She had one fucking job.
Why do woman have to ruin everything?
petry a qt
>LOL gtg wanna raise my kids
lol this is why people dont like to hire women.
She's so irresponsible. The AFD already gets shit from all sides and they can't allow themselve to show weakness in such times.
She endangered the only party who genuinely cares about the German people.
She will found another party, that new party will bring all voters from CDU, after that she will make coallition with AfD, then deport every single muslim and non-european within their grasp
She's a woman.
This is completely predictable.
Haha this is so true because men are perfect and never fuck things up, especially politically
>the only party who genuinely cares about the German people.
lol what? It's the easiest way to make 100k a year + assistants and drivers for literally 0 hours of work. Just get a good place on the list.
Think about it, the top candidate was 40 years in the CDU and is senile and the other one is an ex Goldman Sachs dyke you raises 2 children with her somali lesbian partner.
What a cunt
>a woman being lazy and selfish
No way
She was a double agent. It's all according to plan.
it's in their nature, women are by design bitches
I blame the voters
oh shit is that the gaben on the right? we getting some steam sales or is he officially shutting down the service in eruope?
implying you wouldn't
>Vote for me and I swear we'll make Half-Life 3 happen
>somali lesbian partner
Sri Lanka, not Somalia, otherwise you are right. Plus they live in Switzerland, but she pretends to reside in Germany.
Really? They live in der Schweiz?
I honestly had no idea.
Found the butthurt woman
Very disappointing. I thought because she was German she'd be different than the rest.
Never trust women in politics, ever.
fuck the afd.
You should inform yourself better and stop parroting everything you read here.
Weidel pays 0 taxes in the country she wants to save. A true patriot. A true race traitoring, homosexuell, globalist patriot! Yass Königin Slay!!!
Sorry bro. Du hast recht. Ich hatte keine Idee.
If this shit isn't the confirmation she is controlled oposition then well fuck me. You got played again by your own people, krauts. Pic related.
>western women don't raise kids
>ree about it on Sup Forums
>western woman decides to leave her job for someone else in favor of raising her kids
>ree about it on Sup Forums
What did I say?
Controlled opposition.
What a lovely couple, apart from them both being women and one of them being a cross-eyed poo.
>"Did you know that said candidate of the right wing party is not 1488? Better vote for the mainstream candidate next time or not vote at all"
>a woman being lazy and selfish
caring for her kids is neither
You're a faggot Sven.
>hurr why is a woman raising her children
You idiots are hopeless
>western woman decides to leave her job for someone else in favor of raising her kids
She's not leaving her job you fucking nitwit, she's keeping the parliamentary seat that she STOLE from the party
Germany is already lost if their best candidate for the right is a damn woman.
Its those old nazi fuck who ruined all. They left NFD (0,4%) and jumped to AfD.
She's playing 4D chess now
She realizes AfD has gone as far as it can be taken
The brand itself is limited because so many krautcucks have been brainwashed into hating their own people and anyone who stands for them
She is going to build a new party alliance based on conservative values
When people criticize her for being in the racist party of racists practicing racism she will say she only did it because her father led the party and it was her duty to support him
This cover will allow people who were socially shamed into voting against AfD even though they agreed with the platform to support the new alliance
The new alliance will have multiple parties with multiple branding and leaders who then coalesce into a single entity led by her
Think of a p[arty organized like GM with a half dozen nameplates appealing to slightly different sensibilities instead of Mercedes with a single monolithic brand
Her aim is to use the new alliance to get enough votes to form a coalition government with AfD and rule
When she does this she can make Germany great again
Looking forward to welcoming you German-bros when you finally come out from the shadow of the jew
>muh raise a few little shits
>muh fuck the country
>muh fuck the country that they will live in
And it's actually:
>this is so much work
>better play with my little shits instead
>and maybe in a few years, I will do part time
every fucking lazy woman ever
>Why do companies do not want to employ womyn?
pls explain what happened.
>afd got x number of seats in parliament
>Frauke petry decides to leave party but also retains her seat
>afd has now one less seat in parliament because of her
Did I get it right?
Basically yes, except she didn't leave the party proper because she's trying to squeeze as much power and influence out of her position as leader as she still can.
