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Digits confirm US boots on the ground by the end of the week
Just launch the fucking nukes and get it over with so we have the opportunity to once and for all finally destroy communism.
Waiting just makes me more pissed off frankly.
prepare to be melted by radioactive waves retard
I don't live anywhere near the DPRK's range radius and I doubt I would be a priority target if I did.
so I don't really care either way
the world is ending
press B to BENIS :DDDDD
Confirmed, was watching life on KBS. Norks are shitting themselves, they're really affraid of Trump.
I think most people want a nuclear war for 3 reasons.
1) they want to see all the destruction
2) they want to die
3) If they dont die they want to fuck around untill they die of radiation sickness
I just like the shitposting.
Nuke it Kim!
You are our hero!
Trump should just call his bluff and send a bomber in the area, just fucking start the war already
As a Korean I hope we blow North Korea the fuck up
Nothing is fucking happening. It's more irrelevant posturing by NK to appeal to its own people.
Oh, also, North Korea has been at war with the US for years, it never actually stopped being at war at the end of the conflict in the 1950s.
I hope they'll do it and start ww3
I support anything that kills communists. This would kill a substantial portion of the worlds remaining communists.
I don't think WW2 era AA guns have the range required for such an undertaking.
Nothing funnier than watching bombers fly above parabolic AA tracer arcs.
Please do it you pussies.
How can the US declare war when the war never ended? Stupid gooks.
>Fall for the 30+ wizard meme
>only a couple of years away from it
>get nuked by the gooks before
Daily reminder that if you don't support North Korea you are indirectly supporting (((them))).
> It will happen when the weather cools
We gonna get emp’d. Many Will die. You can also clean up the trash on your own
Who will fire the first nuke?
The end times are finally here
about time
you cucks are too easy to spot
you are a shill and a communist.
Time to send an empty drone powered plane over it's skies. When shot down, we'll nuke the shit out of the dog eating commie norks.
north korea has perfectly capable SAMs, and fighter jets.
I just want the monotony of life to cease
going overseas and shooting people doesnt seem bad considering my alternative is staying here and slinging pizzas for $8.50 so i can barely eat myself and eventually die from some shit
>"N-no, YOU declared war!! I'm d-defending myself!"
Kimmy is a soyboy to be honest. Trying to play the victim all of the sudden.
I just want dead marxists.
Their most advanced Fighter is the Mig-29. They would be outclassed by an F-14. Their most updated SAM is the S-200, which those sites would be destroyed by cruise missiles long before we sent any vulnerable aircraft over NK airspace.
That's what Iraq thought, too.
>literal communism where people are starving and kim is just building themeparks while hes a fat fuck
The only good thing about norks is that they have no jews but they are following a jew ideology
We're already flying bombers over their airspace.
>jewnited states of israel
Why am I not surprised? Good goy.
back to leftypol cuck
They don't have WW2 era AA guns.
Actually the Juche ideology is closer to some National Socialism principles than communism itself. Also daily reminder that North Korea is a total ethno-state with 0% degeneracy.
Pick one.
Are you mad, jew burger?
>Their most advanced Fighter is the Mig-29. They would be outclassed by an F-14.
getting a couple of missiles off at a B-1 or two isn't that unlikely. getting the things back after the F-15s escorting the B-1s go ape is the problem.
>Their most updated SAM is the S-200, which those sites would be destroyed by cruise missiles long before we sent any vulnerable aircraft over NK airspace.
north korea is clearly threatening to shoot down a B-1 doing flights over international waters.
which war are you talking about?
>haha look at my based nazi me, I'm nat soc fascit just like you
>so yeah about gommuism
This is fucking depressing
First Gulf War, when they thought they had the 4th largest standing army, the latest in Russian missile defense and radar, and the latest Russian SAMs.
They got blown the fuck out in hours, not days.
Now would be the absolute perfect time to launch the nukes.
Back to (((/r/_thedonald))).
