
>black balls to reduce water evaporation

so are they trying to block the sunlight or reduce the heat? because if the objective is to reduce water evaporation then those balls should be white.

>american thermodynamics
>inb4 we wuz moon explorers, paperclip did it

this fuckin comment

white balls cause more algae

its to block the sunlight so the algae stops growing.


those faggots are already girl'd up.

They make them black so that the plastic is protected from damaging UV rays. It's nearly impossible to make a UV safe plastic white.

You anti-water, anti-fluoride fanatics really need to grow up.

t. Municipal drinking water plant operator & boomer.

>Peruvian intellectual

White balls would just deflect the sunlight and accelerate evaporation. The black diffuses the heat evenly so the water underneath is actually cooled and it prevents algae growth like these

Anons said

>I have absolutely no knowledge of physics.
I can tell.

>t. Municipal drinking water plant operator

So? I met a guy half your age with the same job in my state and he even said that he drinks bottled water over tap.

Why don't they just stop letting Nestle take all of it?

Than he isn't doing a very good job is he? He will not drink the water he purifies???

>Burger education
Know nothing but act like you know everything, kek

And you can quit the anti-Nestle meme too. Is their pumping water and providing it to people any different than your city doing it?

>unironically drinking tap water
Found the retard i dont even drink my towns tap water and i live in a rural area

please help me to understand this... why in the fuck would some one do this and get funding and shit ? and why not white balls that could reflect the sunlight ?

>- and its mesmerizing
> - and its beautiful
> - and
>- and

why do journalists do this? is it a millennial thing?

A female SJW thing?

When my city pumps water, it's provided to the citizens of that city. When Nestle does it, it's shipped off to California.

why should he? do you work there?

Nestle is just as evil as any other big business.

It is avaliable im my local stores. What brand of bottled water are you drinking.

No I work for a municipal water supply. What is wrong with big business? Learn to invest.