Also, she won the majority of first votes in her constituency, BECAUSE she represented the AfD. Now that consituency have a representative who betrayed what they voted her in for.
yea. tbqfh it doesnt really matter much.
this will be forgotten in a couple weeks. the only thing that could srsly dmg the AFD now would be re-elections. because lots of people wouldnt vote for AFD again without a petry. either because they liked her or because they think afd is to splitted and too much infighting.
Emotions, attention whoring and Israel shill
She's a used up old lazy whore.
But if that's your fetish...
At least she's quite anti Islam and she wants strict boarder control and no more economic migrants.
You can't go from 0 to 100.
>or because they think afd is to splitted and too much infighting.
Didn't stop it this time.
Just depose her as leader already and the way-too-overstated internal conflict is basically over.
>she wants
to do literally nothing about it.
It's also how she left. You can't just announc at the press conference then you leave the party, retain your seat and then walk out.
Or at least talk beforehand with the party if you don't want that they look weak. Such a dumb cunt.
>Petry: user, will you use my tits to relieve yourself? please
>mfw you say no
fucking faggot
>she acts as if she wants it
>she says she wants it
>it would be in her personal interest
Yeah i'm sure you can read her mind.
fuck man das sind aber zwei dicke bollermänner
Well fuck that bitch then. You should be glad you got rid of her at the early stages.
The party is doing incredibly well though, it has gone trough two elections right? And it already has 12.9% right?
Our anti-immigrant party which is very similar to AfD had to wait for much longer to get numbers like that, but after decades of being the most hated party, constantly being called racist and getting threatened and being shamed by all the other parties, they finally managed to work themselves into the government and have been ruling together with the "right wing" party for the last 4 years and will do so for another 4 years, staying around 15-20% in the elections. They did all they could to keep as many refugees out during the crisis, and have now created new laws for refugees and immigrants that have made our country much less attractive for the shitskins. They also proved themselves as a competent party.
I see a similar future for AfD, although the situation is much more critical in Germany, but this might speed up the process as well.
that's a cutie.
She is 6,5 at best, get your shit together.
Just like that faggot Nigel
Hormones. Probably post pregnancy depression. After my sister got her second child she turned into a huge cunt for about two weeks. They literally become crazy partially because the hormone high wears off and they're stuck with screaming little shit crying all day while not catching any sleep. Petry felt wronged by those people and now she counts on them selfdestructing so she will candidate 2021, if the party still exist. It's egoistical, but that's politicians for you. No decent person becomes one.
shes slav tho. im not a race mixer.
i only mate with master race.
You don't agree?
kek yeah you are right.
why is he still glorified by brits?
but she popped out tons of kids already. she should be used to it by now.
gime a quick rundown user
Have you actually read this thread?
The whore could actually be in real politics now (do what she said), but she wants to raise her little shits instead.
>she acts as if she wants it
Are you retarded?
She actually wants to raise her little shits instead. So it's actually the opposite.
>the hormone high wears off and they're stuck with screaming little shit crying all day
I wonder why nature did it this way.
It makes no sense.
Just keep the hormone high for 2 years longer. Bamn done.
Nah, just look at her face. You see that straight wrinkle between her eyes north up her nose? You only get that from making an angry face all the time. Yeah she smiles in public but man I probably is toxic as shit, wouldn't want to be on her bad side.
I would love to see her asshole to be honest.
Ideally I assume eventually the chemicals check out and the mother and kid bond so love takes over. But there's a sweet spot of crazyness inbetween the phases.
>why is he still glorified by brits?
Because he never said that he would go on after he did the job.
>wanted to get the UK out of the EU shit
>did it
>job done
>Now I can go home.
In comparison to this whore:
>vote for me, I will get the shitskins out
>gets tons of votes
>oh wait, gotta take care of my children instead
See the difference?
Nigel is a hero. This whore is the opposite. She's a traitor. Like every woman out there.
She probably sits on the toilet for too long and presses until blood spills out on the toilet paper.
you are a sub-saharan negore, you rape people in Europe, why can't you marry them??
This is bullshit. She won, not AfD. Only the second vote is party affiliated. I would even say she was one of the reasons AfD got 13%, her being realistic.
all day and night long
Nature is bloody stupid
She did get pregnant but didn't they kick her out kinda and then announcing that double team candidacy?