>north korea is clearly threatening to shoot down a B-1 doing flights over international waters
Shooting a B-1 over international waters is even less likely with their AA, unless Russia has snuck in a couple s-400 batteries, which I highly doubt. Also the B-1's can carry cruise missiles with 1350 nmi range.
If the NORKs did manage to get radar lock and fire at a B-1, the B-1's counter measures should honestly be enough to counter the SAM with barely breaking a sweat.
>Back to (((/r/_thedonald))).
now you're making it way too a obvious
Digits confirm ameriash
>They got blown the fuck out in hours, not days.
because kari was impacted beyond all expectations, the US brought out the F-117s, and the iraqi troops had poor morale.
>Despite the numerous components of the IADS, its actual operating capabilities were quite limited. The system was designed to counter comparatively limited threats from Israel and Iran, with each SOC capable of tracking [DELETED]. While sufficient against an attack from either regional opponent, the system was inadequate to cope with a force of hundreds of aircraft and unmanned aerial decoys. [DELETED]\3
>With a substantial portion of the Iraqi air force destroyed, inactive, or fleeing to Iran early in the campaign, the threat was severely reduced since part of the effectiveness of the IADS depended on vectoring its fighters to attacking aircraft.
>Shooting a B-1 over international waters is even less likely with their AA
they do have the range. it just depends on where they're situated, and where the B-1s decide to fly.
>If the NORKs did manage to get radar lock and fire at a B-1, the B-1's counter measures should honestly be enough to counter the SAM with barely breaking a sweat.
don't count on it. a suicide attack is completely possible.
This is me. Rolling for it to come true please and thank you.
>this is the absolute state of nu-pol, (((lolbertarians))) and (((trump supporters)))
I hope that you'll get the nuke you deserve, fattie.
i fucking fuckued up and i want this whole pfthisd shit to end fucking war i wanna die
Why would a facists natsoc take offense to pictures of dead communists I wonder.
Anybody feel that? It feels like..the good old days after 9/11 are here again. I feel connected with my inner child again how about you guys?
Lads it might actually be happening...
It is till a spinoff of communism. And before you go on about their nationalism its actually just typical soviet era patriotism bs. Sure they are 100% nork (with 1 or two murican defectors still living there ) which is good. And idk communism is degenerate af
You (((americans))) are so fucking delusional.
It's always time for sopa, amigo.
great argument mr. meme flag
Rocket Man
>great argument mr. meme flag
You are either a nigger or a spic with low IQ. God, you're so fucking delusional.
And you are more likely than not a fucking leaf and crawled your way out your communist circle jerk shithole looking to shill your dogshit ideology.
good job building your Sup Forums folder though. I'm sure you have lots of post 2015 fashy Sup Forums memes
>supporting north korea means being a leftist shill
>this is the absolute state of burger education
OP here, just wondering what do you guys think about the DPRK
>"the DPRK is an evil communist dictatorship that needs to be stopped at all costs."
>"we must protect the DPRK against western imperialism."
>"we must protect the DPRK against (((them))) and because it's an ethnostate
Oh look it's the US destroying countries, who would have thought
>supporting a literal communist state means being a leftist shill
yes yes it does
well to be fair here user the "helicopter rides" part was ruined by a lot of "based kekistanis", aswell as the flock of ancaps recently.
no way in hell US is using nukes first
if we strike preemptively it will be with conventional weapons, if Kim decides to retaliate with nukes then the gloves come off
aw does the little tankie need a safe space?
>I support North Korea but that doesn't make me a lefty shill
>yes good goy yes, fight for your country
user, in the 50's the US was so close with using nukes in the Korean war, don't underestimate what you crazy burgers can do
stop trying so hard
US SEPT 23 fags told ya so. We are not wrong this time. You dirty unbelievers.
>if you kill the communist they win!
reality hits you hard cuckboy
Yet again, you little jewed burger probably don't know that North Korea has denounced communism in the Nineties. But I'll let you cradle in your own (((education))).
Geopolitics was different back then though.
The Soviet threat was way bigger at that time than any threat NK poses today, and we STILLL didn't use nukes.
By nuking LA, correct?