
Can you make the tsu sound?
It doesn't matter if you can or not, English simply doesn't work that way and so 'tsunami' becomes 'soonami'.
I've never posted in either of those threads. Anne Happy is probably the first show in a long time where I've been able to discuss a show with Sup Forums this long. Usually I have to abandon threads about shows after around 3 episodes because I simply can't stand them anymore.
It's pretty much the SoL with the bigger threads this season, also the last 3 episodes have been so good that now is in the top of the stalker threads(where it belongs)
What's similar? user probably just doesn't post on thursdays, Anne happy gets plenty love.
Hibiki and Ren are a bit sidelined compared to the main 3. Ruri is more of an MC than Anne too.
I can make a tsu sound, but it's tricky with an american accent. much easier to just say "soo" instead of "tsu"
Tsu is easy. Make a T sound. Make a soo sound. Put them together in one short sound. It's not rocket science.
"t-soo" but do it fast so it all blends together.
Isn't it the R sound people usually complain about with Japanese? Tsu is easy, you might not be used to making it but it's completely doable with existing english sounds.
You people are pretty stupid, aren't you?
>English doesn't work that way
It doesn't matter one way or the other if you can do it, English presumes 'tsu' doesn't exist and so the language doesn't allow for tsunami to be pronounced properly.
yeah it's easily doable with English letters, but no english words make the "tsu" sound. that's what makes it tricky. not because it's a hard sound to say, but because it's unfamiliar
The user asked "can you make the tsu sound". English doesn't use the Tsu sound, but it should be pretty easy for anyone used to English phonemes to make. I'm just saying the R sound is a much better example for "sounds Japanese makes that you can't"
True, but many words like "cats" that end with the ts ending sound, which is very close to the tsu sound.
Way to miss the point.