Hey man, back in the day every woman pumped out at least 12 kids at least and if they were lucky 2 or 3 would get older than 14. Some cultures didn't even name their kids until they were older than 3 or 4. Having just one at a time isn't natural. Not too say there was like a whole tribe looking after the kids, relieving some of the pressure.
>She got herself preggers
>I totally wanted to kick the shitskins out
>but sorry, got preggers instead
Did you read the post i responded to before you responded to mine orginally?
It was a comment regarding Weidel and not Petry.
Sure, but then it was even worse.
I mean what's the advantage?
Wouldnt it be better to be high for 1 or 2 more years? What's the disadvantage?
Just think about it:
>Get qt preggers
>She's high
>Shits little shit out
>Still high
>Wants to fuck
>Preggers again
>Still high
>Previous little shit dies
>Still high
Oh sorry, my bad.
I can see what you mean by the nose wrinkle.
>Not too say there was like a whole tribe looking after the kids, relieving some of the pressure.
The older kids look after the younger kids too.
If you raise the first 2-3 right the following ones need very little maintenance and training, they get it all by following the older kids example and older kids handle minor discipline as well
I think it's retarded too. Probably just happened.
A too happy woman wouldn't bully her providers to get ahead in live. There's a reason heroin addicts are generally bums, because their high is more rewarding than doing some shit like school that might or might not help you in 5 years.
imagine being petry's husband
i would lovingly creampie her pussy all day long, hnnng i would impregnate her with my seed
Ah, right. That makes sense.
Still stupid.
I don't get why she quit AfD? She's a typical reckless female, they should never be in any leadership roles.
well, at least she didn't fuck a mudslime... yet
I told you krauts, i told you about women in politics...
I'm female and even I am sick of women. Feminism is a sick joke, female politicians are usually bent left and even when they are not they cry too much and don't have the mental strength of men. Imagine any woman getting the shit Trump or Farage gets and not breaking down or quitting or blaming anyone else, it wouldn't happen. Women are driving this awful SJW movement, literally ruining the West. Men's worst fault right now is tolerating it all. Without the female vote and snuffling female politicians and social figures, we'd have barely any islam or africanization in Europe. The irony, that women would be safer here if important political decisions were made without any female input. I want to live in a Patriarchy, I really, really do. A beautiful white Western Patriarchy.
I still want to believe in this fag though.
But she showed mental weakness when she walked out of a TV show. The others treated her like shit but she should've just endured it.
She didn't quit. That's the thing. What she did is not take a job in the bundestag but she wants to stay leader of the AfD and run as candidate 2021.
I would like to just have real equality where women too have to take responsibilities and get punched in the mouth like anybody else if they push it. Not talking about domestic violence but like... hm... I mean if I was acting like some cunt in a bar I would get my asshole torn apart. There are women who just need a reality check every once in a while same as men do. But muh vagina makes that impossible unless you're ugly as the night.
nah man, eventually they fuck up
the longer it takes the worse it is: merkel is the prime example
in bed politician women are top tier tho
Well she doesn't want to be part of the AFD im Bundestag and she points out the difference of opinions in the AFD and she does all of that in a crucial press conference WITHOUT EVEN TALKING WITH HER OWN PARTY BEFOREHAND. And then she just fucking leaves.
What in gods name is she thinking.
Hmmm interesting, thanks for the explanation.
>She actually wants to raise her little shits instead.
Nope, if she wanted to that she would have given up her seat in parliament so that one of her party members could have taken it.
What she is doing now (leaving the faction and possibly the party) just ensures that she will keep the seat instead of giving it to her party.
He is spreading bullshit.
She is still taking the seat in parliament, just not as a member of the AfD Faction (so basically stealing one seat from them).
No, that's literally it.
That's what womyn do.
She is going
>Oh well, if I feel like it in 3 years, I can maybe do it part time as a hobby
>Just in case I get bored with the kids
It's typical womyn behavior.
That's why womyn should have no rights.
They act like little children. Incapable of responsibility. It's all me me me.
Only learned about it like 10 seconds ago. Thought she was staying out entirely. How is this even possible, doesn't the party hand out the seats? Does she have a direct mandate?
Suspicions were correct, women should never be in leadership roles.
>Does she have a direct mandate?
Bingo, and she's using the one thing she won during this election to fuck with the rest of the party.
anything fappening related?