Welcome to Europe friends :^)
No source, but good if true. Thats how christians are SUPPOSED to act in line with Jesus' teachings.
lol, funny how Sup Forums decries mass media only when it disagrees with their r/atheist nazi-wannabee fagfest
Indeed friend.
Buddism is the only real religion, at least they do what they have to do with muslims
Why not give it to the fucking homeless people who are actually from this country?
Praise Rabbi Yeshua ha'Moshiach, approved by the ADL
Do they share a last name because they are married or because they are brother and sister?
They are facilitating the downfall of their nation but at least they are backing up their convictions with action. Of course, that also means they are stupid. Better a fool than a coward, I suppose.
can Buddhism be merged with Christianity? Like can you be a follower of both? I've always liked buddhism and christianity
>*Muslim does something bad*
>Muslims: That's not a true Muslim
>*Christian does something kind hearted*
>Christian: That's not a true Christian
Really puts both religions into perspective. Rly activates ur almonds
because even brits hate other brits so much they'd rather give it to shitskins.
>encourage Christian behavior when it disadvantages christians
>oppose Christian behavior every other time
Be gone, Jew
you can do whatever you want, stop fucking seeking approval from internet retards. if someone tells you its illegitemate, tell them to fuck off. its that easy.
Atheists are more supportive of immigration
No, I mean can you still be considered a christian if you also follow buddhism? Is it against christianity to also be a buddhist?
God bless them.
dumb dumb ameridumb
The house is gonna end up wrecked either way.
Those are not real Christians. For if they were real Christians they would have read the Bible and gained some wisdom.
Proverbs 6 1-3 AMP
>My son, if you have become surety (guaranteed a debt or obligation) for your neighbor,
If you have given your pledge for [the debt of] a stranger or another [outside your family],
>If you have been snared with the words of your lips,
If you have been trapped by the speech of your mouth,
>Do this now, my son, and release yourself [from the obligation];
[a]Since you have come into the hand of your neighbor,
Go humble yourself, and plead with your neighbor [to pay his debt and release you].
Isnt that just Shinto?
That's clearly not a catholic (no women) and not a "bishop" since it's a catholic term.
conclusion: fuck off you dumb protestant cultists, you brought it on yourselves.
reread my post if you didnt understand it. stop fucking caring about what people consider you to be
Catholics are the best.
I don't agree with your pic. Whites without blacks wouldn't be able to have such a luxurious life. It's been several centuries western success is built on getting cheap ressources from african countries (too weak to ask for a fair price) and now on cheap labor from asian and south american countries. A pure white society without taking advantage of other continents would be medieval times and we weren't that well off compare to others at that point.
White success was to exploit others.
Surely Jesus never said anything about making wise choices.
Medieval Europe was still the best place in the world at that point in time.
The man is the representative of God on earth. To be humble, he can't just akwardly smile and say nice things, he needs to do real acts of contrition. What's worse than kissing nigger feet ?
>No, I mean can you still be considered a christian if you also follow buddhism? Is it against christianity to also be a buddhist?
No, you cannot be Buddhist and a Christian at the same time.
1 Kings 18:21
>And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.
Joshua 24:15
>And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Matthew 6:24
>No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Clearly not, especially early middle age.
China was objectively stronger and more advance than Europe during most of the antic times and middle age.
During the first crusade, it became clearly apparent standards of living were higher in the middle-east compare to Europe.
The Renaissance is the time Europe became the real major player. Mostly thanks to international trade.
It's historical facts.
I'm not saying it's good or bad. We won that one and if we didn't, someone else probably would have.
t. Ibn Al Khalif
(((devout christians)))
I'm white as fuck, not that it should matter
>During the first crusade, it became clearly apparent standards of living were higher in the middle-east compare to Europe.
You have proof for this?
God told us whoever doesn't surrender to us we have to kill the men and take their women, children and riches. I want my Arabian women slaves! It is my God given right!
This, if they were really such great people they would've found a family in need from their own country. They are just hopping on this 'refugee' thing because it's trending and will get them more attention.
They are not true christians. They shouldn't be in the news, this is their reward. Ego is like thieves inside a building, when the police comes they just climb to the next floor, but you can clearly see them inside.
"When you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."
Nice try, tho.
Muhammedans have to be killed, the bible says if someone tells you to worship another God you have to kill him.
Our government needs to send these Muhammedans to the gallows immediately!
We need to invade the whole of the muhammedan world, kill every single muhammedan man, burn down all their buildings, take all their riches and their women as slaves.
anyone under 35 that I know that call themselves a "christian" is a evangelical cuck like the ones in the picture.
many "atheists" are ((( atheists )))
Stupid, but at least they put their money where their mouth is. I disagree with their ideals, but they have every right to do this.
Still, pretty stupid. But they aren't trying to force me to pay for the housing. Better than I can say for 99.999999% of people who think the same way as them.
Yes of course. You could just compare the life expectancy but there is undeniable multiple accounts of crusaders looking for muslim doctors because they were much better than europeans (if they had any). We also bring back tons of new products (because muslims had a large international trade and we didn't) and technologies from the crusades.
Granted most of the muslim knowledge came from what they kept from roman/greek populations but at least they managed to preserve it when europeans clearly failed during the "dark ages".
>Rev 13
>Rev 13:9-10
why cant white people be this nice to other white people?
Christianity speaks for itself...
>true Christians are cucks
No doubt about that.
Are they siblings?
Lel people on Sup Forums think that whites practically conquered the world and had colonies because we wanted to play adventurer or something like that.
But I must also say that the enlightenment (also helped by outside knowledge) truly was a big step forward. Which made European societies more than just a conquerer.
Christians have all been run off from the entire middle east. Ya the Muslims have suffered long enough. poor muslims
Christiancucks being cucks, nothing new